Ok, I'm losing it...

That is cool. For awhile i was seeing smoky shadows in my peripheral vision but i think that was due to my diet and my vision changing. Which it has gotten worse. The thing about that is it happens the same way looking down and then looking up fast.

The truth is that no one will ever believe you.

Well, he isn't one of those first-time members who posts life-story about an inconceivable paranormal event; MZ3Boy84 has been here for a good time now, and is a respectable member. I guess I could beleive him to. Why would he lie?
John99 said:
That is cool. For awhile i was seeing smoky shadows in my peripheral vision but i think that was due to my diet and my vision changing. Which it has gotten worse. The thing about that is it happens the same way looking down and then looking up fast.

The truth is that no one will ever believe you.

Well, he isn't one of those first-time members who posts life-story about an inconceivable paranormal event; MZ3Boy84 has been here for a good time now, and is a respectable member. I guess I could beleive him to. Why would he lie?

Good point Athens. If we take as a given that he's not lying, here are the main possibilities:
1- A man quickly dodged his vehicle and got out of site quick. This might be the one that the more 'reality is normal' people would probably go for.

2- A type of hallucination. He says he wasn't on drugs, but I have a feeling that people who dislike thinking that the paranormal actually exists would prefer this explanation to more paranormal ones.

3- a ghost. Definitely on the paranormal side of things, but atleast it would account for the fact that he seemed to pass through the man without incident and then the man dissapeared.

4- An actual man who dissappeared because of butterfly effect type blowback.

5- I'm sure other possibilities can come be made up; once you step out of the 'normal' way of seeing things, a lot of explanations can be found for events. The hard part is providing evidence for them :).
scott3x said:
I'm guessing you mean that you hope the OP poster doesn't have another experience like he had.

what do you think he had?

I don't know. Personally though, I like the butterfly effect type scenario; it sounds cooler :). I think it'd be a bit funny, though, if some guy comes up to him one of these days and says:
"Man! You almost ran me over the other day! Good thing I jumped out of the way!" :). Although perhaps he searched around his car too well for that to be a possibility.

Perhaps it was a ghost? But why would a ghost be bothering him? I suppose he could have hallucinated it (a girl I used to know in high school once said she hallucinated when she was very hungry, and he -was- going to go eat). So maybe that's it. But I still think the Butterfly Effect scenario sounds cooler ;-).
I was driving to McDonalds this morning. I was looking down at my radio, and then when I looked up at the road again, there was a man maybe 20 feet in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting them, and shortly after i put my foot on the pedal, the person disappeared before my eyes. I was looking RIGHT AT THEM and then they were gone!!! I pulled over to look for this guy but couldnt find anything.

How do you explain this? How do you see a person CLEAR AS DAY staring at you then poof he's gone? Not smoke, no mirrors, one man in front of one car. Then no man ANYWHERE??!?

I told my bf about it and he said not to worry about it. How do you not worry about it?!?? How does a man simply disappear in front of your eyes?

Were you tired at the time ?

The experience is a common type of hallucination, known popularly as a "waking dream," which takes place between being fully asleep and fully awake. Such experiences typically include bizarre imagery (bright lights or apparitions of demons, ghosts, aliens, etc.) and/or auditory hallucinations. "Sleep paralysis" may also occur, whereby there is an inability to move because the body is still in the sleep mode (Nickell 1995).
LOL you guys really crack me up!

Yes, I did look under the car after the incident. No bodies, no blood.

Ive decided I'm not going to worry too much about it. It hasn't happened again yet, and Im hoping it doesnt. I still don't know what to fully make of the situation. I wasn't tired or anything like that so I don't think it was a waking dream.

The only thing I do know is that I saw someone and they disappeared. Maybe it was a very powerful random flash of chemicals in my brain or something. A ghost? I don't have a clue. I haven't found a reasonable explanation for it, and I don't think I will. So I think the only thing I can do is just to let it go for no unless it happens again, which I will then be going to a shrink lol.

And don't worry about joking about it, it actually helped calmed my nerves and put some light on the event.

It was definately something I will never forget.
LOL you guys really crack me up!

Yes, I did look under the car after the incident. No bodies, no blood.

Ive decided I'm not going to worry too much about it. It hasn't happened again yet, and Im hoping it doesnt. I still don't know what to fully make of the situation. I wasn't tired or anything like that so I don't think it was a waking dream.

The only thing I do know is that I saw someone and they disappeared. Maybe it was a very powerful random flash of chemicals in my brain or something. A ghost? I don't have a clue. I haven't found a reasonable explanation for it, and I don't think I will. So I think the only thing I can do is just to let it go for no unless it happens again, which I will then be going to a shrink lol.

And don't worry about joking about it, it actually helped calmed my nerves and put some light on the event.

It was definately something I will never forget.

Hey MZ3 :)
There is a reasonable explanation for it though.. a hallucination. How or why you had it is another question.
Did the guy disappear in front of your eyes ? In other words, did you actually see him disappear into thin air, or did you blink and when you opened your eyes he was gone ?

Edit: Oh duh.. you already specified that in your OP.
Ghosts don't exist otherwise the world would be populated by millions of them with no "expiry" dates.

It was definately something I will never forget.

By all means don't forget, However I wouldn't suggest "obsessing" about it. While indeed it's an odd occurrence and there is explanations in science, both for the ESP from quantum event (Split universes) and obviously the one you even relate to involving neuro-chemical stimuli.

The problem is that for over a century there has been a great amount of speculation and work done in neurology, however it has yet to touch on how observations can be effected by Quantum Events, This is a new branch of neurological sciences.
I was driving to McDonalds this morning. I was looking down at my radio, and then when I looked up at the road again, there was a man maybe 20 feet in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting them, and shortly after i put my foot on the pedal, the person disappeared before my eyes. I was looking RIGHT AT THEM and then they were gone!!!

Did you look underneath the car?
Ghosts don't exist otherwise the world would be populated by millions of them with no "expiry" dates.

All right, well what if they faded out at some point? Some energy/purpose fulfilled/Demi got remarried sort of thing?