On Homeopathy

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Originally posted by timokay
Funny chap, Hans. Not a Member of the Royal College of anything. Never mind.

Ehhh? Would that make me more interesting if I were? Mmokay. Well, sorry to disappoint you there.

I won't be explaining anything to you about Homeopathy because that is not why Albert and I are visiting this forum.

Ahh, you do not want to argue your position. And you call me a funny chap?

We're looking for people to contribute something to the resolution of the question. No doubt in our minds about the truth here, so don't hold your breath.

And asking for documentation is not contributing to resolution? I see.

Just fishing for useful people in as many forums as poss.

Recruiting unquestioning believers? Don't worry, there's plenty of those out there.

On a serious note: So you come in here, on a debating forum, swing around a lot of unfounded claims, and when a few simple questions are asked, you run behind your smoke screen. Very convincing indeed. Looking back over the thread, I find you have not answered ONE single question. Nothing but evations.

MRC Hans says:

We have not yet found there to be any incurable diseases.

Some documentation of that would be nice. You could document some pople being cured of AIDS and liver cancer by homeopathic treatment, just for starters. No anecdotes, please


Homeopathy is nothing but evidence, experimental in the form of the provings that form into the homeopathic materia medica ("materials of medicine") and applied evidence in the form of our clinical cures of millions over centuries.

Why do you people always say this?

The literature is not hidden from anyone.

Why don't you go look for them yourself?

It is easy to ask questions, you know, and neither I nor any other Hahnemannian are walking indexes of cases studies.

I will, however, tell you that we face a group of very serious problems with lots of modern cases, for they are almost invariably made incurable by allopathic interventions and we almost never get these cases first.

Besides this, we are looking as skyrocketing chronic diseases precisely because allopathic medicine is totally incompetent to cure them, which by definition makes them quacks.

Why aren't these people cured decades earlier?

Why don't you people ever ask this of allopathic physicians?

What rationale justifies permitting diseases to advance for decade after decade without cure?

Why is allopathic medicine even in existence when they are 100% therapeutically incompetent except with largely self-limited bacterial infections with antibiotics, which diseases we cure just as easily and quicker too.

Nice safety valve, though, with antibiotics should we not find the necessary medicine in rare cases of these usually banal diseases.

As for AIDS, this is an outrageous issue.

It seems to be a totally iatrogenic illness; i.e., it is apparently a totally "physician-induced" disease.

The subject is far too extensive to go into here, but I can almost guarantee that HIV has absolutely nothing to do with this tragic issue of allopaths having created it and many other incurable diseases in their hands.

Moreover, and I repeat it, these cases are usually totally spoiled and made incurable before we ever see them.

But I recapitulate it; when we have had fair shots at these diseases, we have never found any of them incurable.

Does that sound more reasonable to you?

As for case studies, go first to the ZKH published by Karl F. Haug Verlag/Publishers in Heidelberg.

That is probably the most important homeopathic medical journal ever published.

It is almost exclusively Hahnemannian homeopathy, and I cannot nearly say that about any other down through history because they are usually sprinkled with questionable papers.

The five-volume English translation of the ZKH was the CLASSICAL HOMOEOPATHY QUARTERLY.

And here are some links to papers some guys have started to put online:



This does not mean that they are all reliable papers, because the people running most of the websites are well-meaning but still just high-potency pseudo-homeopaths who cannot generally tell legitimate from illegitimate homeopath since they are half and half themselves.

Still, you will find powerfully important papers at those two links.
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WellCookedFetus (funny man),

I noticed several repetitions of the general question of how it is done.

All cases are dealt with the same way, because we are operating with a natural law that is absolute and unfailing when precipitated correctly.

That's the skill.

Done absolutely correctly gets one the simillimum or "thing most similar" with which total command over a disease arises.

Those few medicines that are close to the simillimum but not the most similar drug class as the simile.

They permit us to zig zag a case to cure with several drugs, instead of with one, over a longer period of time.

The other drugs completely dissimilar have no effect at all.

The way it's done is to isolate out the uncommon symptoms and track down the simillimum by crossing the lists of medicines after those symptoms rubrics, for those lists will be small due to the symptom being strange, rare and peculiar.

Therefore three or more uncommon symptoms crossed with another will reduce perhaps 25-50 listed in the first symptom rubric of an uncommon symptom down to perhaps ten.

