On the Definition of an Inertial Frame of Reference

It is also obvious that your crackpot theory fails any velocity addition test.

Name one physicist that believes that my equations produce physical conclusions that differ from ordinary special relativity.
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They still leave the generally covariant expression of Maxwell's equations invariant in form.
We've been over this already. This is not the subject being discussed in post 46.
What you quoted is in perfect agreement with what Guest said in post 46:
However, the generally covariant form of Maxwell's equations is obviously invariant under his (and anyone else's) coordinate transformation.
The only reason you'd now be declaring it off topic is if, in the meantime, you'd realised your errors and wanted to change the subject.

This is why the general covariance of Maxwell's laws is not a test of the validity of Shubert transforms.
That's the whole point. Whether Eugene's transformation is "valid" depends on what you mean by "valid". And what everyone has agreed on is that in the only sense Eugene's transformation could be considered "valid", it is also completely trivial. That's why we don't bother evaluating Eugene's essay. Knowing the generally covariant formulation, we can place an upper bound on its usefulness that's so low it doesn't justify a rigorous critique.

Five hours after I posted the challenge and none of you three managed to solve it. Telling....
What's telling? You picked a "challenge" that has nothing to do with anything I've said in this thread and I have no reason to concern myself with it. I consider that a perfectly valid reason for ignoring your exercise. On what basis, other than wishful thinking, are you ruling out that explanation? I am under no obligation to prove myself to you. You do not get to dictate how I should spend my time - even five minutes of it - and I'm not going to jump through every arbitrary hoop you set out solely for the purpose of shutting you up.

I thought I'd already explained that to you. At least twice now. Why do you consistently need things explained to you a dozen times before they begin to sink in?
And what everyone has agreed on is that in the only sense Eugene's transformation could be considered "valid", it is also completely trivial. That's why we don't bother evaluating Eugene's essay.

How often do I have to say this? My nonlinear model of the Lorentz transformations is an extraordinarily simple idea that physicists are confused about.
That's the dishonest way to spin the nature of your work when described properly as at best as "mathematically trivial," adding nothing but a particularly backward example to the introductory volumes on the analysis of coordinate transforms and as physically meaningless, since the framework is neither appropriate for teaching physics nor does it usefully introduce any physical hypothesis.

Posted from some iPhone.
What's telling? You picked a "challenge" that has nothing to do with anything I've said in this thread and I have no reason to concern myself with it. I consider that a perfectly valid reason for ignoring your exercise.

The challenge is relevant since it is a way of proving the theory in discussion (Shubert's) invalid. THIS is what I mean by "valid". The fact that you refuse to participate in the discussion shows that you are not capable.

I am under no obligation to prove myself to you. You do not get to dictate how I should spend my time - even five minutes of it - and I'm not going to jump through every arbitrary hoop you set out solely for the purpose of shutting you up.

All true. It is also true that you are unable to solve the challenge. If you were, you would have done it long ago.
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Two challenges for Guest254, Alphanumeric and przyk (5 minutes each):

Prove that :

1. Shubert's theory predicts an incorrect result for the SR tests for speed composition
1a. Find out Shubert speed composition formula.
1b. Show that the prediction of 1a is falsified by experiment(s)

2. Shubert theory predicts anisotropic light speed
2a. Find out the light speed in Shubert's theory
2b. Show that the prediction is falsified by experiment(s)
the framework is neither appropriate for teaching physics nor does it usefully introduce any physical hypothesis.

I consider the Lorentz transformation to be useful and I have learned from my generalized Lorentz transformations therefore my minimal axiom set is useful also. Obviously, if you don't understand my paper, then it's simply not useful to you.
Two challenges for Guest254, Alphanumeric and przyk (5 minutes each):

1a. Find out Shubert speed composition formula.

Hint. Understand equation (64).

2a. Find out the light speed in Shubert's theory

Hint. Realize that light speed must be defined operationally. To illustrate, how would you prove that the two-way speed of light is always c? The answer is trivial. You only need to assume that a photon pulse can be approximated by a ridiculously fast traveling twin and use equation (84) and (85).
Hint. Understand equation (64).

So, you can't calculate the speed composition formula. You don't even understand what is asked of you. Therefore you are unable to determine by yourself that your theory is falsified by experiment. This is why you need help from the three musketeers.

