On what God is

What compelling scientific evidence do you have on the basis of which you can competently define God as a "cloud being"?

I can define a fantasy being in any way I choose. I notice everyone else shares this, so why worry about what I say?

If one would take a plane and fly up there, would one there, according to you, find God?

Of course not, god likes to play hide and seek apparently.

However, the common held definition of god includes omnipresence. If it were true - meaning god is everywhere - then yes, it would be in the clouds. As a result I could label it a cloud being, a toilet bowl being, or a monkeys anus being.

The comparison between "love" and "God" is in that we understand both by inference, not directly.

I know what you were trying to accomplish, but I feel it better served if you used something along more related lines, like leprechauns or the easter bunny. You're trying to compare an emotion - a bunch of chemicals and brain signals to something you consider a living, breathing? entity. Let me rephrase it for you..

"The comparison between "the wicked witch of the north" and "God" is in that we understand both by inference, not directly."

If one is afraid of burning in eternity, then it must be that one is taking this threat seriously. But how can one take this threat seriously unless one FIRST believes that it should be taken seriously?
One can believe in damnation only if one first believes in a certain religious ideology.

The easiest way to infect someones mind is to start when they're young. This was/is actually rather common. When kids are misbehaving, cultures have specific stories in place to attempt to stop them misbehaving.. "If you're naughty the bogeyman will come and take you", or similar such things abound in life - and the whole "burning in hell" thing is no different to that. Even santa claus is based upon the whole good/bad aspect. Good kids get presents, bad kids don't.

In each instance you are expected to act a certain way or face the consequences. Children are suckers for that shit, and fear will keep it alive within them as they age.

Most are easier to dismiss of course. Come december 25th and you find out santa is just fantasy and it doesn't matter if you've been good or bad. Hell is a little harder to dismiss simply because we'd be dead by the time we found out.

and some non-believers are downright greedy when it comes to accusing all believers that they believe out of fear.

A) Greed is not an issue

B) It was not an "accusation".
Brutus1964 said:
God is literally the father of our spirits. We have his DNA. That is why we are intelligent beings.
By "spirits", do you mean the same thing that people generally refer to as "souls"?
If so, are you saying that our souls have DNA? :confused:
If not, what do you mean by "spirits"?

Brutus1964 said:
It was God's plan all along for man to fall, be tested and then ultimately receive his greatest blessings. He will not force anyone. You must choose for yourself.
What is the point of that?
Can he not just look into our souls and see our true selves?
He is making us "work" for his "greatest blessings"?
Again, why?
If it is a blessing, shouldn't it be a gift?
If he is a God of love and created us in his image aren't we all perfect products of love?
Whether we stray from him and his word in this life would be a direct result of our experience here and how if affects us in the body.
If he created us, we all have perfect and equal souls, so what is the point of testing our souls in what amount to be a life which has difficulties that are entirely arbitrary and abjectly unfair.
If we all have perfect souls, why subject some to such a difficult life and allow others to skate through basically unchallenged?
By pure accident of birth, I could be born as a deformed child in Africa to a starving family and doomed to a very short and sublimely painful existence and never even be introduced to the notion of of Abraham's God.
What exactly would he be testing me for?
How much pain his creation can take before it subsides to death?
Sounds more like Mengele than a loving creator.

It makes no sense to me AT ALL that this life would be a test or entrance exam to get into Heaven some how.

And what if I fail?
If there is no "Hell" in the Mormon belief, where do I go if I were that child that never heard of God?
What if I did and openly despised and rejected him for the unfair "test"?
What if I heard of him and decided to simply not believe in him?
What if I heard of him and thought, although he does exist, I wouold prefer to revere THIS God over here?
Where does my soul go then?
One Raven

All very good questions

In Mormon belief a soul is a spirit and body together.