Then another cross with another uncommon symptom will often reduce that number of medicines listed in all three uncommon symptom rubrics down to usually one to five drugs.

If we've done everything properly, our materia medica search for verbatim matches is usually or at least often fruitful with the one medicine that will truly cure the person.

Here's a link to Kent's REPERTORY for you to get a look see at what I mean:




Here's a link to lots of books online:


Sounds simple, but it's really very difficult to avoid mistakes, and allopathy is child's play compared with homeotherapeutics.

I hope that helped.
MRC Hans,

I see a tough exchange here:

Just fishing for useful people in as many forums as poss. Recruiting unquestioning believers? Don't worry, there's plenty of those out there.

No, homeopathy neither asks for nor requires blind belief.

In fact, opinions and belief have ziltch to do with homeopathy.

It is ever so easy to prove it to yourself anyway by taking a high-potency drug and doing a self-proving, so belief is a non-issue in homeopathy.

What good could unquestioning believers do anyone but cause them to lean on us anyway?

If you want to join the Hahnemannian ranks, good luck, pal.

I have very few real colleagues.


You said this, and I hold it is wrong:

The human immune system is nowhere near invincible, it fights back almost all of the time at its best performance and no treatment is going it enhance that.

It seems to be quite what health is all about, which is what homeopathy produces.

The object of a therapy is to not need any drugs and therefore have no diseases that can only manifest themselves to our senses by symptoms.

So it does seem to be that making the organism optimally healthy is exactly what homeopathy does.

Fancy, huh?

You said this:

Vaccines teach the immune system what an infectious disease looks like ahead of time so the immune system will destroy it immediately,
That's the theory, but it doesn't work.

The claims for vaccines are almost all totally vacuous.

If mine is an opinion, voice them one at a time and I'll see if I am correct.
WellCookedFetus, you next said this:

Antibiotics and antiviral kill or slow the reproduction of the infectious agent giving the immune system a better chance of finishing it off, allopathic medicine does not ignore the body it is still the most critical element.
Antiviral drugs are a fantasy.

I can't let you say something that doesn't exist.

There are no cures for viral diseases because antivirals don't work.

I will, however, suggest that it is reasonable for allopathic medicine to eventually come up with an effective class of drugs for viruses as antibiotics are, if we admit that provisionally instead of giving off our steam with details about them being immunosuppressive and heavily abused drugs that end up creating problems because they aren't real cures.

Still, viruses are an actual class of disease agents with target sites that should some day respond to some approach, not the one you're propounding, though.

I cannot recall what approach I heard over the last ten years that sounded promising, but it did impress me.

I figured that more would be heard about it, but I should have learned by now to not take anything of that nature for granted.

Still, you'll have to admit that was a mistake since there are no cures for viruses yet in allopathic medicines.

We, on the other hand, cure the person and that always works when we do it right.

It is to us very bizarre that allopathy attacks beasties instead of creating health.

Very quasi-militaristic and backward as well as warped.
Repo man:

WCF, how dare you try to impose requirements such as empirical evidence and repeatability on the proponents of Homeopathy?

Free of the tyranny of facts and evidence, like all religious true believers, they will believe what they want.

If Homeopathy were effective, it would have been proven to be so by now. But then come the conspiracy theories, etc.

Sir, homeopathy is nothing but evidence from beginning to end.

You haven't looked.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Greetings All!

I haven't kept up here and find I've been beligerent.

Apologies to all for that.

No worries. Anybody trying to make a skeptic debate around internet forums is thoroughly accostumed to that.

In an attempt to catch up to your nice interest and good questions, I first find something from Redrover to respond to:

I notice some things here.

First, there aren't any legitimate homeopaths in Mexico; in fact, there aren't even any high-potency pseudo-homeopaths there.

I have a feeling you are talking about laetril treatment.

Ahh, so when examples are found about homeopathy not working, it is not real homeopathy? I think I see where this is leading.

This is a very deep-seated error, if I have sussed it correctly, for it assumes that homeopathy is part of the alternative therapies, but those are just part of Empiricist (rather than Rationalist) allopathy.

Well, perhaps you should explain a little about the principles of real homeopathy, so we can see the difference.

