On the importance of evidence, and it's correct interpretation.

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Hey everybody, I'm really interested to know what Qorl has to say abour crop circles, so I thought I'd start a thread where he could discuss them. Over to you, Qorl!
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phlogistician said:
Seeing as the home page is devoted to 'crop circles' and we know they are man made, I guess it's all horse puckey anyway, and there is no relevance.

How do WE know that they're all man made?
Giambattista said:
How do WE know that they're all man made?
yes, how??....whys it that you poo poos always seem to love the word 'ALL'. you have an experience---so that meansALL othes experiences were likemyours. you have outed a UFO hoaxer so that means to you ALL EVER UFO sighrtings etc are hoaxes
whats wid u and your 'ALL' shit..?!
duendy said:
Can you prove to me/show evidence that they are ALL man-made?
Welll that is just stupid. I guess this is what I should expect from you ms duendy.

Can you show me evidence that every santa claus sighting is just men with fake beards? No? Well then he exists then. Right?

Logic is not your specialty.

I just want to see one crop circle that is made by aliens or vortexes. This is a perfectly reasonable request.
phlogistician said:
Did I say 'all'? I don't think I did.

It was implied by the lack of the words "some" or "most". If you make a statement like "we know they are man made" there's no indication or opening for the possibility that a few may have alternate causes, and so it's very easy to assume that you meant every last one of them.

Anyway, the crop circle thing is old news, and well, known to be the work of dedicated hoaxers.

And some flying saucers are known to be piloted by little men. See? I can make proclamations also!
shaman_ said:
I just want to see one crop circle that is made by aliens or vortexes. This is a perfectly reasonable request.

How can you be sure you haven't? How can you be sure you would be able to tell in the first place?

This is a perfectly reasonable question.
Giambattista said:
How can you be sure you haven't? How can you be sure you would be able to tell in the first place?

This is a perfectly reasonable question.
We know that humans are capable of making crop circles. It has been demonstrated.

How do we know that there are crop circles that are not man made?

(This thread wasn't supposed to be about crop circles but anyway ...)
shaman_ said:
We know that humans are capable of making crop circles. It has been demonstrated.

How do we know that there are crop circles that are not man made?

We know that humans are capable of making counterfeit money. It has been demonstrated. Therefore all money is counterfeited? Sounds stupid? Who cares??? :p

I don't think we should discuss this anymore. It's not proper. Because in very short order (very very short order), the debate will arrive at the stalemate caused by accusations of deception and lying. At that point, anything that would suggest an explanation of crop-circles other than human handiwork becomes irrelevant, because the claim of fraud is the most failsafe of all arguments when it comes to anything paranormal.
Just call the person a liar or a charlatan, and don't move from your position. TRUST ME! It works like a little charmer!

Am I psychic? Maybe. All I know is that my prediction would probably come true relatively quickly.

(This thread wasn't supposed to be about crop circles but anyway ...)

Exactly. Which is the second reason I will say nothing further.
shaman_ said:
Can you show me one that is not man made?

Try this ones.


It was not dead link yesterday.

Do research than speak as much as you wish. Peace.

Copy from net;
-Beams of light filmed prior the crop circle at same site. One beam was witnessed by local resident.
-The plants appear to be subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the stems to drop just above the ground at 90º, where they reharden into their new and very permanent position without damage. Plant biologists are baffled by this feature, and it is the singlemost method of identifying the real phenomenon.
Click on site;
Giambattista said:
Am I psychic? Maybe. All I know is that my prediction would probably come true relatively quickly

you are familiar with the players, ja?
a single track on loop.
phlogistician said:
So, this is a request to people who do post images and who make statements and claims. Please try and include a similar level of detail as found in the above article. Time, date, place, description/explanation of items involved, because as we can plainly see, without such, it's very easy to jump to conclusions.

this is supposed to be scientific? this is the methodology of image forensics? time/date and location? kinda like a/s/l?

so ahh
what are your qualifications?
duendy, Giambattist, Gustav;
Check out my links, this ones are more than real.
Actually the picture does not disprove the possibility of photographs for single-flying objects, or flying objects flying in formation when such an optical illusion would not occur. Common sense.
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Neither of which being either stated, nor infact even suggested by phlogistician as being the case in the initial post to which you refer - some could say even commoner sense, being as it's clearly written in black and white - but I suppose that does require one to actually bother to read, doesn't it?
Just a point for those not listening:

This thread is not about "Corncircles", it's about the relationship of two very Identified planes looking like they were going to collide, however maintaining 1000m's distance (I believe its termed as "Trafficing", Planes are often given different Altitudes to circle airports while waiting clearance for a free runway/landing. It's more noticable during busy holiday times like Before/After the New Year and other breaks)
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