We lived with God as spirits before we came to earth. We were the spirit children of our Father and Mother in heaven. We all chose to come to earth and recieve a body and go through a trial to see if we could live righteously, obey his commandments and accept God by faith. Lucifer was against this plan. He wanted us to get bodies and be forced to return as long as lucifer got all the glory and he become God. A third of God's spirit children sided with Lucifer and rebelled against him and were cast out. Jehovah, who was the first of God's spirit children, said that we would follow God's plan and the glory would be Gods. We the remaining 2/3rds accepted God's plan and went with Jehovah. Then God designated Jehovah as our savior and he would come to earth as Jesus Christ to save all mankind. Then God set it all in motion. Now, why did we want to leave our heavenly paradise and come to this world? God has a perfect body of flesh and bone. He is a God, A perfected being. God Created our universe and Ultimatly Earth to populate us with and help bring us to Godhood. We are part of a godly heritage that never began and will never end. Now God can not just make us instant Gods. There is too much responsibility. To become a God you have to be perfected. If you become a God and stray then you would cease to be a God and all your spirit children would suffer the consequences. This cannot happen. The fraternity of Gods will not allow it. You must be made perfect before you can even be considered into Godhood. This life is the first but also happens to be the most important step in the process. Now women are not left out here at all. They are partners in this. Together God and his wife make spirit children. They are partners in everything.

Now what is a spirit child and how do they come to be. There is something called an intelligence. It is an entity that has always existed in it's own form but is not a spirit. An intelligence is drawn from where ever they come from and a spirit is made. The spirit has a physical presence but is not a full physical being. They are the literal offspring of God and contain God's DNA. Yes God’s DNA. When God set Adam of Eve in the Garden he put in their new bodies a spirit and they became a living soul. He created them imortal but they were not Gods. They along with the rest of us must go through the trial before that can happen. They had to fall so they could accomplish that, however God could not force them to fall. He had a clever plan that would cause them to fall but give them a choice in doing it. He put the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden and then allowed Lucifer in to tempt them to eat it. If they fell then God's plan would be set in motion for the rest of us. If they did not they would have remained forever in the garden alone and we would not have been able to come down ourselves. Lucifer did not know this or he wouldn't have allowed man to fall. But of course God is smarter. After Adam and Eve fell they became mortal and could start having their own children. They were in a fallen state so all their children after them were also in a fallen state.

God then sent his son Jesus Christ to atone for all of our sins and allow us to become clean and return back to our heavenly father where we will literally become Gods and continue the cycle ourselves. Those who do not make it will not become Gods but they will still receive perfect bodies. Ones that are similar to Adam and Eves before they fell. They will be placed in a paradise reserved for them, but unfortunately will be cut off from God's presence forever. They will never be able to obtain Godhood or have spirit children themselves. Satan and his 1/3rd of followers that rebelled against God and those that received bodies and obtained a perfect knowledge of God and still rejected him. They are called Son's of Perdition. They will be cast to outer darkness and be lost forever.

You may ask if there are so many God’s then why did He say there are no other God’s before him? That is because He is our God. We are not concerned with any others. We do not worship other God’s. We are not told anything about them. They work in their own universe that we are not part of.

That is our destiny. That is our purpose. That is the reason we are here.

Souces of Infomation:

LDS Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price.

Additional information in an LDS perspective.


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Cris said:
Irrationality in this context comes from the absence of logic in religious assertions. A logical premise must use a fact or evidence if it is to be valid. Religious assertions cannot form any valid premises since they have no factual basis, i.e. faith is used instead. Religious assertions are therefore necessarily illogical, i.e. are irrational.

"A logical premise must use a fact or evidence if it is to be valid."

This is how you can discard philosophy, most of sociology and psychology.
Next, you must discard the method of implication and inference.

By its very definition an imaginary object has no factual basis, i.e. it would not be imaginary otherwise. To then assert that something imaginary does exist simply defies the rules of logic and by definition is an irrational claim.

According to you, "love" and "hate" and "justice" and "crime" and "metacognition" and so on are also imaginary.

They have no "factual basis".
"Justice" cannot be seen, smelt, heard, tasted, touched.
But it can be inferred.

No definition of a god in the history of mankind has any factual support.

Philosophical definitions of philosophical terms in the history of mankind also have no factual support.

The conclusion in your quote is simply a non sequitur. The issue is not that a god does not exist but that theists cannot show that their imaginary gods do exist.

Indeed, is impossible to prove with facts that something IMAGINARY exists.