In Article 52 of the ORGANON OF MEDICINE
(http://homeopathyhome.com/reference/organon/organon.html), Hahnemann made very clear that "there are only two principal therapies: the homeopathic...and the allopathic" approaches.

I find an hourglass diagram functions handily to envision the Structure of Medicine in five basic groups.

Hahnemannian Homeopathy is all alone in the top bulb due to our 10 natural Laws of Medicine making it the actual Science of Medicine with astonishingly effective and yet extraordinarily safe medicines and a clinical history not even remotely matched by any other therapy.

Again, the World eagerly awaits some documentation of this wonderful regimen.

Allopathy sits in the bottom bulb, but it is split into two historical traditions called Rationalist and Empiricist allopathy, today called modern medicine and the alternative therapies.

Since the dictionary definition for "allopathy" basically covers anything that is not homeopathy, this is hardly a profound relevation.

Homeopathy has two false forms.

One is low-potency pseudo-homeopathy (LPH), which is just allopathic medicine with homeopathic drugs.

These guys thus sit in the lower bulb somewhere difused in the confusion of hydra-headed allopathic medicine.

Ehr, no. The distinction between allopathy and homeopathy is that homeopathy strives to give a treatment that has the same effect on the body as the disease, wheras allopathy does not. So those regimens are homeopathic per definition. Even if you don't like them, they are in your end of the spectrum.

Then there is a line along the inside edge of the upper bulb that creates a small area within the upper bulb but separated from Hahnemannian homeopathy.

I put high-potency pseudo-homeopathy (HPH) there because they only make eight fundamental mistakes instead of doing everything wrong like LPHs.

HPHs today claim to be classical homeopaths and earlier claimed to be Hahnemannians, but that's just a fallow claim since they are easily identified by their mistakes virtually every time they say something.

Translation: They disagree with your team.

Still, these are actual homeopaths, just not very good ones and kind of on the level of "bunglers" as Hahnemann called them; and they get results, only not as often as they should nor as effectively as they could, for they cannot quite grasp what homeotherapeutics is.

Most of the websites and literature we find today are representations of HPH.

There are and always have been about 10,000 LPHs for every one Hahnemannian, and I estimate 100 HPHs for every Hahnemannian.

The chosen few. A word of warning here: The practice of denouncing anybody who does not line up to your particular version of truth could leave you awfully lonely.

That should suffice for a fundamental explanation.

I'm sorry, but it does not. What suffices is some evidence that the thing works. That is really all that matters, pationts are not interested in ideology, they are interested in getting well.

Homeopathy has nothing whatsoever to do with any chemical therapy, including herbal medicine, for we use ultramolecular drugs in single doses over relatively long periods of time due to the curative powers of accurately chosen medicines with command over diseases.

Therefore, I doubt that you mean the child was taken to Mexico for homeotherapeutics, but I instead supect you have made this common and understandable error of thinking of homeopathy as a kind of catch-all term for the alternative therapies, which it is not.

Perhaps the unfortunate child did not have a relatively long period. Childhood cancers tend to be rather fast acting.

I hope that is clear.

Again, if they took the boy to Mexico for homeotherapeutics, as you say, he would not have had a chance since there are no Hahnemannians or even any HPHs there.

Well, nobody can require you to answer for others. So where is there some documentation that REAL homeopathics work?


As for the boy possibly having had a chance with allopathic medicine as a cancer patient, that's a pretty shabby assertion when they still have zero cures of it.

I know they make claims to the contrary, but we are dealing with a criteria of cure exceeding one you will encounter elsewhere.

So people getting well is not covered by your definition of "cure". Well, that could explain a few things. Pray tell us, what IS your definition of "cure".

Allopaths ignore the four Laws of Therapeutics as well as the four Laws of Cure, so they can never know up from down in their course of treatment and usually force diseases into hyper-complicated and disordered states due to intervening when they need to leave cases alone.

I'm sorry, I'm ignorant of those laws. Would you mind listing them for my enlightment, so I can know what you are talking about?

Allopathy is intrinsically incapable of precipitating the four Laws of Cure without the ultramolecular ("beyond-molecules") simillimum ("thing most similar") that arise from the four Laws of Cure, but the organism has innate healing functions that need to be recognized that they completly ignore.

