On Homeopathy

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Originally posted by Persol
So if they are sick 5 days in a row, they come to you on the second day, but your 'treatment' doesn't 'work' until the 5th day... you don't know how long they are actually sick. If they do come every single day they fell sick, then you keep the record. This seems doubtfully the case though, which is why your patient needs to do it.

Why won't you be part of an allopathic study?

What does your homeopathy produce in terms of results that it is worth talking about?

Homeopathy works instantly.

Allopathy cannot evaluate homeopathy because you have every parameter of medicine absolutely wrong.

I told you, and I repeated it, now I repeat it again: if you will tell me what you think the parameters of a study would be, I will tell you why they are wrong.

I will not misrepresent and dilute homeopathy by reinforcing the falsehoods of allopathic medicine.

You guys are quacks, and I will not associate with that in the slightest degree.

Article 52 of the ORGANON stated as much, but the details of why have been stated and restated by me dozens of times.



I think you must be brain dead to have not heard it.

If you want to do a pointless study, do it; I do not care.

If you want me to tell you why it would be pointless, tell me the parameters of the proposed study and I will explain it to you.

But I did not ask your permission to be able to cure, and I do not give a damn whether or not you approve.

Who are you, anyway, to be evaluating me?

You support quackery and murder!

You really have a lot of nerve to even suggest such a thing.

Get it?

I am extending you a courtesy to even talk to you about such things.

But I did not ask this of you, nor did I ask for your approval.

If you cannot help with the pharmacological question, then please go away, all of you guys attacking homeopathy and me -- go away, go back to Quack Land.
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Originally posted by BigViking
Why are you so aggressive, Hahnemannian? I hope you are nicer to your patients!

How am I aggressive?

I have exhaustively explained things to these guys.

How many dozens of times does one need to say something in any other context for them to believe it should be understood?
See, this is funny. If you ask doctors simple questions they answer them. If we ask you you say we are braindead quacks. I am extended a courtesy to you by even considering that it might work.

What are the parameters of homeopathy. What is the RESULTS?

you have yet to provide a good reason about why asking your patients to keep records is a bad idea, other then that you feel it might make you look stupid. What is more important, informing other people of the miracles of homepathy with a good study (and thus saving their lives) or trying not to make yourself look stupid?

You also have yet to show any information about why homeopathy is better... just claims that it is, mostly from ORGANON, which might possibly be biased:p

So no, I'm not going to let you get back to your original question, because there is a question that should come before that. Does it work? Accussing us of being murderous braindead quacks does not answer the question.
Persol says:

I am extended a courtesy to you by even considering that it might work.

Did I ask you if you'd please evaluate if homeopathy works?


I have exhaustively answered your questions.

You cannot understand them.

Get it?

You cannot understand them because you are allopathically brainwashed.

I have answered your questions in exhaustive detail out of courtesy.

You have not been able to understand the answers.

You operate under erroneous assumptions about health, disease, therapeutics, the nature of existence and the nature of the universe.

That causes you to fail to understand what I have said.

If you were not brainwashed, everything I said would have been understood and you would not have repeatedly reasked the same questions and made the same points from the same erroneous assumptions.

I did not ask you to evalute anything; you asked me about homeopathy.

But you are clearly incapable of understanding it.

I do not care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get it?

Please go away.

What are the parameters of homeopathy. What is the RESULTS?

That's answered in the ORGANON.

What are the parameters of the proposed study?

I will not offer to explain this again.

One more distractive bit of subtefuge and the offer is withdrawn.

you have yet to provide a good reason about why asking your patients to keep records is a bad idea, other then that you feel it might make you look stupid. What is more important, informing other people of the miracles of homepathy with a good study (and thus saving their lives) or trying not to make yourself look stupid?

I did not say it would make me look stupid; I said it would BE stupid to ask them when they feel sick, for they come to me when that happens.

I do not have to inform people about the miracles of homeopathy; my patients tell everyone and then send them to me.

I do not want more patients.

I want to explain homeopathic pharmacology, for that will force allopaths to admit to all of our clinical history.

What you want is assinine, because it cannot be done.

You also have yet to show any information about why homeopathy is better... just claims that it is, mostly from ORGANON, which might possibly be biased

I did not ask for your approval, did I?

So no, I'm not going to let you get back to your original question, because there is a question that should come before that. Does it work? Accussing us of being murderous braindead quacks does not answer the question.

You are admitting to trying to distract me and keep me from resolving a major mystery that would force allopathic acceptance of our clinical histories of millions of cases?

Why do you want to keep homeopathy from public acceptance?

It is not your place to hinder such efforts.

Tell us why you want to hinder the public from finding out about the means of cure.

Now that you have finally admitted to your devious intent, tell us exactly why you do not want cures to be had by the public.

Allopathy would disappear, right?

You would be out of a job, right?

The pharmaceutical companies would stop extorting trillions of taxpayer dollars, right?

Insurance companies would stop extorting trillions of taxpayer dollars, right?

The allopathic medical societies would be exposed for quacks, right?

Why do you not want humanity to proceed beyond a system of medicine that cannot cure to one that has shown cures since its inception?

Tell us your true motivations, for your sophistries have rung of such devious motives from the beginning.

You are distracting me intentionally, why?

I did not ask your permission.

Why are you intentionally keeping me from trying to find help to resolve a mystery that would lead to that eventuality?

Tell them.
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I did not ask for it, and I formally refuse this service.

Got it?

You can go away now, and thank you very much for nothing.
My friend who's watching this pointed something out:

but you do ask people to keep records of when symptoms occur
So what!

That's for clinical purposes.

What they are matters, when does not since I treat those all as present problems.

I am not going to take part in such a study.

