On Predeterminism


We should all know, that we are here for a reason and a purpose, because as many of us have come to realize, there wouldn’t be anything without a purpose. They are complimentary, to the sense that we cannot deny that we have a place in this arena of spacetime, and without this place and purpose in this place, we would not exist.

Consider what I reflected on earlier… (From another post a while back)

‘’The equations could allow us, to measure the total time for a mind to adjust at normal rate. They can also help explain, Two-Time Measurements, a hypothesis made by physicists (ADD), where it compliments the predictions of the Transactional Interpretation, and faster-then-light communication. It may also be possible to vigorously experiment on he probability curves over a considerable amount of time, to see if there is a type of distinguishable pattern in conscious realm of self-projection. If the result confirmed there was some kind of order in the universe, this would also back up quantum mechanics claims that somehow everything we come to do, say or write, is in fact written in spacetime, where thoughts and memory exist beyond matter and energy, but not the spacetime fabric itself. ‘’

Now, ignoring most of what is said here, and just focus on two-time measurements, we find that you can violate the Uncertainty Principle, if complimentary observables are made specifically in the past and then the future, so it is a curious outcome that physics seems to predict to be able to know the path and location of a particle in present time..!!!

We already know, that somehow everything we come to do and say and write, is already stored in the vacuum, according to relativity. This certainly indicates that everything has to be predetermined to some extent, and any uncertainty, must arise with our inability to process all information based upon a measurement strictly and only in the present.

But this is where it really gets strange, if you haven’t found this strange already. There are oxymoronic cases found in determinism, pre-determinism, uncertainty… According to current belief-structure, is that a ‘’thing’’ at the quantized level can sporadically comes into existence, apparently from nothing. There MUST, and I emphasize this word for sake of being thorough, ‘’must’’ be wrong. I mean, the notion itself sounds ludicrous, to say the least. The very least.

It wasn’t until the foundation of the new physics of the Uncertainty Principle in 1926, making relativity classical and even more incomplete than it was before, we now find that something really can’t come from nothing. Put very simply, the uncertainty principle not only forbids our ability to know everything whilst in the present frame, it also means there is always some factor of uncertainty about key factors at any given place in spacetime, and this also includes energy…

And this violates the energy conservation, a cornerstone principle of physics, or at least, breaks it for a short period of time. But not only this should we consider right now, but we should also take into account that spacetime has an energy, or at least, we think it does, and the new physics of quantum Aether gives an explanation to how something really doesn’t come from nothing at all… a thing does in fact come from some kind of all-pervasive filling potential field of negative energy: But some may disagree, by saying potential is actually nothing. That’s difficult to say, because essentially, everything is potential before any measurement is made in Copenhagen.

If everything is predetermined, then two-time measurements may be the only way to unify some kind of understanding into how a particle can even exist at all. There might be an intelligence, a superintelligence perhaps, that allows something physical like a fluctuation in spacetime to become ‘’real’’ (whatever that may mean), by some kind of two-time measurement process. Putting it crudely, the past and the future sandwich the present, and makes the present what it is, adding specific details that even allows a single particle to ‘’pop’’ into existence.
Can you sum it up in 3 not too long sentences?

P.S.: I thought you were predetermined to leave... :)
Yes... well... i have taken up a few offers that must be attended to.

And no... i can't simplify it any more, because it's not such an easy subject.
...And no... i can't simplify it {post 1 text} any more, because it's not such an easy subject.
OK then try to make at least the first sentence of that long verbal mess mean something. (I admit to not reading all as it went steadily downhill in intelligibility, so I stopped wasting time.) Here is your first sentence and my comment on it:

"The equations could allow us, to measure the total time for a mind to adjust at normal rate."

(1) What equations?

(2) No equation allows one to measure anything. Observations, with or without instruments, and accepted units for expressing any quantative results do that.

(3) "total time" measurement needs a well defined "start" and "stop" instant. You do not define any.

(4) "mind to adjust" - First what are your talking about? What is mind as used here? For example, is it conscious thoughts? Is it opinions? Are dreams included? Is it some non-spoken internal voice telling you a continuously changing "story" - That was what Daniel Dennet called "mind” in his book" Consciousness Explained

(5) Secondly what is the nature of the adjustment? For example is it some "aha moment" when you realize the solution to some problem you have been thinking about? Or is the "adjustment" that is associated with a change in your POV about something such as the validity of conservation of spin (or concept "A" to be more general)? Etc. for many other possible meaning of “adjust.” You never make clear anything so if mind is same as brain, then perhaps the “adjustment” is the blood flow in that portion being actively used for some process, such as speech or a math calculation - that sort of mental activity does induced adjustments and is now often measured.
Can you give an example of a measurable adjustment of the mind? Or is this too just verbal garbage with no meaning? (What I called your "word soup" in some past posts of yours.)

