One for the theists..

Would you still worship god if there was no hell?

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Valued Senior Member
There is a worldwide announcement made by god telling everyone that hell has been permanently closed. This means that everyone will go to heaven regardless to their crimes.

Without the threat of punishment would you still worship that god?
I'm an atheist. If god made an worldwide announcement, I'd believe in him and worship him.
Would you care about your parents, their values, ideals and hopes for you if they did not punish you?
Excellent point.
It also shows the lack of understanding from SL.


Firstly if there was a worldwide announcment, one wouldn't believe - they'd know. Secondly knowledge of the existence of the entity does not mean they'd worship it.

The question is asking, (theists, not atheists), whether they would continue to worship such an entity if the threat of eternal burning was not there.

Get a clue jan.
The question is asking, (theists, not atheists), whether they would continue to worship such an entity if the threat of eternal burning was not there.

That depends: were you worshipping God before not to go to Hell, or were you worshipping God for creating you and everything around you?
I don't worship God for fear of hell. I worship Him because he is my spiritual Father. I adore Him.
That depends: were you worshipping God before not to go to Hell, or were you worshipping God for creating you and everything around you?

I'm an atheist.. hence I can't say I have ever worshipped any gods. I thought it interesting to see if theists would bother with worship and servitude if the threats were removed. Alas it's also a question that isn't really going to generate honest answers.

I contend that without the threat theists wouldn't bother. It's typically seen in common theist statements and a common opinion that as an atheist believes in no godly threats that he should bizarrely be going around killing everyone for the sake of it.
I'm an atheist.. hence I can't say I have ever worshipped any gods. I thought it interesting to see if theists would bother with worship and servitude if the threats were removed. Alas it's also a question that isn't really going to generate honest answers.

I contend that without the threat theists wouldn't bother. It's typically seen in common theist statements and a common opinion that as an atheist believes in no godly threats that he should bizarrely be going around killing everyone for the sake of it.
Exactly! Here the theists are telling us that they are "good" just because they love their god (no fear of torture or anything), but atheists can't possibly be good just because they love humanity.

What a crock of lemur droppings.


Firstly if there was a worldwide announcment, one wouldn't believe - they'd know.

How would they know?

Secondly knowledge of the existence of the entity does not mean they'd worship it.

How so?

The question is asking, (theists, not atheists), whether they would continue to worship such an entity if the threat of eternal burning was not there.

You are assuming that all theists who worship God, does so for fear of going to hell. Why is that?

Get a clue jan.

For what exactly?


I'm an atheist.. hence I can't say I have ever worshipped any gods. I thought it interesting to see if theists would bother with worship and servitude if the threats were removed. Alas it's also a question that isn't really going to generate honest answers.

I'd be surprised if you get answers at all. The question is nonsense at worst, and relevant to fanatics at best.

I contend that without the threat theists wouldn't bother.

Why would you contend such a thing?

It's typically seen in common theist statements and a common opinion that as an atheist believes in no godly threats that he should bizarrely be going around killing everyone for the sake of it.


I'm an atheist. If god made an worldwide announcement, I'd believe in him and worship him.
M*W: How could you be sure it was actually "god" making the announcement? How would you hear the announcement? Radio? TV? Internet? Town Criers? Coming from the clouds so everyone could hear it at the same time? Telepathically?
You are assuming that all theists who worship God, does so for fear of going to hell. Why is that?

Relax, it was just a question. However, an explanation is below.

Why would you contend such a thing?

Because it would be consistent with human nature. What is it you think would happen in a system with no form of punishment? Oh wait, theists are different to other humans.. right?
How do we worship satan if we don't even believe in satan? It doesn't make any sense to me.
Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses, and we should eliminate it as soon as we can.
Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses, and we should eliminate it as soon as we can.
mind virus?

The idea that "God" and "Faith" are viruses of the mind has provoked some hostile criticism, including John Bowker's 1992-3 Gresham College lectures,[1] in which he suggests that Dawkins' "account of religious motivation ... is ... far removed from evidence and data" and that, even if the God-meme approach were valid, "it does not give rise to one set of consequences ... Out of the many behaviours it produces, why are we required to isolate only those that might be regarded as diseased?"

Alister McGrath, a Christian theologian, has also commented critically on Dawkins' analysis, suggesting that "memes have no place in serious scientific reflection",[2] that there is strong evidence that such ideas are not spread by random processes, but by deliberate intentional actions[3] that "evolution" of ideas is more Lamarckian than Darwinian,[4] and that there is no evidence (and certainly none in the essay) that epidemiological models usefully explain the spread of religious ideas.[5] McGrath also cites a metareview of 100 studies and argues that "If religion is reported as having a positive effect on human well-being by 79% of recent studies in the field, how can it conceivably be regarded as analogous to a virus?"[6]

Physician heal thyself