Hint. Realize that light speed must be defined operationally. To illustrate, how would you prove that the two-way speed of light is always c?

Shubert, you have no clue how to solve this challenge either.

The answer is trivial. You only need to assume that a photon pulse can be approximated by a ridiculously fast traveling twin and use equation (84) and (85).

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Will this guy ever stop digging!
Sure they do, I even gave you the line and paragraph in the Moller book.
Again, I'm more than happy for you to quote, verbatim, the section of the book and I'll explain to you (again) that you don't understand it.

As has been explained to you, about 1,000,000 times now, that general covariance is the property of equations retaining their form under arbitrary coordinate changes. Let's see how your objections have evolved over the thread...

Then you got banned. So you went away and one would hope you spent this time reading a little about the various topics you've made elementary errors on. I think you (hopefully) realised that you made a fool of yourself with regards Tensor transformation laws and linear changes of coordinates, so on return you had a new objection...

This is where we all had to give you endless explanations of why your "Christoffel symbols vanish" claim was stupid, but you continued to make a fool of yourself whilst beating your chest at the same time (which was priceless by the way). Even after Prometheus very kindly did an explicit calculation for you, you still couldn't see your error and continued to beat your chest. Finally, after much trying and having me explain to you a basic result, you did finally see your error (but of course you didn't admit to it). So this feels like it's time for you to change your objections again...

Again, one of the highlights of the thread came about. With a proud beating of your chest, you cling to the degenerate coordinate claim. Here's come the LOUD NOISES...

Tach: there is no way in hell that the jacobian has a determinant equal to 1
Przyk Response 1: Proof it's equal to 1.

Tach: You bought Shubert's claim on the decomposition. The claim is FALSE.
Przyk Response 2: Proof the claim is TRUE. (see, I can use capital letters too!)

So we all know what's coming next, right? You guessed it! Tach now moves onto a new objection:

I thought a little more about my previous comment in regards projection, and I think they're accurate. Tach has continued to over use words such as idiot, crank, crackpot, pretender and so on. But these are the exact same words people have used to describe him (e.g. here and here). Being wrong, for him, cuts much deeper than it does for others, because he feels it would increase the accuracy of the aforementioned labels. And he seems to be the same on all the places he joins. He makes elementary mistakes, gets called on it and then spends his time beating his chest, calling people names and insisting that he's wrong and that everyone else is at fault.
The challenge is relevant since it is a way of proving the theory in discussion (Shubert's) invalid.
By one of many possible definitions of "valid". You don't own the word "valid", you know.

The fact that you refuse to participate in the discussion shows that you are not capable.
Wishful thinking.

It is also true that you are unable to solve the challenge. If you were, you would have done it long ago.
Wishful thinking.
By one of many possible definitions of "valid". You don't own the word "valid", you know.

Wishful thinking.

Wishful thinking.

Then you should have solved them by now. You didn't.

Here, I'll give you a head start over the other two musketeers:

If the speed is $$u$$ in frame S, then the speed in frame S', moving witt speed $$v$$ wrt S is:

$$\frac{u(1+v \frac{dS_i}{dx})-v}{leftforyoutofillintheblanks}$$
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Then you should have solved them by now.
Non sequitur.

Again: there is absolutely no reason I should bother myself with your exercise. If I'd said something in this thread about velocity addition then it might be reasonable to ask that I support what I said with a calculation, especially if I'd said something you disagreed with. But I haven't said anything about velocity addition. I do not need to support assertions I have not made.

This is now the fourth time I've had to explain that to you.
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I believe it's easy to discern Sir Knight's plea for help. He is desperate to have someone explain to him The Quintessence of Axiomatized Special Relativity Theory. Unfortunately, I'm the only one on this thread that is qualified to explain my paper and I have no inclination to teach beautiful truth to unthinking chimpanzees.

* Spam.
* Creative, self-serving interpretation of others' posts.
* Self-adulation.
* Ad hominem.
* Interesting, informative content.
Let me make it clear to you, the fact that the Christoffel symbols are non-zero in polar coordinates has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion in this thread... [snip]

More posturing, eh? Can't admit you were wrong? I thought so. Have a nice day. Maybe someone will admire you as much as you admire yourself.