How convenient for you.

But on what basis can one define God as imaginary?
Where is the compelling evidence that says that God is imaginary?

Absolutely no factual support.

You also have absolutely no factual support that justice or hate or metacognition and so on exist.

If you know of a god that is not imaginary then quote a single fact that proves such a god exists – otherwise such a god is no more than a product of imagination.

The only god that you are willing to see is that old man with a beard.
The only way to convince *you* that there is a god is to fly you up in the sky and show you an old man with a beard.

And when you would see that old man with a beard, you would dismiss him as god, as this old man with a beard is indeed a silly and not a serious idea.

In other words, you have in advance excluded ANY way or method of poiting at god.

If god were something you could taste, smell, touch, see, hear, then you would discard this as being able to be god; as something that can taste, smell, touch, see, hear cannot be omnipotent or omniscient.

On the other hand, you have excluded inference as a valid way to come to conclusions.

That’s why no responsible atheist uses such arguments. Take care not to believe your own religious propaganda.

You have no idea what I believe.

If it is asserted to be true in the absence of factual support then it is illogical according to the rules of logic and hence irrational.

Yup, down with all philosophy!

You have confused “imaginary” with “non existent”, these are not the same thing. Something currently imaginary may in fact exist yet there is no factual support for it. For example stories of extra-terrestrial aliens are products of human imagination since we have no factual support for such beings. Many suspect that one day such beings might be discovered and then they will not be imaginary. Similarly if a god ever appears then the concept will cease to be just imaginary.

And when love, justice, metacognition and so on come running, swimming, flying and crawling around, then those concepts will cease to be just imaginary.

One cannot find something that one has in advance defined as nonexistent.

Quite right. So I hope I have now explained your confusion and misunderstandings.

wesmorris said:
It is impossible to prove or disprove god by way of reason. The only means of acceptance is circular.

No. It's not circular, even though many will claim so.
We must be, and we can be more exact.
I say we can prove God by a two-way inductive process. A two-way inductive process is when you come up with an explanation or theory that enables you to see the very evidence on which this explanation or theory is based.

Many scientific breakthroughs are results of two-way inductive reasoning. In science, this is often called working on a "hunch" or "intuition", which leads the scientist to reconceptualize certain basic knowledges, set up a hypothesis and see if it holds (which includes acting as if it is true), which then offers to see new evidence to support or contradicts the hypothesis. The whole thing is then tested again, and then called a theory.

We can do the same with the belief in God. It is just that the evidence we use is of a different nature than science is used to, but this still doesn't mean that the application of the method is invalid.

Just to entertain the thought: How about the basis that the concept itself confines it to imagination. Taking just the word "omnipresent" as a typical characteristic of the definition, it seems to me that it is necessarily imaginary because it cannot be empirically concluded.

But just because something is currently "imaginary" does not mean that it does not exist, or that it has no effect on us.

The concept of "omnipresent" necessarily keeps it from being knowable in that to demonstrate something satisfying the definition of omnipresent, one would have to distinguish it from something else. Since however it's omnipresent, it must be everywhere and thus one space-time coordinate cannot be shown to be part of the whole in any part more than just however you define the whole; e.g "the universe". So something omnipresent is thus "the universe". It's dance around the identity "the universe = the universe": The joy of circular reasoning.

This is still thinking of god in terms of empirical reasoning. But how are we to think of god in terms of empirical reasoning, if we have determined before that god is imaginary?

Are we to measure imaginary entitites with empirical methods?!

Now, that would be madness, sheer madness!

Where is the compelling evidence that says that God is imaginary?
That god cannot be demonstrated as "real" to the satisfaction of all rational
observers of the test.

By that same token, your love for your wife and children is also not real.

One can only utilize the essence of baye's theorum: What's the probability of this if that happens? You can really only talk rationally about something given something. The basis of any information system is circular, as definitions must be.

There are no conclusions without conventions.

You do realize the immense implications of this?

Then those who don't believe in God do so due to a convention.

I dare you to go to those atheists and tell them their unbelief is based on a convention! They'll maul you.

