I replied once already, don't know where it went. It's the best way I can explain it. Instead of it being spacetime, think of it as being spinning collapsing spheres of spacetime, lol. They start out as a universal event encapsulating everything individually as they collapse. The rate of collapse depends on mass, or no mass and momentum. The complete collapse defines the present, the now, the point in a point particle. The question boils down to what is energy? Energy can be divided. Can time exist without energy? Can energy exist without time? Does the conservation of energy imply an infinite state? For potential energy to become energy there must be change. Can the change of a single packet of energy create a universe? Like everything in this universe the beginning must come from the simplest beginning. It must be structured to be able to build upon itself over a period of time. One packet of energy will not do. Here is something on the dynamics of foam. Take note that an infinity of Quantum Macro Foam. Energy in its weakest state, the boarders are not as strong as the Foam posted here.