Also, I have to ask you to explain "ultramolecular"; I know of a number of realms beyond molecules (atoms and various elementary and quantum particles), which of these are you referring to?

It is one of the most elegant facets of homeopathic philosophy that suggests that these ultramolecular drugs could only reach an etheric level of being and thereby could only set the organism aright to cure itself, just as it should have done had something not gone wrong along the course of living.

A little complex, this statement. Are you saying that at worst it does no harm?

So these things happen during any therapy, irregardless of the therapeutic effects and for unknown reasons.

If they happen, that is.

But they always aggressively pursue their course of treatment in a very quasi-militaristic manner of attacking invading organisms, whereas chronic diseases are invariably issues where the organism is essentially destroying itself in immune-system disorder or some system-wide or systemic disorder.

That's a totally wrong approach and will forever preclude allopathy from being able to cure.

Interesting. Then to what cause do you attribute facts like the following:

- Infectuous diseases stopped by antibiotics?

- Diabetes symptoms alleviated by Insulin?

- Life expectancy in the western world doubling during the last century?

(Just to pick a few).

Therefore, the suggestion that the child might have been saved by allopathic medicine is specious at best.

Sinse it did not happen, it remains speculative. Statistically, however, it is a sound statement.

They prolong agonal life to an agonal death, and that's about all they do.

You may ask further about this very controvertial issues we view as an absolute fact, and I will try to address them if that is insufficient, but I hope that is somewhat helpful if not complete enough yet.

Actually, your opinion about allopathic regimens is at best marginally relevant to this discussion. What IS relevant is some evidence for your claims for the efficiacy of homeopatic regimens. We are still awaiting this.


No, homeopathic therapies are not really dangerous.

They could not be totally safe and still be medicinal, for medicines are by definition sick-making or toxicological substances, but they are beyond your wildest imaginings of safety since only closely matching medicines have any real effect on a sick person.

I would heartily agree that the therapies in themselves are very unlikely to be harmful at all. Except perhaps to your economy.

I think, however, what you mean is that it is recklous to engage in presumably unproven therapies when proven ones are readily available.

Like, if you have two bridges ahead of you, and you know one is safe and leads to the other side, which one will you choose?

That is the allopathic claim, of course, but it is false to say that they have any cures of any viral, chronic or psychiatric cases since they readily admit they do not every day without the average person perceiving it due to the way it is admitted.

So, not having a cure for EVERY disease in your view invalidates modern medicine for ANY disease?

Just ask which chronic disease is curable, though, and that's the answer you'll get from honest allopathic physicians and adjuncts.

Since a chronic disease is per definition a disease for which no treatment exists, the reply is foreseeable.

Very sad for them too, for I am convinced that only God or Higher Beings can create the physician and nurse's heart.

I'm afraid your religions beliefs are beside the point at hand.

Why they then ignore how to cure is a tragic question we have been asking for 213 years.

Perhaps you can explain those 213 years for me (your friend ignored this question): Is that supposed to mean since AD1790?

And as for homeopathy being unproven, nothing could be further from the truth.

Hahnemann first gained command over the raging epidemic diseases that dessimated the world.

The historical record is clear about this for anyone who chooses to look.

OK. Where do I look?

Then he addressed and gained command over syphillis and gonorrhea, for they were endemic across continents.

Ohh? I thought that was done by antibiotics. When was it he "gained command" over those diseases?"

He then proceded to the chronic diseases and ran into a wall that was unexpected since all other diseases had been infectious and responded curatively to either a single drug or a handful of the 99 he eventually discovered.

We have over 2500 now.

He thought that chronic diseases would be found to stem from an ancient skin disease like leprosy, and he named the theoretical primary infectious agent of all chronic diseases psora.

This theory failed, though.

What he did, however, discover was that the drugs he was developing still permitted him command over these diseases as soon as he tested them and learned their pathogenic (literally "suffering-originating") effects from drug trials called provings. (German prufung means "test or trial.")

So even though he failed to find a single medicine for psora in hopes of treating all chronic diseases, he still had command over these more insidious illnesses too.

But those diseases are still around. Why?

What has happened in homeotherapeutics since then is that the number of medicines has accumulated such that we now have on average about 25-50 drugs for each of the fixed infectious diseases (smallpox, chickenpox, scarlet fever, cholera, etc.) and hundreds for each of the other classifications generally called chronic diseases.

