Ok, I'm losing it...


Valued Senior Member
I was driving to McDonalds this morning. I was looking down at my radio, and then when I looked up at the road again, there was a man maybe 20 feet in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting them, and shortly after i put my foot on the pedal, the person disappeared before my eyes. I was looking RIGHT AT THEM and then they were gone!!! I pulled over to look for this guy but couldnt find anything.

How do you explain this? How do you see a person CLEAR AS DAY staring at you then poof he's gone? Not smoke, no mirrors, one man in front of one car. Then no man ANYWHERE??!?

I told my bf about it and he said not to worry about it. How do you not worry about it?!?? How does a man simply disappear in front of your eyes?
That is cool. For awhile i was seeing smoky shadows in my peripheral vision but i think that was due to my diet and my vision changing. Which it has gotten worse. The thing about that is it happens the same way looking down and then looking up fast.

The truth is that no one will ever believe you.
That is cool. For awhile i was seeing smoky shadows in my peripheral vision but i think that was due to my diet and my vision changing. Which it has gotten worse. The thing about that is it happens the same way looking down and then looking up fast.

The truth is that no one will ever believe you.

I know no one will believe me.

But this wasn't a shadow. This was a full person right in front of me clear as I see myself in a mirror. He was a tan white guy with brown jaw-length hair, a dark green shirt and jeans. Everything that I saw about this guy was clear as hell. There is no mistaking that I saw a person. But how does a person disappear right before your eyes? I'm freakin out about this.
There is actually a theoretical explanation.

We live in a universe filled full of choices and decisions that happen every minute of everyday. Some of those choices are ones we make, others are choices that other people make. At the end of the day though we only ever observe one outcome.

There are however people that on occasion say they see people walking in front of their cars and disappearing like you mentioned, or seeing "Doppelgangers" of people in places where they aren't (Like seeing someone drive past, but then seeing them drive past again).

This I believe is pretty much to those choices being complicated by a "paradox". The paradox I'm suggesting is that somehow "both" choices are made, not just the one observable one. This means if you are an observer of a universe totally unaware of two choices being made, occasionally you'll see a Butterfly Effect and observe a universe but only Holographically.

A premise follows:

A suicidal nutter is contemplating ending their life by any means necessary, Their depression is so great and so personal that no doctor can fathom their intent or understand their problem without turning to use some very sophisticated surveillance technology. This technology allows the matricing of the person within radiologically rich environments and over years it's possible to piece together how the person thinks and acts day to day.

However while existing in this framework of radiology and computer processing, there are potentially ways to generate paradoxical events. (I'm going to spare the details on these).

Anyhow this particular surveillance method opens up the probability of viewing multiple outcomes in regards to this suicidal nutter. Day by day they plot what action they are going to carry out, each thought is itself a universe that can unfold in their untimely demise while the operators of the equipment try to get the nutter to reconsider.

The nutter thinks of slicing open their wrists, jumping in front of buses, jumping off of buildings, walking into the sea etc. Each thought is as I mentioned granted the potential outcome that they suceeded (along with a list of failed outcomes)

I guess what I'm trying to convey as a Hypothesis is that such a nutter considered going to the nearest road and walking in front of a car, Which just so happened to be your car. Now they didn't physically make it because they either had someone stop them from leaving their rather secure psychiatric ward or they have already managed to bump themselves off (In this universe).

You would have been blistfully unaware of this "multiworlds" event, should there actions have been carried out in both worlds or to be honest overly away (Like a dead guy under your car)

I guess you can say you are now living a paradoxical lifestyle, since you could suggest "You know what the cat saw/felt."
To many drugs will do that to anyone!

I don't do any drugs. Never will.

There is actually a theoretical explanation.

We live in a universe filled full of choices and decisions that happen every minute of everyday. Some of those choices are ones we make, others are choices that other people make. At the end of the day though we only ever observe one outcome.

There are however people that on occasion say they see people walking in front of their cars and disappearing like you mentioned, or seeing "Doppelgangers" of people in places where they aren't (Like seeing someone drive past, but then seeing them drive past again).