This is also true if the conclusion that god can only be shown to be imaginary as a repucussion of the definition. It's not that god is or isn't, it's that it can't be demonstrated to be either to the satisfaction of all rational observers.

This has the statistic trap in it: "to the satisfaction of all rational observers". All? What if it is 90%, or 51% of them? Or does that mean that those 10% or 49% of rational observers weren't rational?

Really that's the crux of the matter I suppose. I don't think the concept of god can be defined in a way that's rational.

Neither can values or preferences be defined in a way that is rational.
We have to treat them as a given, axiomatically.

God is purposefully intended to exactly explain that which is unexplainable. That observation directly requires that God cannot be rationally demonstrated. If it could be, then the whole point is crushed.

In the Gödel thread in human science, we've touched on that too. It's the problem of Gödel's incompleteness theorems, and how in the system of religion, God is such an axiom that fixes the otherwise necessary inconsistency of a system.

Circularity is the basis for communication.

I don't see how you get to this.

The basis of communication is definitely the assumption that communicators understand eachother. If all communicators would not enter communication on this assumption, they would never even open their mouths.

That we act on this assumption shows only when misunderstandings come up, but otherwise, we act as if we understand eachother.

Ultimately however, people rationalize their conceptual inter-relationships on the fly. Current short term memory queues onto the relationships which were established by previous stimulous, thus filtering the concepts that were formed by that former stimulus into the action centers (nervous system controls), perpetuating this circle by leading to new stimulous, back to concepts, back to action, repeat. Circular argument arise when folks burn the value of belief into their conceptual inter-relationships in a way that supercedes the value of consistent reason.

Please note that I do think the percieved survival function (including their capacity for reason) of the individual and their circumstance very often combine to render circular logic a preferable choice. The rational choice for logical consistency is often at odds with convenience (convenience being value's real time profit function). Value is maximized by the mind. You seek what you like based on what you've become (what you are).

Complete consistency is impossible in living beings; due to being limited and exposed to a changing environment, living beings learn, change, adapt, and this interferes with the consistency of their cognitive systems, and makes them inconsistent. To compensate for those inconsistencies, some fixations and circularities may appear.
A question for theists:

Since theists 'believe' in deities, and because there are so many different deities one can choose from, and which are exclusive by definition, how can a theist prove that their diety is the real deity?

"A logical premise must use a fact or evidence if it is to be valid."

This is how you can discard philosophy, most of sociology and psychology.
Next, you must discard the method of implication and inference.

A logical premise depends on an antecedent truth; this is not disputable and is the basis of philosophy and science. I think perhaps you are confusing deductive reasoning with induction or are simply unfamiliar with formal logic. I was not being confrontational.

According to you, "love" and "hate" and "justice" and "crime" and "metacognition" and so on are also imaginary. They have no "factual basis". "Justice" cannot be seen, smelt, heard, tasted, touched.
But it can be inferred.

There are plenty of facts and evidence to support these realities. You are erroneously limiting the definition of what is meant by “fact”. A fact refers to anything that is real or actual. Or do you want to claim that love does not exist? Note that a valid inferrence also requires factual support.

Philosophical definitions of philosophical terms in the history of mankind also have no factual support.

That’s rather a stretch to go from my specific example to such a generalization. Can you support this somewhat ambiguous assertion?

Indeed, is impossible to prove with facts that something IMAGINARY exists.

How convenient for you.

That is the reality of theist claims. It is not a matter of my convenience but an objective observation. The rational position would be to simply accept that gods are imaginative speculations.

You also have absolutely no factual support that justice or hate or metacognition and so on exist.

Of course there is. We can define justice and we can observe when justice is absent or present. Do you want a long list of examples?

The only god that you are willing to see is that old man with a beard.
The only way to convince *you* that there is a god is to fly you up in the sky and show you an old man with a beard.

And when you would see that old man with a beard, you would dismiss him as god, as this old man with a beard is indeed a silly and not a serious idea.

You appear to have reached this invalid conclusion because of your misunderstandings of logic and what is meant by “fact”. In truth I am open to many complex concepts but I do expect to see reasonable support for such arguments before I am willing to explore them further. Until then I remain unconvinced by current theist arguments and claims.

