Ok scientists...what's at the end of the universe?

I'm glad to see you giving this serious thought Asguard.
However, yes you could theoreticly physically tunnel through the earth to get from one point to another...is it prcatical?...of course not...but it is theoreticaly possible which is the main point, yes?, so....
If I were on the surface of this bubble in your scenario...what if I was to go "up" from the surface of the bubble,...rather than simply setting out north, east, west or south "around" it?
this one:p
"a good example would be going from antatica to the artic. You can travel in any direction you like and as long as you go straight you will eventually get there but as you cant go through the earth or up into space you can only follow the compass points. In the case of the universe up and down dont even exist, you can physically only travel along the edge.

The part that always confuses me is where worm holes come into it, are they tunnels through the hypothetical 3D bubble"

i admit your post was better than mine though
this one:p
"a good example would be going from antatica to the artic. You can travel in any direction you like and as long as you go straight you will eventually get there but as you cant go through the earth or up into space you can only follow the compass points. In the case of the universe up and down dont even exist, you can physically only travel along the edge.

The part that always confuses me is where worm holes come into it, are they tunnels through the hypothetical 3D bubble"

i admit your post was better than mine though

Thanks. I just kind of summarized the entire book Hyperspace... have you read it Asguard?
no, metaphysics always gives me a head ache.

Ever read the science of the disc world?
it is quite good at explaining very difficult and my blowing concepts in symplistic ways
its a terry pratchett book but its only half fiction (every second chapter). The other chapters are written by two scientists, one a mathematician, the other a biologist i think

they wrote "the story telling chimp" i think its called amongst other books
Oh Terry Pratchet! Yeah i remember when i worked at Borders Books I always wanted to read his books, but i got intimidated by the amount of them, I never thought I could get through them all, and I can't stand getting locked into a series.
the three "science of the disc worlds" are different to the rest. They are half one of his stories, half real science and they are quite good.

As for the rest i have read all but the last 3:p
i was devistated to learn he has alzimers, its both so sad and a very poor indicator for the resurchers who are suggesting that keeping your mind active can prevent the disorder:(
I didn't hear about that. It is a shame. I don't think it disproves the theory though. Who knows, he could have gotten it much earlier if he hadn't kept his mind active.
The universe had no beginning and it will have no end

Repost of deleted post to put title on proper line :eek:.

The universe had no beginning and it will have no end.

What we see is an expanding arena within a greater universe. The greater universe is potentially infinite and has always existed. Our arena will end when the energy density that has been expanding as it merges with the lower energy density of the greater universe plays out. By playing out I mean the the energy density of our arena will equalize itself with the lower energy density of the greater universe.

But our arena will leave its mark and will make a contribution of useful energy to the greater universe. It will leave an arena full of galaxies that have expansion momentum that will join similar remnants left from a history of similar arenas to converge out in the greater universe . These remnant galaxies will mix and merge out in the greater universe. Gravity will be stronger than expansion momentum in the swirling rendezvous of those convergent remnants. New arenas form under those conditions and galactic material and energy will succumb to the influence of gravity to form big crunches.

Big crunches will accumulate until their internal energy density becomes so great that matter cannot function. Gravity is a function of mass and so when matter ceases to function, gravity will not function. Eventually the "locked" core of potential energy forced out of mass and into "dense" state energy will reach sufficient proportions to cause the big crunch to fail from a lack of gravity and from the pressure of building potential expansion energy in the core. When the crunch fails a ball of energy in the dense state will be released into an expansion phase. Each arena that forms will have this fate. An infinite number of such arenas are playing out at any given time across a potentially infinite greater universe.

As the energy mixes with the low energy density of the greater universe the dense state energy will gradually gain enough space to again form matter and to again allow gravity to function. However, this newly forming matter will have expansion momentum because it forms in an expanding energy density environment. Matter will have initial separation momentum but the close proximity will allow gravity to cause clumping that leads to star formation and galactic structure.

As galaxies form the expansion momentum of the particles and stars will be conserved and the galaxies will be separating from each other. As expansion continues the inverse square rule causes expansion momentum of over come the gravitation attraction between galaxies and the separation of galaxies will accelerate.

That completes the arena process and each new arena will have the same fate; they will send their galactic material out into the greater universe just like all previous arenas have done. And new arenas will form from the endless supply of galactic remnants in swirling rendezvous out in the greater universe.

It is an endless process that takes the energy spent by the arenas to expand and to form galaxies and converts that energy back to useful energy in the core of big crunches. This process is occurring throughout the infinite universe and accounts for the defeat of complete entropy. There will be no Big Rip.
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"First Law of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics is often called the Law of Conservation of Energy. This law suggests that energy can be transferred from one system to another in many forms. Also, it can not be created or destroyed. Thus, the total amount of energy available in the Universe is constant."

found from: http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/6e.html

Matter and energy CANNOT be created or destroyed, unless some "all powerful being" made it.

Ya sorry I meant, cold death.