Old or Young Earth? (Revised)

Which Model is True?

  • IAC's version of the Global Flood Model (Earth is 6,000 years old)

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Lakes, rivers, flood plains, and also when the sea level rises again we will see more activity.
So where is the evidence of lakes and rivers and flood plains in the geologic column? Where are the fossil soil layers, why do coal seams cover multiple states, why are vast pure limestone layers resting conformably (no fossil river hills and river valleys) upon vast sandstone or shale layers?
So where is the evidence of lakes and rivers and flood plains in the geologic column?

Everywhere. Take the Morrison Formation for example:

"The deposits from their east-facing drainage basins, carried by streams and rivers from the Elko Highlands (along the borders of present-day Nevada and Utah) and deposited in swampy lowlands, lakes, river channels and floodplains, became the Morrison Formation."

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morrison_Formation

Here are some visuals:




Where are the fossil soil layers, why do coal seams cover multiple states, why are vast pure limestone layers resting conformably (no fossil river hills and river valleys) upon vast sandstone or shale layers?



My answer: Vast changes in climate over millions of years. Think about that for a second. MILLIONS OF YEARS. A lot can happen in that time span.
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So where is the evidence of lakes and rivers and flood plains in the geologic column? Where are the fossil soil layers, why do coal seams cover multiple states, why are vast pure limestone layers resting conformably (no fossil river hills and river valleys) upon vast sandstone or shale layers?

Uhhh, you can also see layers in rocks when you are driving down the road. Occasionally hills and rock are blasted to make way for roads. The rock layers that are exposed by the blasting are in pretty much plain view.
Unless you live in FL (where it's flat as a board, and comprised of sand), you have probably seen them before.

EDIT: Oh forgot to mention, go take a look at the walls of the Grand Canyon too.
So then you would agree that the earth/solar system/galaxy, etc. is millions/billions of years old then?

So from a Christian's perspective, how do you interpret the bible saying that the earth is between 6 and 10K years old? Do you think 'earth' in that sense was a metaphor for recorded civilization? To me, that would make sense.

It's obvious that the univserse is old...there is evidence of Galactic colisions that take millions of years to occur...It's ballistics, the theory of the Big, gravity acting on matter is very very predictable.

I don't think that creation was a metaphor I think "day" was the metaphor and there is more than enough proof in the bible to show that the word "day" is not litteral. I posted that information on the The Science of the Genesis Account thread.

Come on ...the Bible after creation is finished ends up calling it all one day...Are we to believe that any of those days were a true 24 hour period...It doesn't sound likely.
You should read up on gravitional time dilation during the creation week Saquist, "White Hole" matter expanded out, gravitional time dilation during the rapid expansion, with a bounded Universe which the Big Bang does, and doesn't acknowledge, in order to not acknowledge the gravitational time dilation during the expansion, the ol' shell game.

This is also a game of math as well but I'll look up what I can on gravitational time dilation....

This sounds like the fabric of space was expanding far rapidly causing time to "accelerate" within the initial blast of the BIG BANG...

but if that's true then it makes determining the true time expended in the bibles depiction of days absolutely impossible to determine. How can we take a refrence of days and thus apply that 24 hour period (truely less, 12 hours) to a time dialation. Once time has be tampered with any perception can be true. wheaher trillions or minutes have passed. It becomes an issue of relativity.
mike, IAC acknowledges that there are vast layers of sedimentary rock all around us, but he thinks they got here from a worldwide deluge instead of millions of years of depostion and lithification.

His explanation for why different sediment is on different layers and for why a desert sandstone is between two marine layers, is the following:

Many turbidity flows from constantly varying directions and intensities during the Deluge, with periods of only CaCO3 precipitation, and periods where only slurries in low energy environments were settling out.

The turbidity flows weren't going on everywhere all the time.

The problem here is that this is not only very speculative, but very absurd for obvious reasons. His explanation for how chalk was formed so quickly (which normally takes millions of years in a very delicate and time consuming process):

Lots of the little critters grew quickly in that warm nutrient-rich water.
Warm nutrient-rich post Deluge waters were perfect for the infestation of those waters by the little buggers.

The problem here though is that all of the little buggers would have been killed by the deluge, constant earthquake activty, brackish water, volcanic activity, gas geysers, etc.
It's obvious that the univserse is old...there is evidence of Galactic colisions that take millions of years to occur...It's ballistics, the theory of the Big, gravity acting on matter is very very predictable.

I don't think that creation was a metaphor I think "day" was the metaphor and there is more than enough proof in the bible to show that the word "day" is not litteral. I posted that information on the The Science of the Genesis Account thread.

Come on ...the Bible after creation is finished ends up calling it all one day...Are we to believe that any of those days were a true 24 hour period...It doesn't sound likely.

Well said. My thoughts exactly, Saquist.
This is also a game of math as well but I'll look up what I can on gravitational time dilation....

Don't waste your time. It's based on a theory by Russel Humphreys, a young earther from the start who was therefore biased from the start and was only attempting to rationalize the YE Theory with his own theories.
The Sun and the rest of the stars weren't fully formed until Day Four, so God kept time himself then, and could have as the time dilation was winding down, no inconsistency there.
The Sun and the rest of the stars weren't fully formed until Day Four, so God kept time himself then, and could have as the time dilation was winding down, no inconsistency there.

LOL. Now the question is: Why was God so determined to make sure he created everything in exact 24 blocks, when he could created EVERYTHING he created during creation week in a matter of one nanosecond.

I think it would be more impressive if Genesis 1:1 read:

"In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, in a matter of one nanosecond, God created the entire universe, including the earth with plants, animals, and humans."

Wow, that saved a lot of time and space, did it not?
So where is the evidence of lakes and rivers and flood plains in the geologic column? Where are the fossil soil layers, why do coal seams cover multiple states, why are vast pure limestone layers resting conformably (no fossil river hills and river valleys) upon vast sandstone or shale layers?

M*W: IAC, don't you think this topic would be more appropriate in the Earth Science forum? Most of us were not geology majors.