Old or Young Earth?

Is the earth millions of years old or 6,000 years old?

  • Millions of Years Old

    Votes: 24 100.0%
  • 6,000 Years Old

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Is the earth millions of years old or 6,000 years old?

Here is some food for thought on the issue dealing with the Young Earth Global Deluge Hypothesis:

Why is there no evidence of a flood in ice core series?

Ice cores from Greenland have been dated back more than 40,000 years by counting annual layers. [Johnsen et al, 1992,; Alley et al, 1993] A worldwide flood would be expected to leave a layer of sediments, noticeable changes in salinity and oxygen isotope ratios, fractures from buoyancy and thermal stresses, a hiatus in trapped air bubbles, and probably other evidence. Why doesn't such evidence show up?

How are the polar ice caps even possible?

Such a mass of water as the Flood would have provided sufficient buoyancy to float the polar caps off their beds and break them up. They wouldn't regrow quickly. In fact, the Greenland ice cap would not regrow under modern (last 10 ky) climatic conditions.

Why did the Flood not leave traces on the sea floors?

A year long flood should be recognizable in sea bottom cores by (1) an uncharacteristic amount of terrestrial detritus, (2) different grain size distributions in the sediment, (3) a shift in oxygen isotope ratios (rain has a different isotopic composition from seawater), (4) a massive extinction, and (n) other characters. Why do none of these show up?

Why is there no evidence of a flood in tree ring dating?

Tree ring records go back more than 10,000 years, with no evidence of a catastrophe during that time. [Becker & Kromer, 1993; Becker et al, 1991; Stuiver et al, 1986]

How was the fossil record sorted in an order convenient for evolution?

The Young Earth Hypothesis can't explain:

-the extremely good sorting observed. Why didn't at least one dinosaur make it to the high ground with the elephants?
-the relative positions of plants and other non-motile life. (Yun, 1989, describes beautifully preserved algae from Late Precambrian sediments. Why don't any modern-looking plants appear that low in the geological column?)
why some groups of organisms, such as mollusks, are found in many geologic strata.
-why organisms (such as brachiopods) which are very similar hydrodynamically (all nearly the same size, shape, and weight) are still perfectly sorted.
-why extinct animals which lived in the same niches as present animals didn't survive as well. Why did no pterodons make it to high ground?
how coral reefs hundreds of feet thick and miles long were preserved intact with other fossils below them.
- why small organisms dominate the lower strata, whereas fluid mechanics says they would sink slower and thus end up in upper strata.
- why artifacts such as footprints and burrows are also sorted. [Crimes & Droser, 1992]
- why no human artifacts are found except in the very uppermost strata. If, at the time of the Flood, the earth was overpopulated by people with technology for shipbuilding, why were none of their tools or buildings mixed with trilobite or dinosaur fossils?
- why different parts of the same organisms are sorted together. Pollen and spores are found in association with the trunks, leaves, branches, and roots produced by the same plants [Stewart, 1983].
- why ecological information is consistent within but not between layers. Fossil pollen is one of the more important indicators of different levels of strata. Each plant has different and distinct pollen, and, by telling which plants produced the fossil pollen, it is easy to see what the climate was like in different strata. Was the pollen hydraulically sorted by the flood water so that the climatic evidence is different for each layer?

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delusion - an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary.
The Young Earth Hypothesis - an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary.
Famous IAC quotes:


"Ooga booga."


"Tee hee."

"Booga Booga."

Wow IAC, by the looks of this poll so far you must be putting forth a really convinving case for a young earth!!!

IAC, I just wanted to commend you on the great job you've done so far "defending God's word" on this site. By the poll results, it seems that you have really done a stand out job of convincing everyone of a Young Earth. God must be proud!

No problem, my friend. :)

Wow, IAC has presented such a great case for a Young Earth that a whole ZERO people have been persuaded by him! In fact, his arguments are so lame and illogical that he has even convinced himself that the Young Earth Hypothesis is absurd!!!
Sorry, I don't consider your personal "fantasy land" to be reality.

And apparently, neither does anyone else on this site!!!