(6) Finally, what is the means by which the "normal rate" (of these "adjustments" I assume) measured? Is by oxygen demand of the total brain or only the regions of the brain making the adjustment? Or does this rate related to some non-metabolic activity? Some ill-defined thing like the "speed of thought" to take an example you might use with a speed concept miss applied. "Rates" are almost always measured in units such as "X" per second, but what is your "X" ? Do you have any ideas about what you mean? Perhaps you would at least be so kind as to tell the units this rate is measured with - for example speed has units M/sec. etc. What are the units of your "rate"?

Do you state ANYTHING THAT IS WELL DEFINED and not just "word soup" nonsense in even this first sentence? It got less clear (if that is even possible) as more sentences came, so I stopped reading.

You appear to have a mild form of Wernicke's aphasia, which is caused by damage in the near section of the temporal lobe. Consider get checked. Here is what Wiki (see the aphasia entry) has to say about it:

"Individuals with Wernicke's aphasia may speak in long sentences that have no meaning, add unnecessary words, and even create new "words" (neologisms). ...They have poor auditory and reading comprehension, and fluent, but nonsensical, oral and written expression. Individuals with Wernicke's aphasia usually have great difficulty understanding the speech of both themselves and others and are therefore often unaware of their mistakes." Concentrate on this bold end part.
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I have Semantic Pragmatic Disorder, which is akin to Asphasia...

... why are you being so hostile...? Anyway... i shall answer your post soon.
''(1) What equations?''

Probability Curve Equations, which predict events. By mapping out the slow influence and fast influence principles, over a period of time, and extensive research, we may be able to measure ''or at least, near enough,'' measure a probability curve for a human being.

''(2) No equation allows one to measure anything. Observations, with or without instruments, and accepted units for expressing any quantative results do that.''

Are you sure about that one?

''(3) "total time" measurement needs a well defined "start" and "stop" instant. You do not define any.''

Yes, i realized i made a slight error. I should have said, estimates using probability curves... which can be quite accurate.

''5) Secondly what is the nature of the adjustment? For example is it some "aha moment" when you realize the solution to some problem you have been thinking about? Or is the "adjustment" that is associated with a change in your POV about something such as the validity of conservation of spin (or concept "A" to be more general)? Etc. for many other possible meaning of “adjust.” You never make clear anything so if mind is same as brain, then perhaps the “adjustment” is the blood flow in that portion being actively used for some process, such as speech or a math calculation - that sort of mental activity does induced adjustments and is now often measured.
Can you give an example of a measurable adjustment of the mind? Or is this too just verbal garbage with no meaning? (What I called your "word soup" in some past posts of yours.)''

Please, Billy. Let's not get personal about this. Now...

The nature of the adjustment, would be i guess, chemically-based. There is a gene called the SupraCharasmatic Nucleus which determines our sense of time... That includes those principles i have shown. When i say ''adjust'', it mearly represents our ability to abjust to normal brain speed, which is itself undefined, unless we are talking about singular observers, because let's face it, not everybodies minds work at the same speeds.

''(6) Finally, what is the means by which the "normal rate" (of these "adjustments" I assume) measured? Is by oxygen demand of the total brain or only the regions of the brain making the adjustment? Or does this rate related to some non-metabolic activity? Some ill-defined thing like the "speed of thought" to take an example you might use with a speed concept miss applied. "Rates" are almost always measured in units such as "X" per second, but what is your "X" ? Do you have any ideas about what you mean? Perhaps you would at least be so kind as to tell the units this rate is measured with - for example speed has units M/sec. etc. What are the units of your "rate"?''

Again, rate passes differently for each observer...
... and any units we use, could be anything between nanoseconds to simply seconds... or any time you wish to apply it too, so long as it is in agreement with experimentation.


Do you state ANYTHING THAT IS WELL DEFINED and not just "word soup" nonsense in even this first sentence? It got less clear (if that is even possible) as more sentences came, so I stopped reading.

You appear to have a mild form of Wernicke's aphasia, which is caused by damage in the near section of the temporal lobe. Consider get checked. Here is what Wiki (see the aphasia entry) has to say about it:

"Individuals with Wernicke's aphasia may speak in long sentences that have no meaning, add unnecessary words, and even create new "words" (neologisms). ...They have poor auditory and reading comprehension, and fluent, but nonsensical, oral and written expression. Individuals with Wernicke's aphasia usually have great difficulty understanding the speech of both themselves and others and are therefore often unaware of their mistakes." Concentrate on this bold end part.''

