Ok So Some People Do Not Believe In God..............

Wait a minute Buster!!!.

Tyler you sound as a thiest just look at your own freaking words:

"He's not. Satan, on Christian views I have heard, is trying to get people to sin and come to Hell. Satan enjoys sin and enjoys Hell. He wants people to come to Hell so he can do what he enjoys, torture them. God enjoys it when people do not sin and worship him. God enjoys rewarding these people. Each does what he pleases"

"Most Christians I have met believe in free will. So, yes Satan tempts you. But he does not force you to commit sin. Yes it is difficult, but a true believer is expected to be able to deny Satan."

"Satan tempts you and you have the will to say no. So yes, you take responsibility for your actions."

I'm no Nelson, but looking back at everything you've said, implies that you believe in supernatural forces!!.

Basically what i'm tryng to get through the smokey room is, there's no freaking SATAN!!!!! that tempts anyone. It's just their silly beliefs, for the temptations of natural behavior. When involved in sex, which is what mostly this whole crap started anyway!. Other temptations such as criminal is due to thier own volition not that SATAN tempted them!!.
Godless is now Nelson Part Deux

"He's not. Satan, on Christian views I have heard"

It appears you obviously chose to miss the words 'on Christian views I have heard'.

Also, the question original was asked to find out what the Christians believe about Satan. Soooooo, I answered it. As I have a knowledge of religion.
"When involved in sex, which is what mostly this whole crap started anyway!. Other temptations such as criminal is due to thier own volition not that SATAN tempted them!!."

Also, can you give complete proof that there is no God or Satan? It's impossible to scientifically prove it either way.

Second, as the first thing isn't important really, what your view is doesn't fucking matter. Someone asked what Christian views are on the subject, you can't say 'Oh Christian views don't matter cause I'm right and they're wrong'. That's a morons reply. They want to know what a theist believes, not have some idiot who can't read tell them what their own bleiefs are.

No need to get all freaked out Tyler, I'm not picking on you!, however you did mention you were not a thiest!, this tells me nothing with the way you''ve been displaing yourself!!. When speaking on thier views, keep in mind that this is not your view, and it indeed sounds as if you yourself, believes such things as SATAN and gods, supernatural, realms.

Why I laughed is cause I did spark the reactions I was expecting!, however the moron is the one who lost he's temper!!.:eek: :rolleyes:

BTW, Tyler let me apolegize for tempting you!.:p Ok!:D
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