One world government....

Anybody tell me what the echelon theroy is? I know its to do with a world goverment, but little else?
With regard to a one world govermet. I truly believe that this planet is rooten to the core. If it is humanitys fault or the fault of certain humans I dont know.
Since the theme is one government world and related ideas, I'd like to post my two cents worth. I think that a one world government would work, based on a few provisions.

First every ethnic group, religious sect, etc. would have to have their own planet. That way they could set up a system of laws and government (be it socialist, capitalist, democracy, communism, etc.), a constitution, and what type of police force they would want or have need for based on their ethos and whatnot. Now this may sound racist or separatist or whatever, but it could possibly cut down drastically on the wars fought between for example, the different sects of the Moslem faith, simply because of the cost involved of lauching an interstellar war and the factor of landing ground troops. If people wanted to live on a certain planet of a certain faith or ethnticity(sp?) they could. Its the ultimate in freedom of choice. :)

Second, there would be no government that controlled more than one world. That way for example a communist style world wouldn't be beholden to a capitalist body of government that ultimately controlled things beyond the planetary borders. There could be an interplanetary form of currency (to keep trade stable and profitable for everyone), a court system made up of equal numbers of members from each world (to keep things fair), and a whole lotta hope. :)

Third and finally, I know this sounds really farfetched, but maybe someday after we mature enough as a species, it could happen. Of course, alot would rely on FTL transport and the number of worlds out there (neither here nor there, at least not in this forum).

Before something like this happens, a single unified government is not possible on this planet. Humanity is simply too immature and warlike for something like trusting each other and putting aside old predujices and feuds.

Alot of these ideas (some were my own tho) were taken from a series of books by Peter F. Hamilton called "The Reality Dysfunction". I thought they would be somewhat relevant and wanted to share it and my thoughts.
It is the greedy bastards in power who will eventually realize that there is more to be gained from worldwide peace and ensuing commercial renaissance, than from conflict-induced economic barriers and underexploitation of third-world markets.

Even now in U.S. you see the stockbrokers screeching and howling every time we enter an armed conflict. As the market increasingly rules the world, the anti-war economic policy will dominate. This is what will eventually lead to a unified global infrastructure, government and culture.

I am; therefore I think.
A one world government is a dream and dreams do not come true.
It is sheer science fiction to even consider it, somebody here watches too much star trek.
We are what we are and greed will dominate over governments and peace does not make money or bring idolism to any governmental leader.

quite the pessimist.
evolution would predict that we get over this greed thing , with the weapons now available our survival depends on it.
the dream is to get rid of all monetary systems but I'm sure we agree that won't happen any time soon.
It is not a case of being a pessimist, more of a realist.
Of course a one world government would be nice, it would deliver world peace and an end to all suffering, but I can not see this happening. For humans it would merely be illogical because of our genetic code of lacking trust and compassion.
Honest people are not voted into power, liars are voted into power that is why no one should really vote.
Man.. that was pessimistic Generalhurrs.. It looks like you never got the toy you wished for when you were a kid ;)

One World government? it could happen. The way I see it tension is building up all over the world ( maybe not in the outlands of Mongolia) If a WW III happens, then in the wake of its end we will see it. People will actually demand it I believe.. If there were none, i would say that the only thing that would make it happen were if there were a planetary threat that could happen, and we'd have to work together to "fix" it.

"All i say is keep looking".

I have to agree with H-kon it could happen , we have to be able to trust each other. I agree that this is not possile presently , but not because we are genetically incapable of honesty. This is a product of society & as society matures our morales and outlooks will change accordingly..... Granted this could take some time.
I think you have probably watched ID4 a few times too many. If we received a threat from another world we wouldn't stand a chance and I doubt that other species would model themselves on us anyway so in that case we will never be reunited by an outside threat.
I still say I see things realistically as far as world governments go. Also the threat or happening of a third world war, I can't see that ever taking off either.
Oh and one more thing, I tend to block out some of the past as there are mistakes I cannot change so I cannot think off hand what toy I did not get, still, never mind.

NO ONE!!!!!!!!!

I am assuming planetary threat means invasion here so if I am wrong on that note then please forgive my interpretation of your post.




[This message has been edited by generalhurrss (edited July 24, 1999).]
But who would like to buy some war???

In both war and peace, there are winners and losers. My impression is that as time passses the winners in peace are becoming more powerful and pervasive than the commercial warmongers.

Consider, for example, the investors in infrastructure. The Internet is becoming global, and large companies like Lucent, or MCI for example, are laying thousands of miles of fiber-optic cable and communications hubs all over the world. Another example are oil and gas industries, which are increasingly laying multi-country and multi-continent pipelines. Or what about the aero-space industries and their extensive infrastructure investments and meager, while at the same time extremely valuable, international clientele? Do you think any one of them would like to see even a portion of their investment wiped out by war? It used to be that military contractors in U.S. were among the wealthiest and most powerful companies, both economically and politically. Now, any one of them is nothing but a grain of dust on Microsoft's boots.

I am; therefore I think.