On the importance of evidence, and it's correct interpretation.

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Meanwhile said:
No. This thread is not about the two planes either,

I beg to differ, as it was my thread, until it got Hijacked! The thread was intended to get reasonable people to look at that photograph. I'm sure most people would look at it and also think there was a near miss. But that was not the case.

but an attempt to slander any viable or potential credibility for photographed anomaly.

Here you miss the point of the thread entirely. The only reason photographs show 'anomalies' is because of the way they are intepreted! Why is it we only see single blurry photos of supposed UFOs? Because a consistent flight pattern (and rememeber what the 'F' in U.F.O. stands for, please) is never observed, nor photographed (and is harder to hoax). Videos of such alleged phenomena are always sadly lacking any context. (evidence of actual motion, foreground objects for size comparison, etc)

The gist of the thread's intent is: See, UFO photographs are certainly optical illusions because you can't rely on photographs. Evidence? This article.

Not 'certainly' but you have to admit that if you look at that photo, you will draw a conclusion. A conclusion that happens to be false. So I have established that photographs alone, can lead reasonable people to false conclusions. It's not too much of a step to realise that reasonable people can also draw unreasonable conclusions from a photograph.

Key quote from the article: 'But a spokesman for DHL said photographs could be "incredibly deceptive".'

Do you have an issue with that statement? You don't think photos can be deceptive?

The article.

The photograph.

So Qorl's introductory of photographed crop circles lend an interesting contraposition: photographed crop circles that don't fly.

No, it was off topic bullshit. Tangential ravings from a deluded madman.
Gustav said:
the alleged crackpot is calm whilst the known pseudo is freaking out
the irony

I'm not 'freaking out', I just no longer feel under any obligation to be polite to Qorl and tolerate his deluded rantings.

Do you buy his bullshit, Gustav?

OH, btw, I'm not a pseudo scientist, and an ex real scientist. I know you people like to try and denigrate your opponents by using inappropriate labels, but they don't stick.
Any reasonable person can see by examining the photographs that a collision must have followed within seconds. Clearly, all the subsequent claims are part of a cover up used to conceal the ongoing systemic failures within international air traffic control. Such a suppression of a major air accident could not occur without an effective disinformation system already in place. This must have been the same control systems of the military industrial complex that are used to falsely debunk UFO sightings. Ergo, this photograph is the ultimate proof that UFOs exist and that knowledge of them is deliberately concealed.
I rest my case.
phlogistician said:
I'm not 'freaking out', I just no longer feel under any obligation to be polite to Qorl and tolerate his deluded rantings.

Do you buy his bullshit, Gustav?

OH, btw, I'm not a pseudo scientist, and an ex real scientist. I know you people like to try and denigrate your opponents by using inappropriate labels, but they don't stick.

it is just useless rhetoric on my part
i find you well intentioned and intelligent
way more so than i
qorl has to be trolling. no one is that .....
Gustav said:
qorl has to be trolling. no one is that .....

Agreed, Qorl is a troll.

Problem is Qorl tried to go for too much, too soon. A good Troll starts off gently, and builds up the incredulity once they've established a network of supporters. The game is then to see how far you can stretch them.

Qorl broke the bounds of credibility from the outset.
I will leave this thread because I got many beautifully written private massages from you.
By the way I really am Alien and I Never Ever Lie. That's why I will like everyone to see those two crop circles.
Theres this new thread locking craze going about, It started when the trolling became so unbearable to so many people that it had to be acted on swiftly. This means all threads that have broken into a slanging match will now be terminated post hence.
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