And again, this was just ignorance, and condescending my friend. Please think about what you might say in the future. What i find amazing is that this is a 23 year old telling a much more ''mature'' man how to operate a conversation without being condescending.
Billy? I took the time to answer your post. You've been here a while, and yet you have ignored this. Why?
Anyway... anyone who has followed this so far, will soon find out some more stranger things concerned with this quantum aether and laws of predeterminism.

Nanotechnology, as you 'may' know, consists of analyzing structures that are a billionths of a metre, getting to the size of molecular structures.

Nanotechnology, actually has many implication for the future, such as ''quick drink changes...'' by the press of a button, to more scientific usages, such as using them as biomachines with artificial intelligence.

It's at this level, we find something very strange occurring in the vacuum, and it all comes down to the uncertainty principle. The Casimir Effect.

For those who are unaware of what the effect is, i will explain it as best as possible. The Casimir Force, is a short, fluctuation of energy between two plates, at the molecular scale, and this is considered evidence of the Dirac Sea.

The effect is measurable, just. It's so very small you see. The short burst of energy from the vacuum of negatively spinning particles contains itself a small amount of negative energy as well. This energy is so so small though, it seems almost impossible to actually harvest it at all, also not being its size as only the problem, it is also short-lived.

The phenomenon of the Casimir Force, was identified in the 1940's, i believe possibily 1948, if my memory serves me correctly. The Force itself, happens all the time, just as much as we are told virtual photons are constantly popping in and out of existence, not that they actually exist for a second in their frame of reference anyway (1).

The theory, well experimented with now, is that the force of the Casimir Effect actually intensifies as the plates, or two surfaces get closer together, much like how logic would suggest this anyway, since forces weaken as planets for instance, sharing an electromagnetic signal weakens over greater and greater distances (2). A ten-fold reduction (such as limiting the spacetime between two surfaces), actually boosts the Force, 10,000 fold, and it is because of such a strength, as small as it is, can be detected.

But as i mentioned, there is also a very small amount of negative energy which must also intensify when the distance between the surfaces are reduced. Maybe, we could create a factory, where we have multiple machines that contain billions upon billions of these tiny plates, all operating so that they exchange or share this energy.

These effects might hold secrets for consciousness as well, as i will explain quickly.

Now, Dr. Shiuji Inomata at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Electrotechnical Laboratory in Japan believes that thoughts and feelings arise from the zero-point energy field, just as it is responsible for the appearance of matter. And here i make a contention. Perhaps emotions and thoughts are constantly being bombarded as well by the negative energy of the vacuum, just as it affects a tiny electron on its path through space and time. This may seem strange, since thought's and feelings are ethereal... but one must see this in light of the ethereal nature of the false vacuum; and if thoughts arise from this vacuum, then perhaps there are still correlations occurring, just as found with an electron being influenced by a negative particle in the false vacuum.

And even if the concept of etheral nature of thoughts are hard to believe to be influenced by something potential in the vacuum, consider that the negative energy of the Casimir Force is always happening inside our heads, so those who are ''totally materialistic,'' concerning the brain, cannot deny the contributions the negativa has on our daily thoughts and emotions. They may play a larger part than we may have ever come to imagined... (I say we... but... i have never heard anyone claim my theory before -- it was inspired by Dr. Inomata.)

(1) - They don't experience any time pass at all. But if they did, then it would be speculated to be the smallest amount of time known, the Planck Time, so if it experienced a birth, it would be the same as its death... quite sad really, from a photons point of view.

(2) - That is, however, limited. You cannot continue to stretch an electromagnetic force into infinity. It would stress the vacuum, and rip it in a ''one-er''.

I have Semantic Pragmatic Disorder, which is akin to Asphasia...
That explains a lot. Thanks. The Wernicke's aphasia I guessed you suffered from in the PS of a few post back.

I was not being "condescending" or attacking you personally when suggesting this or that you need to be tested by a competent neurologist well versed in aphasia.

In the mean time, try to write simple sentences in your posts. You clearly have read a lot of physics and are trying to integrate it in some novel way, but your sentences can not be understood by me (or dozens of others who have tried and comment about your confusion, here and in other posts).

For example, take the first sentence of your OP in this thread (the one which has at least the six different problems with being understandable I listed) Try to write the thought(s) it may contain so I and other can follow your ideas. - This will require many new sentences giving definitions or examples. For example, that first sentences starts with "The equations ..."

State these equations. Not as "Probability Curve Equations" but as equations. There are many different equations related to probability. You are totally unclear in your posts. I still have no idea what equations you begin to talk about and seriously doubt that you do either. This behavior is characteristic of Wernicke's aphasia. I.e. not even recognizing that you have no well defined ideas in your writings but can form long, grammatically correct sentences. Boca’s aphasia is just the opposite - the brain region doing mechanics of constructing sentences is damaged but the thoughts are clear. So someone suffering from Broca's aphasia can be understood even though they make short sentences with great effort which often have grammatical errors still.