This I believe is pretty much to those choices being complicated by a "paradox". The paradox I'm suggesting is that somehow "both" choices are made, not just the one observable one. This means if you are an observer of a universe totally unaware of two choices being made, occasionally you'll see a Butterfly Effect and observe a universe but only Holographically.

A premise follows:

A suicidal nutter is contemplating ending their life by any means necessary, Their depression is so great and so personal that no doctor can fathom their intent or understand their problem without turning to use some very sophisticated surveillance technology. This technology allows the matricing of the person within radiologically rich environments and over years it's possible to piece together how the person thinks and acts day to day.

However while existing in this framework of radiology and computer processing, there are potentially ways to generate paradoxical events. (I'm going to spare the details on these).

Anyhow this particular surveillance method opens up the probability of viewing multiple outcomes in regards to this suicidal nutter. Day by day they plot what action they are going to carry out, each thought is itself a universe that can unfold in their untimely demise while the operators of the equipment try to get the nutter to reconsider.

The nutter thinks of slicing open their wrists, jumping in front of buses, jumping off of buildings, walking into the sea etc. Each thought is as I mentioned granted the potential outcome that they suceeded (along with a list of failed outcomes)

I guess what I'm trying to convey as a Hypothesis is that such a nutter considered going to the nearest road and walking in front of a car, Which just so happened to be your car. Now they didn't physically make it because they either had someone stop them from leaving their rather secure psychiatric ward or they have already managed to bump themselves off (In this universe).

You would have been blistfully unaware of this "multiworlds" event, should there actions have been carried out in both worlds or to be honest overly away (Like a dead guy under your car)

I guess you can say you are now living a paradoxical lifestyle, since you could suggest "You know what the cat saw/felt."

An interesting theory indeed.
I was driving to McDonalds this morning. I was looking down at my radio, and then when I looked up at the road again, there was a man maybe 20 feet in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting them, and shortly after i put my foot on the pedal, the person disappeared before my eyes. I was looking RIGHT AT THEM and then they were gone!!! I pulled over to look for this guy but couldnt find anything.

How do you explain this? How do you see a person CLEAR AS DAY staring at you then poof he's gone? Not smoke, no mirrors, one man in front of one car. Then no man ANYWHERE??!?

I told my bf about it and he said not to worry about it. How do you not worry about it?!?? How does a man simply disappear in front of your eyes?

Heh, it's a hynopompic hallucination. Most commonly it occurs when first waking in bed and it's accompanied by sleep paralysis. It can; however, occur at any time with a tired / not fully awake brain (with no paralysis obviously).

I once heard a dog barking, I looked over, saw it, and then it literally disappeared right before my eyes. It's normal for this to happen on occasion when out an about.
I was driving to McDonalds this morning. I was looking down at my radio, and then when I looked up at the road again, there was a man maybe 20 feet in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting them, and shortly after i put my foot on the pedal, the person disappeared before my eyes. I was looking RIGHT AT THEM and then they were gone!!! I pulled over to look for this guy but couldnt find anything.

How do you explain this? How do you see a person CLEAR AS DAY staring at you then poof he's gone? Not smoke, no mirrors, one man in front of one car. Then no man ANYWHERE??!?

I told my bf about it and he said not to worry about it. How do you not worry about it?!?? How does a man simply disappear in front of your eyes?

I wouldn't worry about it if it doesn't happen again. If it does, see a doctor :)
People sometimes just hallucinate.

There is this small 'hill' (I'm sure there is a term for it) in a road near where I live.
I once hit a cat that was walking on the road there.
Now, every now and then, when I drive over it I'm sure I see a cat for a millisecond. Admittedly, this only happens is when it's dark. I don't see it clear as day.. I just think I see something moving, I guess.
My point is that when you worry about something like that your mind might make up stuff.
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I don't do any drugs. Never will.

An interesting theory indeed.

For whatever reason, I definitely think that when very important events are involved, things can indeed get somewhat 'weird'. Observe what occured to swivel the day before 9/11:
The most bizarre sequence of events occurred the night before. My best friend was up from South Carolina visiting me. We went to the Yankee game the night before, on 9/10/01. We had great seats, but the game was rained out. We sat in the stands for over an hour while the officials hemmed and hawed. Disappointed that I had a visitor and no Yankee game, we were walking back through the WTC on the way to North Cove Marina and decided on a lark to go up to Windows on the World for a drink.