In other words, you have in advance excluded ANY way or method of poiting at god.

Or that you are utterly unable to present a reasoned and convincing argument for the existing of any god.

If god were something you could taste, smell, touch, see, hear, then you would discard this as being able to be god; as something that can taste, smell, touch, see, hear cannot be omnipotent or omniscient.
On the other hand, you have excluded inference as a valid way to come to conclusions.

Your proof of a god must involve an observation or detection or a way to show that an event occurred because of a god and that it could not have occurred by any other means. For example we detected one or more of the planets mathematically before they were directly observed. That was a very powerful inductive argument. Theism has as yet nothing that comes close to warrant giving theism any serious consideration. Everything that theism claims can be more reasonably explained through far more simple and mundane arguments.

You have no idea what I believe.

You believe in the existence of a god. Am I wrong?

“ If it is asserted to be true in the absence of factual support then it is illogical according to the rules of logic and hence irrational. ”

Yup, down with all philosophy!

You need to study logic a little more and how to form logical constructs and how they are used in philosophy.

And when love, justice, metacognition and so on come running, swimming, flying and crawling around, then those concepts will cease to be just imaginary.

Just a repeat of your prior misunderstandings and misconceptions.
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marv said:
A question for theists:

Since theists 'believe' in deities, and because there are so many different deities one can choose from, and which are exclusive by definition, how can a theist prove that their diety is the real deity?
I don't think a theist would actually bother proving anything.... :rolleyes:

As far as I go, I don't have a definite belief. It changes over time, as I try to understand it more carefully. I also try to find a proof for a "God", but I don't define Him as this god as opposed to that other god. Also, I'm kinda agnostic. Well... let's say I'm agnostic in mind, but theist in heart... ;)

It is a pleasure watching you evolve. Hope that doesn't sound too condescending.

Take care
Cris said:
A logical premise depends on an antecedent truth;

Thinking like this, you eventually come to a *first* truth and axioms.
Those are not something that goes without saying, and are a matter of convention.

There are plenty of facts and evidence to support these realities. You are erroneously limiting the definition of what is meant by “fact”. A fact refers to anything that is real or actual. Or do you want to claim that love does not exist? Note that a valid inferrence also requires factual support.

It all depends on what you are *willing* to accept as fact.

If the testimonies of individual people are unacceptable facts for you, then you must dismiss both God, and love, and hate and so on.

Philosophical definitions of philosophical terms in the history of mankind also have no factual support.

That’s rather a stretch to go from my specific example to such a generalization. Can you support this somewhat ambiguous assertion?

Let's see:
A random definition from http://www.philosophypages.com/dy/a.htm#abst

The process of forming a general concept by omitting every distinguishing feature from our notions of some collection of particular things; thus, substantively, an abstraction is the concept or idea that results from this process.

Now where is the *factual* support for at least the terms I have underlined?

And what is more, what *factual* support do you have than an "abstraction" really is what that definition says that it is?

That is the reality of theist claims. It is not a matter of my convenience but an objective observation. The rational position would be to simply accept that gods are imaginative speculations.

Define "rational".

You also have absolutely no factual support that justice or hate or metacognition and so on exist.

Of course there is. We can define justice and we can observe when justice is absent or present. Do you want a long list of examples?

So can those who believe in God define God, and say when God is present or not.

You appear to have reached this invalid conclusion because of your misunderstandings of logic and what is meant by “fact”. In truth I am open to many complex concepts but I do expect to see reasonable support for such arguments before I am willing to explore them further. Until then I remain unconvinced by current theist arguments and claims.

You have in advance excluded personal testimony as valid support.

I wonder how you can believe yourself at all, since personal testimony is not a valid support.

Or that you are utterly unable to present a reasoned and convincing argument for the existing of any god.

I'm not trying to present any argument for the existence of God.
But so far, what I have seen from atheists claiming that there is no God is not convincing me that there is no God. What I keep seeing are arguments against religious tradition and practice.