Psychiatric cases are really just chronic diseases with a mental focus, for they are also long-term and without a tendency to spontaneous recovery or to being self-limited like infectious diseases when the organism is functioning well.

Therefore, the assertion that homeopathy is an unproven therapy is 100% wrong too.

I am very sorry, but I am not willing to take your word for that. Do you have any useful evidence?

However, to reinforce what you say, homeopathy is an extremely skill-intensive activity; i.e., it is not the drugs that do it, it is the application of them according to natural laws and profound principles that permits us to cure.

Not very many people do it correctly, so it today is a matter of becoming well informed about homeopathy to be able to choose an effective therapist, for there are not any real criteria guaranteeing it.

It is NOT the medicines??? Now I'm lost. Then what is it?

That will change over my lifetime, though, so that your children and their children will be far better off than we are.

I hope to some day be associated with a legitimate Hahnemannian homeopathic medical school, but we do not have any money.

If you have effective cures for even a few serious diseases, money is not a problem. If you provide the cures, I'm willing to find the funding.

Allopathy wastes billions of dollars every year on research and trillions on therapies.

What do they show for it?


Do you seriously claim that modern medicine has not produced any results? No improvements in public health? No epedemic diseases concoured? No cronic diseases having symptoms and long-term effects alleviated?

Three examples:


Please, can we be real here?

They need to give it to us; we will show the world how to cure.

Problem is, though, that they will not listen to us.

I am at several websites like this, and few are receptive to homeopathy while most are antagonistic.

That is incomprehensible to me, and the worst one is the BBC site.

They seem to not want to know how to cure and instead love pure sophistries.

Quite the contrary! They want to KNOW how to cure, and you are either unable or unwilling to tell them.

Allopathy is a truly bizare and ghoulish subject to me.

Really? Now it is far from me to wish a disease on you, but SHOULD you ever be so unfortunate as to incur a disease like e. g. diabetes, I would be very interested to know your choice if treatment.


I don't use crystals, pal, and I find that rather insulting.

However, given my beligerant demeanor prior to this, it is ignored.

However, for the time being, you have not produced more tangible evidence for your belief that the crystal people have for theirs.


I think that suffices for your understandable concerns for me to move on to others I have spotted on just a quick perusal of the postings since I was last here.

I hope it helps you and others with some issues that may exist about medicine.

Speaking strictly for myself, it has certainly helped me clarifying my view on your belief system. I am afraid, however, that my conclusions are not what you would wish for.

WellCookedFetus, you said:

what do you mean, When other people get the flu, I get the flu everyone seem to get infected, some people have immunity already to that strain some don't.
I think you're stuck in the back reaches of the immune system.

Try thinking of phagocytes first.

That is where the first lines of immune defense really exist.

And I guess you wouldn't believe me when I say that I haven't been sick with an infectious disease in 20 years, right?

(Knock on woooood!)
MRC Hans says:

Oh? Then why are they not being treated by the thousands? This is CRAP. People die from AIDS.
Got thousands of extra Hahnemannians lieing around somewhere I don't know about?

I think that's crapola too.

It ain't that difficult if I can do it.

And, like I said, I believe that it is pretty clear that AIDS is an iatrogenic illness with nothing to do with HIV, but I know this is a nowhere issue since people who're convinced about the HIV-AIDS connection are somehow vehement just due to authoritative pronouncements even though it is some of the shabbiest science in history.

Do you think that a government or anyone else would know how to do homeotherapeutics?

what would keep governments of countries like South Africa from using homeopathic remedies?

When have you ever found other than sophistries and machinations in lawyers and beurocrats?

And do you think that there are only going to be a few medicines for AIDS?

Try hundreds.
MRC Hans:

They became immune through their normal immunity system. The special thing about the HIV virus is that it is able to mutate so quickly that it overcomes most people's immune response system. Evidently, some have a system that is able to keep up.

It's called being pleomorphic.

Dr. Robert Strecker says there are millions of AIDS viruses.

That's a mighty peculiar stance for a system of medicine sold on infectious diseases having single-mode causes.

I really dislike this subject because the thing makes absolutely no sense to me in any of its elements, and yet people who are sold on allopathic medicine somehow make it a sort of sacred cow.

It's not an epidemic and yet it's claimed to be.

