One World Government

Do you support one world government and/or international organizations? (multi)

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thats where democracies three year cutoff switch comes in.
A one world government would require a plebiscite or a world vote, which it is compulsory too.

And you don't think the majority vote would still end up benefiting some countries over others?
i voted that i suport WG and UN, ICC ect but i would like to qualify that

i surport them if the ICC becomes compleatly independent from the SC and i suport the UN if the SC is abolished

each country should get one equal vote on world wide issues and the ICC should be given universal juristiction over crimes of agression, war crimes and crimes against humanity. No person should be exempt from this and all countries must be compelled to hand over criminals to the ICC. No imunity from procution should ever be alowed. This will alow the world to move past dictators, if we dont there will always be an incentive for these people to go as far up the political ladder as they can. Right now if you kill 20 people the country will hunt you down but if you kill 20, 000 they give you imunity. This must end.

Mad i know you disagree with me but i suggest you look at your own goverments responce to the recent request to suspend the arest warrent of the leader of sudan

as for a world goverment i see no issue as long as it is comprised of just a senate reperesntated by all nations equally and only has juristiction over matters which cross country boundries. This will cut down on the ability of counties *cough cough, US, china, russa *cough* to use it for there own ends rather than for the good of the people of the world