Your proof of a god must involve an observation or detection or a way to show that an event occurred because of a god and that it could not have occurred by any other means. For example we detected one or more of the planets mathematically before they were directly observed. That was a very powerful inductive argument. Theism has as yet nothing that comes close to warrant giving theism any serious consideration. Everything that theism claims can be more reasonably explained through far more simple and mundane arguments.

How come that esp. declared atheists are also the ones who are the most cynical, stiff, uncreative and emotionally cold people?

You believe in the existence of a god. Am I wrong?

You are completely wong. I don't believe in God, nor "in the existence of a god".

You need to study logic a little more and how to form logical constructs and how they are used in philosophy.

You too.

Would you get off of your high horse of condescence?
It's getting boring.
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Thinking like this, you eventually come to a *first* truth and axioms.
Those are not something that goes without saying, and are a matter of convention.

In philosophy it has been said that until we know everything possible then it is not possible to prove anything. So anything we say here can only be attempts at approximations. The discussion here then becomes a matter of evaluating qualitative properties of such approximations.

It all depends on what you are *willing* to accept as fact.

Why not use the dictionary definition?

If the testimonies of individual people are unacceptable facts for you, then you must dismiss both God, and love, and hate and so on.

That doesn't follow from what I have said.

The process of forming a general concept by omitting every distinguishing feature from our notions of some collection of particular things; thus, substantively, an abstraction is the concept or idea that results from this process.

Now where is the *factual* support for at least the terms I have underlined?

I don’t really understand your issue. The terms you list are labels we have placed on real events and conditions – these are facts, i.e. they are not imaginary. Love, Justice, hate, all have real world manifestations. Abstraction is qualitatively different to imaginary objects and conditions.

Define "rational".

In agreement with logical reasoning.

So can those who believe in God define God, and say when God is present or not.

Can you show that a god represents real world events or conditions? A definition of God would be a description of an imaginary object whereas the definition of Justice describes real conditions and events.

You have in advance excluded personal testimony as valid support.

No but I have excluded personal testimony as sole support since such religious testimonies have no other credible precedence. Such testimonies become baseless assertions and cannot be shown to reflect any truths.

But so far, what I have seen from atheists claiming that there is no God is not convincing me that there is no God. What I keep seeing are arguments against religious tradition and practice.

OK but why are you telling me? Note that I have not claimed there is no God and my objections are with theist claims rather than their traditions or practices.

How come that esp. declared atheists are also the ones who are the most cynical, stiff, uncreative and emotionally cold people?

You mean like Einstein, Carl Sagan, Ernest Hemingway, Arthur C Clarke, Bertrand Russell, George Bernard Shaw, Gene Roddenbury, and many more. What factual support do you have for your claim?

You are completely wong. I don't believe in God, nor "in the existence of a god".

So you are one of those cold heartless atheists who you appear to despise so much. Have you seen a therapist yet? ;-)

Would you get off of your high horse of condescence?
It's getting boring.

Water: feel free to respond to my post. Of course, also feel free not to respond to it. I couldn't care.. such is my cold nature :D

Cris: You forgot to add Mark Twain.. Naughty boy.
Somebody said something in this Thread about 'evolving'. Then I looked at the last several pages -- not a single argument that goes beyond a few words. It seems like all involved are capable of only the simplest thoughts in only the most basic primary colors. All manner of complexity or nuance flies high above them. They are like bugs in a forest, so small they can only see the one tree they are on, or even only just the leaf.

So I wonder what could possibly been meant by this observation that somebody had 'evolved'. Maybe I did not go back far enough. Perhaps three pages back he was only grunting like an animal. I suppose that monoconceptual arguments are something of an evolution over even more simple and basic animal grunts.
First Leo......you dont seem to have 'evolved' from a naive view of catholicism, so you have no room to talk

Brutus......Your Mormon myth is seriously a fairy story. i encourage you to go study comparative mythology. get a taste of the stories others tell themselves. thay ALSO think their story is 'right' too

so does this mean i am anti-story/myth?

