One more for the theists..

Would you still worship god if there was no heaven?

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Oh come on LG, are you tired?

God = Beautiful, charming woman
Belief in god = Marriage
Heaven (reward) = sex (reward)

actually its more the notion of god resting on a pyramid structure of qualities (of which "heaven" takes a prominent role) much like a beautiful and charming woman rests upon the said qualities of beauty and charm

to talk about either without these qualities (or at least address why these qualities are absent) is to be oxymoronic

(BTW Heaven holds greater ontological implications than issues of our mere reward)
actually its more the notion of god resting on a pyramid structure of qualities (of which "heaven" takes a prominent role) much like a beautiful and charming woman rests upon the said qualities of beauty and charm

to talk about either without these qualities (or at least address why these qualities are absent) is to be oxymoronic

(BTW Heaven holds greater ontological implications than issues of our mere reward)
Can't you ever just fucking agree with me? :mad:

It's a simple goddamn analogy. Christ on a fucking red pogo stick.
its not clear what status "god" would be occupying if there is no heaven (or hell)

Your statement is quite bizarre. How would there not being a hell, (for human residence), impact the status of a god exactly? I didn't ask what god would do if he couldn't send himself to hell... :shrug:
how many religous people have thought this through

Eteranl life = Hell

They have thought it through. They will spend eternity grovelling around the throne thinking up new ways of telling god how wonderful he is.

During the breaks they will have the joy of watching the unrighteous suferring torments in hell. A great spectator sport that.
Your statement is quite bizarre. How would there not being a hell, (for human residence), impact the status of a god exactly? I didn't ask what god would do if he couldn't send himself to hell... :shrug:
because hell has a greater implications than merely being a dormitory for humans
Oh, to hell with it...


you didn't realize god had issues that surround thinking, feeling and willing?

That's the first thing you have said that I agree with. God has problems, in particular trying to figure out which part of the Holy Trinity he is. It's what we mere earthlings refer to as a multi-personality syndrome.

The other problem is how he ascended to heaven and sat on his own right -hand side
That's the first thing you have said that I agree with. God has problems, in particular trying to figure out which part of the Holy Trinity he is. It's what we mere earthlings refer to as a multi-personality syndrome.
on the contrary, it doesn't appear that god has any difficulty understanding this

The other problem is how he ascended to heaven and sat on his own right -hand side
God has problems, in particular trying to figure out which part of the Holy Trinity he is. It's what we mere earthlings refer to as a multi-personality syndrome.

The other problem is how he ascended to heaven and sat on his own right -hand side

The god of the new testament is actually what you are referring to. That "Holy Trinity" was originally derived by the Egyptians as a metaphor for the sun. The rising sun was "the Father", the midday sun was "the Son", and the setting sun was "the Holy Spirit" (because it is going to the underworld). Hence the reason you always hear it in that order.

This also explains how god has always been on his throne, since humanity has never known anything different.

"I am the light of the world."

"I am the light, there is no darkness in me."

Just FYI.