One of the other yacht crews was up there and I struck up a conversation with their engineer, a bloke from Australia. We were in front of the glass, looking down at the city, and I had my head up against the window. I told the guy that it would be crazy if one side of the base gave away right then, because we would tumble down like a domino on the next building, and the next, and so on. He laughed and told me that it would be impossible to make the building fall over sideways, and we argued about that for a little bit. I was convinced you could topple the building like a tree and he was saying that the building lacked the internal rigidity to "hinge" at any point of its length, and the only way it could come down was STRAIGHT down. I left the conversation thinking he was not a smart engineer.

On the night of the 12th, back at Chelsea Pier, we went to a restaurant to mourn those that died and celebrate our getting out of there alive with all of our respective yachts. I saw the engineer and rushed over to him to see if he remembered our conversation and he said that he could think of nothing else. It really shook him up.

In what was perhaps swivel's first post in the WTC collapses thread, he said:
My complete lack of superstition was shaken a tad as I collected burning debris off of the yacht I was captaining at the time. The first piece of paper I picked up was an insurance form and the top sentence read: "In the event of damage to the building..."

Perhaps in the end, it will be the greed of the people who were truly responsible for 9/11, as the greed in the story The Dog and the Bone, that will be their downfall. If the truth movement is right, and the military industrial complex (read: war and oil profiteers) were the ones behind 9/11, they were already going to make a killing off of it. But like the Dog who wanted not just his bone, but the bone from the 'other' dog, they sought to get an extra sweet insurance payback, as whatreallyhappened.com chronicles in its article Silverstein Makes a Huge
Profit off of the 9/11 Attacks

It's as if when something really important is about to happen, the event is so powerful it produces blowback into the past and in some rare cases could perhaps partially change the event itself. On the subject of powerful events, think about it; if that man hadn't dissapeared you would have possibly killed him. I used to drive fairly fast. Then I had this conversation with this guy who was really laying in to people who drove fast, how it killed animals. One night soon after I was thinking of what he said as I revved the engine onto the highway (I'm fairly sure I was going too fast), and on the on ramp I saw what looked like a dead white fox. It just hit me like, perhaps this is more then just a coincidence. I believe these types of things could be called Synchronicity of a type that I believe is analyzed in books like The Holographic Universe.

Have you ever seen the movie The Butterfly Effect? It produced so much anxiety I had to rent it a few times over the course of a month just to see the whole thing. A movie that definitely didn't grate on my nerves so much but equally powerful movie in my mind was The Lake House, starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock.
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That would really freak me out to. Did you actually make it to McDonalds after that? lol
That would really freak me out to. Did you actually make it to McDonalds after that? lol

No. I said screw it, I was too freaked out. I came home and ended up going to McDonalds later. But the whole time on the way back to McDonalds, I was on the verge of paranoia as I looked at every person in my sight, seeing if they were the same one I saw. No luck.

No. I said screw it, I was too freaked out. I came home and ended up going to McDonalds later. But the whole time on the way back to McDonalds, I was on the verge of paranoia as I looked at every person in my sight, seeing if they were the same one I saw. No luck.


Yeah I think I would have done the same thing. I would have gone straight back home, probably shaking the whole way.
I guess the only good thing to this story is that it wasn't a real person, that you might have hit.
No. I said screw it, I was too freaked out. I came home and ended up going to McDonalds later. But the whole time on the way back to McDonalds, I was on the verge of paranoia as I looked at every person in my sight, seeing if they were the same one I saw. No luck.


Yeah I think I would have done the same thing. I would have gone straight back home, probably shaking the whole way.
I guess the only good thing to this story is that it wasn't a real person, that you might have hit.

Maybe the person was real, but then reality 'changed'. Unlikely, perhaps, but I wouldn't rule it out (the alternatives still go against the grain of normality- a ghost, perhaps). You seen House on the Lake?
Maybe the person was real, but then reality 'changed'. Unlikely, perhaps, but I wouldn't rule it out (the alternatives still go against the grain of normality- a ghost, perhaps). You seen House on the Lake?

Nope never saw that movie. I can't stand either one of the actors that is probably why.