NOT if the story is Nature and human friendly, and resonates, and makes sense and ISN'T patriarchal, as yours is conspiculously so

ok, you say you recognize a 'Mother'...you Goddess who is married to your 'Father'....you Mormons state you dont like to talk about here much.....hehe, i BET you dont. because it is she who exposes the absurdity of your tale. it's also reminiscent of the 'her indoors' macho mentality, where all the action is with the men and mrs is keeping the domestics sorted...kind of thing

You see, if you were to really explore Goddess mythology, before 'God' became 'spirit' and began lordin it over woman and Nature, you'd know that her BOBY WAs Earth and universe. She was immanent. both spirit AND matter. And there was no concept of 'having to be perfect' for perfect is embedded in imperfect and vice versa. it is a dynamic continuum of experience which give3s this experience the DEPTH it has. think about it. think about 'just perfect'--that is stasis isn't it? how can you KNOW 'perfect' which actuall doesn't even exist--unless you know not-perfect?....

when your myth speaks of the Garden of Eden and 'Lucifer' being the snake, this interpretation exposes the writers of it ignore-ance regarding the origins of the story from which the Hebrew writers appropriated the imagery. I.,e that oiginally the Serpent Is Goddess, and the Guardian of the Tree which bears the Sacred Fruit which gives spiritual inspiration. ACTUAL inspiration in Earth in the physical body which is natrually as it is, and not in need of perfection. what Is encouraged is intimate relationship with Nature. HERER is where we are ACTUALLY living. look at the actual, not silly stories
Brutus1964 said:

Do you think you would have a different perspective on God if you were a male?

It really has nothing to do with whether one is male or female, regarding understanding about the emergence of patriarchal idea of a 'God'. remember, it was only women who were persecuted in our past, by patriarchal pagans, and Abrahamic religionists, it was also men

I understand why you ask the question though. I feel you are assuming that Goddess must have been a womans idea, because if 'God' is thought to be male then 'Goddess' is thought to be female, so obviously it is a mle female thing
but it isn't as simple as that
Remember many theologians agree that how Genesis begins--in one version at any rate is implying the 'God' was ambiguous...ie., 'male and female' created in God's 'image'
But you see, the rest of the creation myth cancels that out as it is obviously assuming masculinized superiority. the way Adam 'gives birth' to the feamle is commensurate with similar patriarchal myths where the very anicent awe and respect of the fact it is women who who birth, is later subverted so as it is MALE gods who give birth. For example Zeus, etc

originally Goddess was ambiguous, but the important difference between Goddess and 'God' is that the former's BODY Is Earth/matter. with the latter this is not so. so then arises the idea of a RIFT beTWEEN spirit and matter, and is when all the trouble begins. woman is then totally associated with matter (the very word comes from 'mater' from which ;mother' and 'measure' are derived) and the male with spirit

in your myth this is really revealing this. for the idea of spirit being 'pure' is patriarchal. and from there that w are tainted with 'IMpure' 'matter' and thus must perfect ourselves

this same story=pattern is also in Eastern myth...where 'Maya'--yet again meaning the Feminine, is seen as illusion and impure, as is the 'self' in Buddhism

so this anti-maTTER idea is shot through all patriarchal mythologies

the SECULAR world haven given up on 'spirit' altogther yet still seek 'purity' in the 'balance of chemicals'. when they are 'UNbalanced' they call this 'impure', meaning one is 'mentally ill' and neds a priest..err i mean, a shrink
Brutus1964 said:

What is so inherently wrong with a patriarchal order?

"patriarchy" means "rule of the fathers"

what this means is that -obviously, men/fathers rule over women/mothers. in fact making women and children their property. this is writ in their laws

Because the Feminine has always been associated with Nature. Following is men's ownership of NATURE. which is precisely what we are experiencing now, in this so-called secular age, and which is EXCEEDINGLY dangerous for all beings which needs Nature to live---ARE Nature. we ARe Nature. we aren't some kind of unrealted organism dropped INTO Nature. Organism and environemt are fundamentally interelating

There any myth that doesn't deeply understand this is extremely dangerous. for it means dissassociation from one's very being--Nature
Leo, Yorda,

Re Evolution comment - Truthseeker and I have had some fierce discussions going back several years. What I think I detect in his outlook is a significant change from those earlier times. My comment was intended as a personal compliment that I believe he will understand.
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