Om Tat Sat, Existence is Divine

I had no idea that there was so much religious demand for such a chair;
however, I would assert that the chair I am referring to is more of a threat
than something they would want.

You think there's no demand for it? What, with all the people into meditation, shrooms, LSD, DMT, and other hallucinagenes to have that experience, you think there'd be no demand for it? Ya nuts! :p

So anyhow, once again here I am offering the experience to you. Heck,
if it does not work then I'll pay for your entire trip and make a statement
on Sciforums that I am a charleton. I'll even sign a legal affidavid and
contract if you feel that would help.

Dayum, free plane ticket, able to sign an affidavid, and all that.. take the offer! If not, I will. Do I have to make up some sort of religious visual experience to apply? If so, lemme tell ya about this time when uh..

- N
Neildo said:
Dayum, free plane ticket, able to sign an affidavid, and all that.. take the offer! If not, I will. Do I have to make up some sort of religious visual experience to apply? If so, lemme tell ya about this time when uh..

- N

Didn't your mommy ever talk to you about strange men who make offers on the Internet? They'll want to grope you and then the next thing you know your just another cut of meat in Jeffrey Dalmer's Refrigerator.
Didn't your mommy ever talk to you about strange men who make offers on the Internet? They'll want to grope you and then the next thing you know your just another cut of meat in Jeffrey Dalmer's Refrigerator.

She just taught me not to accept rides or accept candy from strangers except the candy part on Halloween, then you just have to not accept candied apples because they might have rusty razor blades infected with diseases in them. She never mentioned the internet since back then there was no public access to it. I'm thankful too though since I've met hundreds of people from it. Now lemme weight the two, hmm, having a complete stranger screw with my brain or accepting a rusty razor-bladed candy apple infected with disease, hmm.. . :p

- N
Leo Volont said:
You need to begin thinking straight. In the Sixties and Seventies when the hippies thought they could find God with an LSD Pill, did they think THAT was a threat?

If your magical-scientific Chair can induce a Mystical Experience, then, yes, you would sell more of them then hullahoops, poogosticks, and yoyos all put together.

You don't have the patent. Who does? Where can I buy one?

Don't know actually. It's not really a time period I can sympathize with,
but Drugs alter your ability to think wheras the 'chair' does not.

Anyhow, it's not a magical-scientific chair. It's a normal chair with some steel,
magnets, and uses electricity. It will inhibit part of your brain functionality (the sense of 'self') and thats when the experience begins. No magic.

I am not sure whom the ground zero inventor is (not any associated
patents). The chair is not something that is sold on the open market :).

Anyhow, like I said... the offer is open with a finiancial and legal parachute.
I can't really make this any easier for ya.
Neildo said:
You think there's no demand for it? What, with all the people into meditation, shrooms, LSD, DMT, and other hallucinagenes to have that experience, you think there'd be no demand for it? Ya nuts! :p

Dayum, free plane ticket, able to sign an affidavid, and all that.. take the offer! If not, I will. Do I have to make up some sort of religious visual experience to apply? If so, lemme tell ya about this time when uh..

- N

In all honesty, I'll have to see if I can get some footing on the IP for that
sucker if people would really buy it; however, I don't know if it would pass
through the FDA as a recreational toy.

Yep it's a good offer :); however, I am going to keep it extended to good
ol' Leo only because I think this type of experience may be the earth
shattering one that helps him distinguish between reality and fantasy.
Leo Volont said:
Didn't your mommy ever talk to you about strange men who make offers on the Internet? They'll want to grope you and then the next thing you know your just another cut of meat in Jeffrey Dalmer's Refrigerator.


How can I not become a 'stranger' to you? Would you like to speak with
me on the phone? What about my wife? Boss? Shall I visit you first?
Teleconference? For an extravert, I am sensing alot of social hesitation.