If you have Wernicke's aphasia, it is a mild case. You do still understand that I and others are telling you it is impossible to follow your text. - That it seems to be a "word soup" and you then protest. A person with more sever Wernicke's aphasia could not do that. - They produce such pure "word soup" that the words do not even seem to be related (or may not even be words, but just "sound sets" that follow the pattern of the language as Broca's area of the brain is still function and assures that.)

They also process clear statements they hear as if they were "word soup." This is because the damaged near part of the temple lobe is both where ideas and meaning is transcribed into words and also where the meaning in words read or heard is transformed into meaning and ideas. When this transfer process is badly damaged, they cannot even understand any linguistic communication, including that they do not understand sentences, not even their own.

They will speak for hours in perfect grammatical form and not express any idea clearly. I think I still have a few tape recording of such speech. It can actually help to understand how words are looked up in the lexicon and then constructed into sentences grammatically correctly and the defects in this Broca's area process, such as spoonerisms. An old girlfriend of mine did her Ph.D. on this using these tapes, which she made.
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Yes, but when i say akin, they are not really the same, only by definition of what they do neurologically to the person who suffers SPD. It is related to the autistic spectrum, so it's not as if you can just ask me to make the sentences clearer... it's the only way my brain makes sense of what i am trying to say.

Now, with that aside, did you understand my reponses?
By his own admission, Rieku suffers from Semantic Pragmatic Disorder, SPD, so I will cut him some slack, but continue to encourage him to use short simple sentences. About 25 or 30 years ago I was deeply interested in how speech is produced and understood. Back then SPD had not yet been defined or recognized, so I had to look it up now. Wiki gives the following four symptoms characteristic of SPD victims:

(1) Are verbose
(2) Have problems understanding and producing connected discourse
(3) Give conversational responses that are socially inappropriate, tangential and/or stereotyped
(4) Develop obsessional interests
And states: "The current view, therefore, is that the disorder is more to do with communication and information processing than language."

In Rieku's case item four seems to be a strong interest in how physics, mind or consciousness and reality may be related.

I suggest all try to be understanding and help him formulate his thought so others can understand more than argue with him about their validity. I do not know if we can help but surely suggesting he make simple declarative statements, each containing a single thought or idea, is worth a try. Ask for definitions and examples of his terms, which you (or perhaps even he) may not have any clear understanding for.
I suggest all try to be understanding and help him formulate his thought so others can understand more than argue with him about their validity.

Already tried that.
That just made it hostile.
Well, it is pretty damned funny that somebody with a disorder that prevents them from making sense thinks he can be a writer.

You know that you have this disorder therefore it is incumbent upon you to realize that when people tell you that you're talking a load of nonsense that maybe you are talking a load of nonsense.
To Rieku;

I do not know if will help you but here is link to a well written post of nonsense (IMHO). Perhaps you should read a few of the sentences there as models. My point is that just because someone's ideas are far from what is accepted, if clearly expressed, they can be followed and are not just "word soup."


MetaKron also writes well, even when he is posting nonsense.

Your recent post 10 was much better on clarity. In it near the end you state:
"...And even if the concept of etheral nature of thoughts are hard to believe to be influenced by something potential in the vacuum, consider that the negative energy of the Casimir Force is always happening inside our heads, so those who are ''totally materialistic,'' concerning the brain, cannot deny the contributions the negativa has on our daily thoughts and emotions. They may play a larger part than we may have ever come to imagined... (I say we... but... i have never heard anyone claim my theory before -- it was inspired by Dr. Inomata.)

(1) - They don't experience any time pass at all. But if they did, then it would be speculated to be the smallest amount of time known, the Planck Time, so if it experienced a birth, it would be the same as its death... quite sad really, from a photons point of view.

(2) - That is, however, limited. You cannot continue to stretch an electromagnetic force into infinity. It would stress the vacuum, and rip it in a ''one-er''. ..."

I made "They" bold as do not know what you are referring to. It is a good idea, especially for you (with SPD) to avoid pronouns. Please tell who or what is this "they."

I made a sentence in (2) bold. It is reasonable clear what you are stating or trying to, so that is good, but it would appear to be wrong, if "stretch" is to be understood as "extend." Here the idea of "stretch" applied to a force does not make any sense (to me) unless you are really speaking of the range or the force. As I bet you know, the strong force has a very short range. If there were conditions in which the range of the stong force could be increased, then to say it is being "stretched" would be a reasonable term but still "extended" would be better. Point is try to chose your words carefully to use the one most exactly reflecting your thoughts.

Also if you give a numbered list, make sure you have told the reader what it is you are lisitng. Why did you make a list here? Is there something in common your (1) and (2) share? Or are they two unrelated points you want to make? etc.
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