There's no evidence for a link between HIV and AIDS and yet it's claimed there is.

These things go on endlessly, and it is a small illness.

The numbers in Africa are absolutely meaningless since children get aid only if they say their parents died of AIDS.

It's a 100% bogus subject and a mania typical of allopathic medicine.

Lots of vaccines are implicated in it.

Allopathic drugs are implicated in it.

Pesticides are implicated in it.

Nitrite inhalents of gay men are implicated in it.

The allopathic model requires an identified cause, but the cause is meaningless to cure, so why waste all of that time on it?

Why, it means trillions of dollars in a vaccine.

Absurd is the view I take about all things allopathic.

It is a totally broken and irrepairable system that died long ago in the Dark Ages and is principally what keeps us in the tail end of the Dark Ages.

I for one will be happen when allopathy in diseases finally dissolves into the nothingness it is and is removed from humanity as a scourge.
Hans, you said:

Well, perhaps you should explain a little about the principles of real homeopathy, so we can see the difference.

And what exactly is keeping you from reading the ORGANON OF MEDICINE?

Are you saying you have an opinion about something you have absolutely no knowledge about?

Want to spin that one by me once more?


Again, the World eagerly awaits some documentation of this wonderful regimen.

What's keeping you people from looking at the millions of pages?

If you were the slightest bit interested in removing unnecessary suffering, wouldn't it be reasonable for us to assume you demonstrate sincerity about it and fulfill your responsibilities as Hahnemann fulfilled his when he produced the ORGANON in no less than six editions?

What's keeping you people from examinging homeopathy for 213 years?

Doesn't that seem a little disingenous of you?

Who believes somebody who makes a statement like that?

And why can't any of you people be scientists like you say you are?

What is the problem?


These guys thus sit in the lower bulb somewhere difused in the confusion of hydra-headed allopathic medicine.

Ehr, no. The distinction between allopathy and homeopathy is that homeopathy strives to give a treatment that has the same effect on the body as the disease, wheras allopathy does not. So those regimens are homeopathic per definition. Even if you don't like them, they are in your end of the spectrum.

First of all, it says no such thing.

Next, prescribing homeopathics in allopathic ways is just allopathy, period.

And, no, they are allopathic homeopathy, not homeopathy in any way, shape or form.

Are you going to try to tell me I'm wrong about my own expertise?

How do you plan on doing that when you are demonstrating no knowledge whatsoever about the subject?

Moreover, why should I entertain this conversation any longer with such elements at work in it?

I'll wait for this answer.
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Hans, you again make a mistake:

HPHs today claim to be classical homeopaths and earlier claimed to be Hahnemannians, but that's just a fallow claim since they are easily identified by their mistakes virtually every time they say something.

Translation: They disagree with your team.

No, you don't need to translate it; I said it clearly: they make eight mistakes.
Hans, are you wanting to defend pseudo-homeopathy when you have so far demonstrated zero understanding about homeopathy?

The chosen few. A word of warning here: The practice of denouncing anybody who does not line up to your particular version of truth could leave you awfully lonely.

And, once again, why should I speak to you if you are not in the slightest bit interested in the means of cure we have demonstrated over 213 years and based upon no less than the Laws of Medicine you can easily demonstrate actually exist?

Who said it was otherwise than lonely being a Hahnemannian?

What three criteria, sir, define a pure science, and how many are there?

I am testing your knowledge of science.
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Again, what is keeping you from fulfilling your responsibilities as a scientist and testing Hahnemann's findings after 213 years?

Is this your idea of how scientific progress occurs?

You sit there and do nothing?

I'm sorry, but it does not. What suffices is some evidence that the thing works. That is really all that matters, pationts are not interested in ideology, they are interested in getting well.

Did you even read what you last wrote?

Why do you think homeopathic patients are so extraordinarily loyal?

Well, nobody can require you to answer for others. So where is there some documentation that REAL homeopathics work?

I've answered that already.

Are you even remotely interested in this?

I am here to help you.

If you are not wanting to know anything, we are done

Speaking strictly for myself, it has certainly helped me clarifying my view on your belief system. I am afraid, however, that my conclusions are not what you would wish for.

Opinions are meaningless.

And it doesn't matter anyway since allopathy has a fixed destiny for you.
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