One step closer, one step back...

History is full of statements, and suggestions in science. I make my suggestion. I make it in a way that there can be no other possibility. When you have used the Aether for 10 years you will ask how it was possible to believe that a wave can wiggle all by itself. But yeah, I look around me.. even perspective is part of the Aether model.
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I make it in a way that there can be no other possibility.
The fact you're ignorant of an alternative doesn't mean there isn't one.

When you have used the Aether for 10 years you will ask how it was possible to believe that a wave can wiggle all by itself.
So you're saying that if someone works on aether for a decade they'll magically become ignorant of things they used to know?

This is an example of your ignorance. You don't know so you think no one else does. Then you claim there's no other alternative, when you really mean you don't know an alternative.

You keep saying how "there's no alternative" but time and again you are shown there is.

Tell me, do you have a job?
I think this guy is pulling your chain AlphaNumeric. Each one of his responses are empty, he's not conversing with you in any meaningful way. Each one of his posts makes wilder and wilder claims, each one hoping to get a reaction.

But if you're having fun, I'm enjoying the show!
I think this guy is pulling your chain AlphaNumeric. Each one of his responses are empty, he's not conversing with you in any meaningful way. Each one of his posts makes wilder and wilder claims, each one hoping to get a reaction.

But if you're having fun, I'm enjoying the show!

First of all, AlphaNumeric and most others that have been here for more than a year or so are under the opinion that Pincho is a sock. (at least I believe this) Apparently though, no one can definitively pin this down.

You seem correct in your assertion that he just gets crazier and crazier, though...

However, whatever entertains AN..... ;)
There seems to be a mist over your eyes that covers any chance of me getting through. Unfortunately I have laid down all of the facts, and now I am leaving you with no more than the chance to be the doctor that discovered the true meaning of the ulcer. It takes a genius to break the barrier of old information, and apply new meaning to it. You all have the chance to be that genius, but you will all probably fall at the first hurdle... a wave is a wave.
There's your main problem.
You're under the impression that unsubstantiated rambling with no supporting evidence constitutes facts.
0/10 must try harder.

If there was a spider on the wall in your living room, and you could see it, but nobody else could see it because the rest of the people in the room had poor eyesight would you think it was a fact that the spider was there, or would you have to go along with the rest of the room?

Well I can see all of the evidence of the Aether because I have an acute sense of logic which not many other people seem to have. I don't need to prove its there, I need to teach you how to see it. One way to do this is to present the argument that a wave cannot be its own maker. Another way to do it is to say that Gravity cannot pull anything without pulling substance, another way is to say that forward movement through a vacuum requires a point A, and a point B where point B has less resistance than point A. Another way is to show that atoms align with the Aether due to the Aether having more power towards its centre, and this alignment is the reason for a lot of the fractals in nature. My evidence is not really required, because I am talking to the blind, and I am the only one with sight. All I have to do is say that it is there, and just because you have the missing senses to see it is no reason for me to ignore it. It is totally illogical to say that colours in space are sustained in a vacuum, because of the precise movements of a photon in a material which does not allow sudden changes in direction to a precise manner.
Yeah, he's obviously wandering into more and more of 'windup country', just throwing out buzzwords. If anyone really is that mind blowingly stupid then they'll be hit by a bus at some point.
Buses don't hurt people with super-logic abilities. Buses are made of aether, and use Higg's Bosons to turn photons and electrons into Bose-Einstein condensates. Thereby allowing those with super-logic to pass freely through the aether membranes.
I claim the prize for spotting him first. Do I get a set sci-forum socks embroidered with the words 'You can put your foot in this too'.

(But I wish to state clearly he is not my sock. I tried being a nutcase sock on another forum and it was really hard work. Almost impossible to sustain.)
Buses don't hurt people with super-logic abilities. Buses are made of aether, and use Higg's Bosons to turn photons and electrons into Bose-Einstein condensates. Thereby allowing those with super-logic to pass freely through the aether membranes.
I thought the reason particles could also be waves is that it was a case of aether-or.
If there was a spider on the wall in your living room... blah blah blah
More rambling. Still no facts.

Well I can see all of the evidence of the Aether
No you see what you believe to be evidence.
And given what you've shown that you understand of science your beliefs seem to be worthless.

because I have an acute sense of logic which not many other people seem to have.
The word you're looking for isn't "sense of logic" it's "delusion".

I don't need to prove its there, I need to teach you how to see it... blah blah blah again
In other words you've still got nothing but you're sticking to your delusion.
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More rambling. Still no facts.

Well I can see all of the evidence of the Aether
No you see what you believe to be evidence.
And given what you've shown that you understand of science your beliefs seem to be worthless.

The word you're looking for isn't "sense of logic" it's "delusion".

In other words you've still got nothing but you're sticking to your delusion.

