On Predeterminism

Look Billy... please don't argue. I know this is correct.
Ok - I was about to give up on you anyway. But you might try to answer a couple of the questions I have asked about what is "in the rip," light passing across it, etc. where Einstein said what you claim etc. Again I have no problem with the POV that space is undetectable, even in priciple, if neither mater nor energy exist, so it can be said to not then exist, if one likes that philosphical POV about things that are in principle unobservable (I do.) But you are not stating that. You are stating nonsense in that you state a "rip in space" would not only exist but be created.

The accepted POV of modern physics about stress in space is that it is large near matter (like near a black hole especially) but as the mass energy density decrease the stress in space vanishes - hardly the conditions for ripping it, even if there were some way to make sense of the phrase "a rip in space," which there is not.

If you will only answer one question, then tell what happens to a laser bean headed towards the rip in space when it get there as observed by the guy holding the laser making the beam continuously shine in that direction and observed by his friend on the other side of the rip the beam is aimed at.
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You're asking questions, you never asked before? Are you giving up on me, because you know what i provided was evidence, or that you are stating you are giving up on me, to retain some dignity? I ask that you should just accept the thread i gave you and link. I am not mistaken in this fact, that if matter and energy shreds, then spacetime follows. And if one single shred does appear in spacetime, it will propogate throughout the non-structural spacetime fabric at superluminal speeds.
And the link showed that spacetime would rip... so you are not only arguing with me, but also irrefutable evidence.
Part of post 35 still ignored and only reasserted by you (as start of post 44):
I went there {to your link} too. Found nothing to indicate space would be ripped apart when everything all mater is, (and that may not occur as I noted in last post if dark energy is not the fifth force but only some ability in the universe to absorb or weaken gravity gravitational force - AND has no effect on the other three forces) If I missed such a statement about space being ripped, please quote it and indicate where in the text you cited it appears....
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Read this through google:

''Daily Kos: Science Friday: Long Live the Big Rip!It's not just matter which will be destroyed: The fabric of space-time itself will be ..... The Big Rip hates us for a our freedom, and I mean talk about a ...
www.dailykos.com/story/2006/1/27/7140/04722 - 153k - Cached - Similar pages ''

You will find this:

''If the universe is accelerating, in 20 billion years *****[[the fabric of space time may be torn into shards]]*****. There would be nothing left, not even empty space. Illustration used with permission, copyright © 1998-2006 Lynette Cook, all rights reserved. Check out more of Lynette's space artwork here, lots of exosolar planets and SETI art. Well worth the look!''
...*****[[the fabric of space time may be torn into shards]]*****....
and pigs may fly. I bet there are blogs like your reference already asserting that they do. Brazil did export some recently to some African county by air so that assertion is not completely false.
Not only do i know if matter and energy was ripped out of existence, that this would include spacetime, you also ignore the fact that i gave actual references.
The last reference you gave only says space and time "may" rip apart. As far as I understand, Big Rip calculations only suggest that matter will be torn apart atom by atom, and these atoms will themselves be torn apart. Any further details on what happens to the fabric of spacetime are complete unknowns, because we don't have a grand unified theory to tell us these things yet.
If you tear, and destroy the energy, then spacetime follows. It's not really debatable froma relativistic viewpoint.


I do not take duels... Not the kind i think you might have in action...
If you tear, and destroy the energy, then spacetime follows. It's not really debatable froma relativistic viewpoint.

I disagree, it's very debatable indeed. You haven't defined what you mean by energy being "destroyed" in the Big Rip. The energy will still be there, it just won't be able to bind into any sort of particulate structure such as atoms. In terms of spacetime tearing, that's a very different phenomenon and I haven't heard any of the confirmed, tested theories saying that this is what would happen. If you say it's a feature of the Standard Model or some other tested theory of physics, then please specify the source.
I can tell you right now that from an exclusively relativistic viewpoint, neglecting quantum physics, that spacetime is viewed in general relativity as a smooth manifold that can be warped and stretched, but never tears. Pre-existing tears could exist in the fabric of spacetime, but GR on its own does not allow for any new tears to be formed.
But i don't deal in chance. I deal with actuality, as in meaning, relativity is obtuse without QM, so no one can make valid claims for either side, without neglecting the two are inexorably tied anyway.
Well in that case, I'm saying you should provide a source before claiming that Big Rip spacetime tearing is a fact. I don't see how any of the established, tested theories make such a prediction, but if you can point me to a QFT textbook which says otherwise, then let me know.
...but if you can point me to a QFT textbook which says otherwise, then let me know.
Gheeezzz! you are demanding!!! He did find a blog that suggested it MAY tear. :rolleyes:
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Well in that case, I'm saying you should provide a source before claiming that Big Rip spacetime tearing is a fact. I don't see how any of the established, tested theories make such a prediction, but if you can point me to a QFT textbook which says otherwise, then let me know.

I am not here to do homework for you. If you are denying actual physics, or at least at best, what relativity has to say about the rip of dissappearance of matter and energy itself, then you are lost.
And this too???

How is this psuedoscience exactly? Care to grow a pair and explain your reasons behind it?