On God and Bush . . . .


Valued Senior Member
On November 2, the entire civilized world will be praying, praying Bush loses the election. And Sod’s Law dictates he’ll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. :D
Michael said:
On November 2, the entire civilized world will be praying, praying Bush loses the election. And Sod’s Law dictates he’ll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. :D

Once there was a boy who grew up thinking he could change the world. He was even more convinced of this fact because his daddy had already done it and his daddy was encouraging him to follow in his footsteps.
His daddy was a stubborn man however and did not always take good advice. The boy hated it when people reviled his father for the bad choices he had made and set out to defend the daddy whom he loved. He decided he would make those accusers pay when he was in office.
Before the boy's father died, he said to his son "I have been a proud man and have not always listened to good advice but I want you to know this before I leave this world because it is a lesson I have learnt too late, "Those who are for you cannot be against you - listen to them in humility rather than being arrogant and proud in yourself" - Upon saying this the man died leaving his son to wonder whether he too had made the same mistakes his dying father confessed to. His heart softened at his father's words and was a changed man forever.

Lean not to your own understanding when it comes to the mind of God! Trust me God is very much in existence and very much 'for you'!


With the utter lack of evidence for the existence of any god(s), I won't be wasting my time praying. But I will be voting for Bush's opponent, and I hope enough others do the same. Four more years of that arrogant jerk will be a heavy burden indeed.
from where does your story come, please in future can you print the source, so we can verify it.
it is pointless telling a story otherwise.
who was the old man and who was the young and when did they live.

or does the c in c20 stand for christ

lean only to your own understanding when it comes to the mind of you, trust me, you are very much in existence and very much "for you" ( dont take my word for it,take a look for yourself )
the preacher said:
from where does your story come, please in future can you print the source, so we can verify it.
it is pointless telling a story otherwise.
who was the old man and who was the young and when did they live.

or does the c in c20 stand for christ

lean only to your own understanding when it comes to the mind of you, trust me, you are very much in existence and very much "for you" ( dont take my word for it,take a look for yourself )

It comes out the top of my head which you verify is very much in existence and is very much 'for' me. Since I am not against you I can only extrapolate that it is 'for' you as well.
I don't really care about how the existence of God is related to the election.

You know, God allows the existence of Satan, why can't Bush wins again?

But one of the scarest things about Bush is that he is acting as if he is carrying out God's will, where in fact it is the exact opposite.
George Soros, Michael Moore, NARAL, GLAAD, Hollywood and the upper west side of Manhattan are carrying out God's will then I guess. Or tried to.

As Matt Bai wrote in The New York Times (11/21/04):
Election Day felt like some kind of horror movie, with conservative voters rising up out of the hills and condo communities in numbers the Kerry forces never knew existed."They just came in droves . . ."
The undead rose from their crypts and defeated the forces of light.
c20H25N3o said:
Once there was a boy who grew up thinking he could change the world. He was even more convinced of this fact because his daddy had already done it and his daddy was encouraging him to follow in his footsteps.
His daddy was a stubborn man however and did not always take good advice. The boy hated it when people reviled his father for the bad choices he had made and set out to defend the daddy whom he loved. He decided he would make those accusers pay when he was in office.
Before the boy's father died, he said to his son "I have been a proud man and have not always listened to good advice but I want you to know this before I leave this world because it is a lesson I have learnt too late, "Those who are for you cannot be against you - listen to them in humility rather than being arrogant and proud in yourself" - Upon saying this the man died leaving his son to wonder whether he too had made the same mistakes his dying father confessed to. His heart softened at his father's words and was a changed man forever.

Lean not to your own understanding when it comes to the mind of God! Trust me God is very much in existence and very much 'for you'!



Do you think that Jones in Guyana had a little to much trust in the name of God? Cyanide cool aide anyone? How far will you go to prove your love to your God? Why do Christians remain detached from reality and common sense and call it faith. Then there are people who say they talk to God well what is up with that? Don't we have institutions for people who here voices in their heads?
Starman said:
Why do Christians remain detached from reality and common sense and call it faith. QUOTE]

It's called choice. we dont have anything to lose for beleiving... you have the most to lose if we are right.
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Muhlenberg: Slightly more hostility to religion on this forum than on most. What is the deal? Is it a gay thing?
M*W: Sciforums is not a christian forum nor is it a gay forum. Perhaps the hostility you believe you see stems from christians repeating and repeating and repeating themselves in their every post. They offer nothing new to elicit debate. There is so much to learn about the religions of the world, but the christians just want to talk about their faith and repetitively try to cram it down our throats. Everyone who posts here knows about christianity, but we just don't believe it to be true.
lostmind: Why do Christians remain detached from reality and common sense and call it faith. It's called choice. we dont have anything to lose for beleiving... you have the most to lose if we are right.
M*W: But, you do have a lot to lose by believing in a lie. Essentially, you will have wasted your life on the lies. You have absolutely NO choice in life if you're a christian. You'll just keep waiting for those trumpets to blare, but you'll never hear them. Believing in reality is better than believing in faith. No one has anything to lose except christians who are brainwashed to believe the lie.
M*W:well i thought this forum is for all types of conversation. they didn't say no christians allowed on front page. are u hostile towards islam & the other religions?
M*W:" But, you do have a lot to lose by believing in a lie. Essentially, you will have wasted your life on the lies. You have absolutely NO choice in life if you're a christian. You'll just keep waiting for those trumpets to blare, but you'll never hear them. Believing in reality is better than believing in faith. No one has anything to lose except christians who are brainwashed to believe the lie."

What do you picture christians as? we have choices. We enjoy life as well as you do. we have parties, we drink,we work, we have sex , some of us listen to rap, rock, techno, etc. We aren't some pointy head eletist who think we know everything,or that we're better than u. we are just as human as u are, we bleed blood as u do. some of us are pushy and try to convert people but not me, not all. everyone has freedom to make that choice to beleive or not. I dont think any less of you because you dont. If i"m living a lie, too bad for me, I missed out on a lot of sex and wasted plenty of sundays. If I died , I would die happy. but look around, theres plenty of things that cant be proven. But if your right and i'm wrong no harm, no foul.
lostmind: M*W:well i thought this forum is for all types of conversation. they didn't say no christians allowed on front page. are u hostile towards islam & the other religions?
M*W: This forum is for religious debate. I have NEVER said that this forum didn't allow christians! Please reread correctly what I stated. I am not hostile toward other religions, because I have not practice any other religions. I am a former devout christian who was fortunate enough to find out the truth.
c20 said:
Lean not to your own understanding when it comes to the mind of God!

I think this has already been pointed out but again, who else's understanding are you going to lean on?
Medicine Woman...I didn't mention Christian, you did. My point is simply that those hostile to religion buzz around religion forums and religion threads as meat bees do around hamburger.