On the metaphorical corner in which Genesis can be found, cowering

Why give the constellations names, personas and stories to time crop planting and harvesting?
Why not be more straight-forward?

Why call the posited "first" woman in the "Out of Africa" theory (a scientific theory) Mitochondrial Eve?
Was that really her name?

I'm not against ascribing metaphors, personifications, or fairy-tale stories to things we observe, in fact I often delight in the creativity that colors those. It can enrich our thinking, if only in the joy of story telling. The constellations are a good example. But it becomes a problem when people can't differentiate the fact from the fiction. The scenario I am having objections to is very much like people taking those names and stories that are associated with the constellations and convincing themselves that they are literally true and that there is literally a crab, a hunter, etc up in the night sky. In the face of insurmountably opposing evidence, they would then retreat into a metaphorical (or allegorical) framework of thinking which attempts to shroud its falsity in a cloak of spirituality and salvage some hint of relevance, all the while acknowledging that that which gave rise to these allegories in the first place is wholly wrong. Not only is it absurd and restrictive to true knowledge, but it is an embarrassment to human achievement, which is what these believers deny and defenestrate in exchange for archaic, first-century superstitions backed by nothing but the veracity they award themselves.
I'm not against ascribing metaphors, personifications, or fairy-tale stories to things we observe, in fact I often delight in the creativity that colors those. It can enrich our thinking, if only in the joy of story telling. The constellations are a good example. But it becomes a problem when people can't differentiate the fact from the fiction. The scenario I am having objections to is very much like people taking those names and stories that are associated with the constellations and convincing themselves that they are literally true and that there is literally a crab, a hunter, etc up in the night sky. In the face of insurmountably opposing evidence, they would then retreat into a metaphorical (or allegorical) framework of thinking which attempts to shroud its falsity in a cloak of spirituality and salvage some hint of relevance, all the while acknowledging that that which gave rise to these allegories in the first place is wholly wrong. Not only is it absurd and restrictive to true knowledge, but it is an embarrassment to human achievement, which is what these believers deny and defenestrate in exchange for archaic, first-century superstitions backed by nothing but the veracity they award themselves.

Completely agreed.
a talking serpent makes perfect sense if 'serpent' was a proper name or the name of a profession (like archer for instance).

as for geography, when people migrate to new lands they often name rivers after rivers in their homeland. the fact that the 4 rivers mentioned in genesis dont converge is therefore not surprising. the original rivers did converge. genesis describes a single river that branches into multiple rivers which end in 'heads' (lakes). this describes the white nile very nicely.

They have proven that chimps, gorillas, and grey parrots understand what they say and can reason. Chimps and gorillas use sign language and parrots use vocal speech.
The serpent in genesis was different from the serpents today; they had legs.
Large snakes like pythons and anacondas have spurs which seem to be remnants of legs.
it happened exactly the way it says it did.

That's right. There are scientists that say there is a global sedimentary layer that shows a global flood did take place. Polystrate fossils like tree trunks embedded in coal show that a catastrophic event like a flood did happen and it mixed up the layers under it.
The bible says that angels were involved with man receiving the law.
Acts 7:53 Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept [it].
If you look at the accounts of what happened to Moses in exodus, it seems like there was ufo activity associated with Moses receiving the law.
(cloudlike pillar led the Israelites, etc.) If angels (UFO ALIENS) showed Moses the real story of creation, then he got it from a reliable source. That would make the bible's creation account more accurate than any other story from any other culture on Earth.
The so-called bottle-neck in the mitochondrial DNA that shows that at one time, in the distant past, the people on Earth were reduced to just a few families, could have been caused by Noah's flood.
So are we also assuming that The account of the "great flood" in the bible is also a factuality? and the ark as well ?
If angels (UFO ALIENS) showed Moses the real story of creation, then he got it from a reliable source. That would make the bible's creation account more accurate than any other story from any other culture on Earth.
IF there were aliens and IF they came here and IF they gave Moses the information (IF they knew it)...
I'm convinced. :rolleyes:
IF there were aliens and IF they came here and IF they gave Moses the information (IF they knew it)...
I'm convinced. :rolleyes:

There is no space, therefore, the aliens are already here, sharing the space with you in different dimensions.
So are we also assuming that The account of the "great flood" in the bible is also a factuality? and the ark as well ?

There are records of people making pilgrimages in the first century, to see the ark up on mount Ararat in Turkey. A man said that as a child his relative took him to the mountain to see it. Another man in a two winged plain said he saw it in the early years of the 20th century. The boat is up on mount Ararat. However it gets covered over with snow most of the time. Research the evidence for Noah's ark on a search engine and read about the accounts of people in the past that claim they saw it.
There are records of people making pilgrimages in the first century, to see the ark up on mount Ararat in Turkey. A man said that as a child his relative took him to the mountain to see it. Another man in a two winged plain said he saw it in the early years of the 20th century. The boat is up on mount Ararat. However it gets covered over with snow most of the time. Research the evidence for Noah's ark on a search engine and read about the accounts of people in the past that claim they saw it.
M*W: You wish!