Old or Young Earth?

Is the earth millions of years old or 6,000 years old?

  • Millions of Years Old

    Votes: 24 100.0%
  • 6,000 Years Old

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The Pope has already integrated evolution into the church because even he knows that denying reality is not a good idea.
Comon, we can't have our cake and eat it too?

I voted Millions of years, however, we know the middle east has suffered at least one major flood, when the Med, dumped into the black sea. Why do we have to discount the flood myth utterly?? Fuck! It's all or nothing with some of you guys!
Jesus spoke in parables. Doesn't mean they all literally happened. Who's to say God wouldn't do the same?

In any case, the Bible never says specifically that it was a Global Flood. If so point out the verse where it says this. And even if it did, I like using Saquist's approach to this question.

Saquist's approach: The OT was written FROM THE EYES OF AN OBSERVER.

Therefore, to the observer, it may have looked like a global flood, when really it wasn't.
Does the writings of Moses ever come out and specifically prophesize "the coming of the Son of God who will die for all of mankind's sins and who will be crucified, and who will be born of a virgin?"

No, it doesn't. You just assume that the animal offerings in those scriptures SYMBOLIZED the above prophesy.

So you would argue that the writings of Moses were really SYMBOLIC in nature, except when it goes against your beliefs.
Why are you so hung up on this NDS, do you believe the rest of the Bible?

Why are you so hung up on proving a Young Earth? I'm not the one who wrote two books on the subject, lol.

As far as the rest of the Bible, I don't really know. Jesus had good teachings, but the problem lies in the lack of evidence for his being the Son of God.
And he never claimed to be so, but the Christian world seems intent on putting words in his mouth, figuratively speaking. I think if Jesus were walking among us today, he'd be mortified at the Christian faith, especially with the super churches, the political infiltration, and the idol worship of both televangelists and the Catholic practice of praying before statues of saints.
So, IAC, if you believe in Jesus (Son of God, Redeemer, etc.) but not in the Young Earth Theory, can you still be saved?
Jesus sees what's going on, afterall, He's God.

If he was God he would know when he himself will return in the second coming. But only God knows that. Jesus doesn't.

Also, the Bible states that God has given Jesus authority. Therefore, in order to be given authority, this means that a higher authority must exist (God).
Either way. Millions or billions. I should have just wrote X > Billions or something like that. Same difference.
Is that what the Bible says about it NDS?

Why don't YOU tell us what it says, since you seem to be the self-proclaimed, one-line posting, question-dodging, logic-free, expert on the matter?????

You wanna be a 'witness' for Christianity, throw down some references, scriptures, ANYTHING, to show that you aren't just some 13yr old that signed up on here just to antagonize shit.

I have often wondered if the bible meant 6,000 years metaphorically. Isn't the written history and civilization of humankind about 6000 years old?
Even if that's what the bible meant, it still left out any detail (as if the bible has any other scientific detail in it) in the 4+ billions of years of Earth's history.