If this is one of the parameters of your proposed study, state exactly what you want of somebody (not me) and why.
I did not say it would make me look stupid; I said it would BE stupid to ask them when they feel sick, for they come to me when that happens.
So someone has headache they come to you? I doubt that they come to you EVERY time they feel sick.

What are the parameters of homeopathy. What is the RESULTS?
That's answered in the ORGANON.

Ok, but since I don't own ORGANON, that doesn't answer my question. What does your homeopathy produce in terms of results?

I do not have to inform people about the miracles of homeopathy; my patients tell everyone and then send them to me. I do not want more patients.

Well that isn't very nice is it? You'd rather people keep being brainwashed and killed by those murderous allopaths? I never said that people who you 'enlightened' would be your patients. There are other people who practice homeopathy besides you... and, if you convinced people, some would study to become homeopaths themselves... so your point of not needing patients is mute and selfish.

I want to explain homeopathic pharmacology, for that will force allopaths to admit to all of our clinical history.

I have yet to see any clinical history, only statements with no backing.
Person says:

Ok, but since I don't own ORGANON, that doesn't answer my question.

We've been here before, of course:


Now what's your excuse?

Well that isn't very nice is it? You'd rather people keep being brainwashed and killed by those murderous allopaths? I never said that people who you 'enlightened' would be your patients. There are other people who practice homeopathy besides you... and, if you convinced people, some would study to become homeopaths themselves... so your point of not needing patients is mute and selfish.

I will manage that fine, thank you.

First comes the enigma that proves they are not placebos.

I did not ask for your help, and we do not need it, and you cannot provide it.


You are formally dismissed from thinking you have any responsibility here.

I have yet to see any clinical history, only statements with no backing.

You clearly cannot help, so it does not matter.


Over 50 percnt of people are psychosomaticly sick and this is where homeopathy could help out relieve the discomforts. I wouldn't use it myself and tell anyone that is using it to get a second opinion from a real MD.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian

I did not ask for it, and I formally refuse this service.

Sorry, it's like the cashier at a store counting the money you give her. It's a service which can't be refused. But please shop at SCIforums again.

That's for clinical purposes.

But could be used very easily to prove/disprove the effect of homeopathic treatments.

What they are matters, when does not since I treat those all as present problems.

Your friend needs to take english lessons.

If this is one of the parameters of your proposed study, state exactly what you want of somebody (not me) and why.

Give the patient a book. Each page says something like

How do you feel (1-Very Ill, 10-Very Healthy):
and ask them to fill it out every day.

You end up with a qualitative feeling summarized in a quantitaive way which can be analyzed and compared against other treatment methods.
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Re: Persol....

Originally posted by cosmictraveler
Over 50 percnt of people are psychosomaticly sick and this is where homeopathy could help out relieve the discomforts. I wouldn't use it myself and tell anyone that is using it to get a second opinion from a real MD.
Howver you don't know if it psychosomatic(spelling?) or not without investagating further. After investiagation, homeopaths still attempt to treat it if the evidence says it is real. There is nothing to show however that these treatments are not any better then the psychological 'treatments' of scientology/dianetics.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
We've been here before, of course:
Now what's your excuse?

Would you read a medical book if I linked you to that. Provide a reference to where it answers my question, or summarize. It's up to you.

I did not ask for your help, and we do not need it, and you cannot provide it.

I am not trying to help you. I am trying to figure out if this has any basis in reality whatsoever.

You are formally dismissed from thinking you have any responsibility here.

Only the idividual has that right.

You clearly cannot help, so it does not matter.

And you clearly have no basis to be treating sick people.


Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Mostly they're incurable due to being disordered cases by allopathic medicine masking and changing their natural symptoms and engrafting onto them artificial symptoms called drug side effects, for it is impossible to determine what medicine they therefore need, and it is impossible to determine what effect their allopathic drugs will have once we do hit their simillimum.

Allopathic drugs make people incurable, and your mere opinions do not change this tragic reality.

One of the hallmarks of quackery in general and health fraud specifically is the "out", a concocted reason why the treatment does not work. And here, Hahnemanniac dreams up a beauty - anyone treated "allopathically" cannot be "cured" by homeopathy. Of course, since virtually everyone in the developed world has been treated as such, including vaccines, antibiotics, ethical drugs, OTCs, etc, this convenient excuse applies to all.

You continue to dig the grave for the discredited nonsense of homeopathy yet deeper.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
They all have positive experiences from homeopathy because it is readily available in India, you ignorant fool!

I know that, and thank you for pointing out yet more evidence for the complete inefficacy of homeopathy. The vast majority of people being "treated" by homeopaths in India have abysmal health and die at ages much lower than those treated with conventional medicine in developed countries. Now how can that be considering Hahnemanniac's ludicrous claim that homeopathy cures all disease? The only explaination is that homeopathy. like Hahnemannian, is a fake, a phony, and a fraud.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
My prescription for BToxic is a sledge hammer to the head and see me in the morning.

Typical 19th century quackery treatment by Hahnemanniac. But at least this one, unlike the placebo pills and potions usually prescribed by these quacks, actually has a physiological effect!
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Every homeopath has, you ignorant fool.

And how did they do that?

They read his books, beginning with the ORGANON OF MEDICINE.

Once again, repeating this absurd lie over and over does not make it true. The fact is no one has been able to reproduce the imagined cures of Hahnemann. Not one. This is the true natural law #1.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
He was well on his way toward complete cure when they killed him.

Who else could be to blame?

Correction, he was on the way to a complete cure with conventional medicine until you killed him with worthless placebos, you delusional quack. You should be locked up for your crimes against humanity and as a danger to society.
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