OJ Gets 15+ Years

well madanthonywayne...you are correct, I have no idea of the case.


got that evidence? tapes online? for me to look at
I don't think it's available, but the judge saw/heard the whole thing.
If the jury finds you innocent you are. After all plenty of innocent black men get sent to jail in the US.
Whether that's true or not has no bearing on anything. Or are you saying that black guys should be allowed to cut off the heads of anyone they want without fear of sanction because some other black men may have been wrongfully convicted?
If the jury finds you innocent you are. After all plenty of innocent black men get sent to jail in the US.

Does that mean if the jury finds you guilty you are ?

That statement is contradictory.

However, I agree that many people are convicted of crimes they did not commit, I think the biggest factor is not race so much as it is poverty.

But race surely plays into it because of many unfortunate factors.

But the amount of money people have has a direct impact on how much time they serve if any.
mad, dont blame the jury. I have seen the police case, they were incopitant to say the best, there is no way in HELL a copitant jury could convict on the evidence put forward.

My dad did jury juty. His case was a case of spousal rape and he said everyone in that jury room knew dam well that he did it but the victom kept flip flopping around on the stand and being spousal rape the rest of the evidence was weak. He and the rest had no choice BUT to aquit because the evidence just wasnt strong enough.

The same is true of the OJ case, the police compleatly fucked it. They planted evidence for christ sake
OJ's previous trial had no bearing on this case. It would be illegal to do so on the part of the judge or jury.

Unfortunately, you can't unring a bell. A judge can't wipe the juries minds clean of past (unrelated) allegations against the accused, so it's highly probably that these allegations will bias the jury.

I agree with S.A.M's sentiment. The long prison sentence is a joke. O.J simply went to retrieve memorabilia (which he needs to obtain to pay off his BS civil lawsuits where the litigants couldn't stick to a single version of events) from shady characters, and now he's the criminal.
He used a gun, he forced them to stay there against their will, he stole property. He will be elibible for parole in 6 years anyway.
I think its highly overdone. He most certainly did not deserve the sentence.

That what the law calls for. He was on parole, used a gun in comission of a crime which included kidnapping. That is a serious offense and the penalties are high.
He didn't "get away" with murder. Opinions don't count, evidence does.

..and you clearly no nothing about that case.. I mean the murder one, but you are right with this one. Anybody else would have got 6 months house arrest for this case. But Al Capone was jailed for tax evasion, so I say, whatever works....
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If the jury finds you innocent you are.

He was found LIABLE by the 2nd jury, read up on the case...

Not to mention juries screw up too. Or end up in a hang jury, that doesn't mean the prosecuted is innocent.
with no hard evidence

I just love when 2 of the most uninformed posters on Sciforums make their voices heard in a pretty well known case. There were plenty of audio AND video recordings as evidence, I count them as hard evidence....

well madanthonywayne...you are correct, I have no idea of the case.

Well, then:

1. You could educate yourself before you post, or
2. Just STFU.
He didn't "get away" with murder. Opinions don't count, evidence does.

Did you know that the police haven't looked for another suspect in those murder cases because they have no other people that they could ever find that could have been responsible. O.J. had motive, opportunity and the hate for his wife at that time for if you recall they brought forth many pictures of his wife with bruises, lacerations and swelling all over her body that she said O.J. did to her. Although she was a coke whore she didn't deserve to be killed.