One Ring to Rule Them ALL???

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It seemed like his position is that for all he knows a number of things are possible.

JDawg, like yourself, simply parrot what already has occurred.

It seems like your position is that if there is a God this God must do this or that. That if God had any influence on the Bible the whole Bible must be true.

The bible is the word of god and the bible decrees gods word must be obeyed. If you have a problem with this concept, you should take it up with the bible, as that is the bibles position, not mine.

That if there was a God this God must communicate directly with everyone so that they understand clearly.

Is that concept so vastly illogical or irrational? That makes no sense to you? God prefers the "Chinese Whispers" method of communication?

His position, being vastly less specific has vastly less claims about how things must be. In fact it is a cautious position primarily claiming not to be sure.

Yes, he isn't sure that the bible is the word of god or that god commands his word be obeyed. Clearly, you and he haven't read the bible. Simple, really.
Leave Q alone! He's the only fundamentalist evangelizing Atheist I have ever met! He could be a bible scholoar to some out-there literalist cult of christianity, as long as he kept it quiet about the disbelief. He might be a priest somewhere. Maybe he's seen God in action, and thus knows what God is or isn't from experience. That would make the whole atheism thing tough, but sometimes I think perhaps he doth protest too much.

Are you on or off your meds today, it's hard to tell?
Guys, isn't it funny that Q keeps claiming to have read the Bible despite making it abundantly obvious that he hasn't? And when he's had his head handed to him by a poster, his "argument" crumbles to insults. Notice in the other thread how I posed a simple question to challenge yet another of his baseless claims, and it has gone unanswered. I'm assuming that it will remain unanswered.

Man, arguing with a 14 year old! When will we learn? :D