One thoughtful question

You first answer YES there is a possibility you then USE MATH and CALCULATE a probability. If you conclude NO then there's no point attempting to calculate a probability. In your own examples you did this!!!!

As I doubt the math needed to provide a probability is at hand, we'll just stick to the first answer.

As for you "feeling" I am painting you into a corner - I am not.
If I were to ask you this: Does the possibility exist that God exists? You would happily answer YES. You would not see this as painting you into a corner or forcing you to make a YES/NO answer. That's because I am not painting you into a corner and you are happy to answer with a YES or a NO.

So you said that YES it is possible that the Qur'an is not perfect.

Lets continue:

Lets NOT continue:
You MISSED THE POINT of that post MISERABLY!!!!!

Let me try to put it in 1 sentence and 1 example as you didn't seem to comprehend that post of mine.

1 Sentence: A simple YES or NO answer is MISLEADING to your question!

One Example: (This here is one example)

If I ask a Republican, are they for Healthcare Reform? They will say, YES!

If you just stop there then most people will think that they will vote for the Democratic Obamacare, which they will NOT!

This simple "yes" or "no" is misleading!!!!

I've tried to go out of my way to label my post by identifying what is an example and what is my basic claim. I hope this can help your comprehension! :D

If not then I simply don't know any other way.....:shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
look 786,

I don't know you, I don't know your views. So, before the two of us have a discussion, lets see where we stand shall we?

There is NOTHING AT ALL misleading with asking:

Does the possibility exist Xenu exists?
Does the possibility exist Xenu does not exist?

Does the possibility exist God exists?
Does the possibility exist that God does not exist?

YOU asked ME to post a meaningful question. I have posted them. Either answer the questions or we can close the thread. It's really that easy.


Here let me show you how easy it is to answer these questions:

Does the possibility exist Xenu exists?
Does the possibility exist Xenu does not exist?

Does the possibility exist God exists?
Does the possibility exist that God does not exist?

Pretty fracking simple.
If I ask a Republican, are they for Healthcare Reform? They will say, YES!

If you just stop there then most people will think that they will vote for the Democratic Obamacare, which they will NOT!
If you ask a Republican if they are for Healthcare Reform and they say YES then that's it. That's all you know. From there you can ask other questions about their position on Obama or whatever.

If I ask:
Does the possibility exist that Xenu does not exist?

and the answer is NO, then really there's no point continuing with that conversation. If they are so thoughouly convinced that Xenu is REAL that they can't even see that perhaps Xenu does not exist, then why bother. If they answer YES then maybe there is something to discuss.
If you ask a Republican if they are for Healthcare Reform and they say YES then that's it. That's all you know. From there you can ask other questions about their position on Obama or whatever.

Hmm..... Let's see....

Your first question: Does the Possibility exist that Quran is not Perfect?

Okay.....Okay so now you are going to ask further questions to clarify the answer to the first question to know more ("about their position")......Great idea!


Your second question: Does the possibility exist that there is no God?

....Hmmmm.......I'm thinking.....Hmmmm.......

Okay...... I see that your second question was further questioning about the Quran.....Hmmmm...... Nevermind I don't see that........ Hmmm...... Okay I see the misleading.....

Great! I know a lot about the Quran now. You really posed some thoughtful questions..... I will give these questions more thoughts by not responding to this thread anymore :D This way I will get a better clarity of this thread.... I follow you :thumbsup:

Great job!

Peace be unto you ;)
Wait.... I want to follow up with a thoughtful question:

Does your mom know you are gay? (Yes or No :D )

I'll ask you a second question to clarify the first.....

Does your dad know you are gay? (Yes or No )

This should do it... :eek:

Peace be unto you ;)
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Wait.... I want to follow up with a thoughtful question:

Does your mom know you are gay? (Yes or No :D )

I'll ask you a second question to clarify the first.....

Does your dad know you are gay? (Yes or No )

I shall frame this and put this on the wall and call it Michaels Lament.
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Wait.... I want to follow up with a thoughtful question:

Does your mom know you are gay? (Yes or No :D )

I'll ask you a second question to clarify the first.....

Does your dad know you are gay? (Yes or No )

This should do it... :eek:

Peace be unto you ;)
By your argument then there are no questions that can be answered with a yes or a no. Which is illogical as there are many. Such as the ones I posted.

So, from your posts I can see that for YOU there is no logical answer to the question: Does the possibility exist that God does exist?
Also, to the question: Does the possibly exist that Xenu does NOT exist? Again, you have no answer.

As for your answer about the Qur'an you wrote yes with zero probability which is saying no. So, there's no point having a conversation. YOu think your book is the perfect magical book. Just like everyone esle who is brainwashed into thinking such silly thoughts. There's no point wasting my time as you are happy to live out the rest of your intolerant life think ONLY your book is true, ONLY Mo was the Last Prophet and ONLY Muslims go to heaven or whatever nonsense you bleive that gets you by in life. I've known racists who think ONLY Whites will be maybe you two can hangout as they also couldn't come up with YES or NO answers about race.

So, ala SAM, there's no point having a debate about this with you as you can't even decide whether or not the possibility even exist there is a God.

That's fine, there's nothing to discuss.
Send my regards to Xenu at your next gathering, or whichever Alien your not sure exists or not.

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