Well OK it's delusion with no counter arguments, so it's self promoting delusion. Nobody has yet explained how a wave can manifest its physics without any forces to work with. What bends the photon into a wave. Why does that wave create colour? How does the colour maintain its shape even when slowed down in water? How does the colour maintain its shape in a vacuum? Why is it so difficult to change the colour of a wave using forces like gravity, water, lenses. The wave remains intact now matter what we do to it. No counter arguments doesn't help a delusion. All I seem to get is a wave is a wave, and that really does sound delusional.
Well OK it's delusion with no counter arguments, so it's self promoting delusion. Nobody has yet explained how a wave can manifest its physics without any forces to work with. What bends the photon into a wave. Why does that wave create colour? How does the colour maintain its shape even when slowed down in water? How does the colour maintain its shape in a vacuum? Why is it so difficult to change the colour of a wave using forces like gravity, water, lenses. The wave remains intact now matter what we do to it. No counter arguments doesn't help a delusion. All I seem to get is a wave is a wave, and that really does sound delusional.
A stunning example of your ignorance of science while at the same time trying to denounce it.
In other words you're preserving your delusion in the face of the available evidence (or, more specifically, by preserving your ignorance of the available evidence).
A stunning example of your ignorance of science while at the same time trying to denounce it.
In other words you're preserving your delusion in the face of the available evidence (or, more specifically, by preserving your ignorance of the available evidence).

No I'm saying that because the Aether is close to a fixed size, and the wave is the Aether not the photon then that accounts for all of these things. If the photon was working on its own then the refraction in water would break the wave, and would alter the colours in the water. This also tells me that distant objects in space might not have been calculated properly should the Aether change size. The returning colour would remain stable, but the distance would be altered.
No I'm saying that because the Aether is close to a fixed size, and the wave is the Aether not the photon then that accounts for all of these things. If the photon was working on its own then the refraction in water would break the wave, and would alter the colours in the water.
You don't actually know what science says, that was my point.
And the aether doesn't exist as far the evidence goes.
More ignorance-preservation on your part.
You've decided aether is the answer but you can't show how it does what you claim it does.

On which topic:
Pincho Paxton said:
I have solved the theory of everything, but I'm an artist, and not a scientist, or mathematician. I have been solving problems using it for about 2 weeks now. It's incredibly flexible. I think my IQ must be about 2000 by now.
What have you actually done with it it?
Apart from delude yourself into thinking you have a ridiculous (and unobtainable) IQ?
You don't actually know what science says, that was my point.
And the aether doesn't exist as far the evidence goes.
More ignorance-preservation on your part.
You've decided aether is the answer but you can't show how it does what you claim it does.

On which topic:

What have you actually done with it it?
Apart from delude yourself into thinking you have a ridiculous (and unobtainable) IQ?

Well IQ is a bunch of questions, and a bunch of problem solving of basic patterns in numbers, which I passed at Genius level twice. Once for MENSA, and once for the RAF. However I never really rated it as a true IQ test, because some of the questions were basic knowledge. So I decided that the only true IQ test is a brain scan of some sort. But if I were to create the questions for an IQ test myself, nobody else would be able to answer the questions, and most people wouldn't even know if there were physics involved in half of the questions. For this reason, I have to take my IQ from the number of people that cannot understand the questions. And that's a pretty huge number. But really I have avoided this sort of comment in my posts. And would rather stick to the topic. And I want to stick with photon waves, because that is the most alarming missing physics of them all.
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Well IQ is a bunch of questions, and a bunch of problem solving of basic patterns in numbers, which I passed at Genius level twice.
So what?

So I decided that the only true IQ test is a brain scan of some sort.
Which would tell you nothing about IQ at all.
Yet another display of ignorance.

For this reason, I have to take my IQ from the number of people that cannot understand the questions. And that's a pretty huge number.
In other words nothing to do with IQ at all, simply (another) self-justifying load of nonsense.
So what?

Which would tell you nothing about IQ at all.
Yet another display of ignorance.

In other words nothing to do with IQ at all, simply (another) self-justifying load of nonsense.

Well yeah, so what? But I constantly get asked the question. I have always avoided the answer. And actually there is a brain scan being worked on for IQ.
Well yeah, so what? But I constantly get asked the question.
I didn't ask the question, I simply pointed out that an IQ of 2000 is meaningless.

I have always avoided the answer.
Until now.
How odd...

And actually there is a brain scan being worked on for IQ.
More of your nonsense or do you have a link?
A brain scan would say nothing about IQ since IQ is a test of what you know and how you fit it into context, etc. A scan wouldn't be able to do that...
I didn't ask the question, I simply pointed out that an IQ of 2000 is meaningless.

Until now.
How odd...

More of your nonsense or do you have a link?
A brain scan would say nothing about IQ since IQ is a test of what you know and how you fit it into context, etc. A scan wouldn't be able to do that...

Well you would probably find it if you searched.

Anyway I have been looking for some larger Aether once more. Funnily enough I have been looking at Saturn's rings. Remember what I said about size displacement. If you have bigger Aether you have a new scale to work with, faster speeds, larger steps in map reference. Being as Aether is invisible, and finding it, and theorising about it, and my difficulty in proving it will be theory for a long time. I suggest Saturn's rings as a possible offset of Saturn using a larger scale Aether. I would definitely look there, and plan a mission to send a monitored probe into the rings whilst being filmed. If the Aether there is larger, then the probe should do something strange when it enters the rings. It's path should become exaggerated, zig-zaggy, and maybe the probe will even expand in size. that could be your Dark Matter right there. But again just a speculative discussion. It will never be easy to say that I have found a definite source. Also I think between Galaxies, all of that dark space where the bubbles outer edges may be less compressed, that could also be larger Aether, and the Galaxies would therefore be actually much closer together than they appear to be. Speculation is all I have at the moment, I will continue to think of a way to find it.