OJ facing 100 years!

After the way the police got nailed to the wall in the original OJ trial, do you really think they'd charge him if they didn't have an iron-clad case?

Police arrest on charges for whatever they think based upon probable cause. Formal charges are only brought by prosecutors/district attorneys after reviewing all the available evidence. There's no way they have an iron-clad case at the time of the arrest. Police don't look for iron-clad. They look for probable cause.
Police arrest on charges for whatever they think based upon probable cause. Formal charges are only brought by prosecutors/district attorneys after reviewing all the available evidence. There's no way they have an iron-clad case at the time of the arrest. Police don't look for iron-clad. They look for probable cause.

Hmm, I think you have things a bit ass-backwards. It's the police who find and gather the necessary evidence that the prosecutor needs to file a court case.

But I will agree that "formal" charges are always brought forth by the prosecutor .....BASED on evidence supplied by the police. It's the police who say, "You're under arrest for ......, you have the right to.........." See?

Baron Max
The J Man, America's foremost sociologist and raconteur, contributes the following:

O.J. Simpson in the Grand Guignol​

17 September 2007: Police arrested former football star O.J. Simpson at a Las Vegas hotel Sunday after police say he and five men robbed two sports memorabilia dealers at gunpoint in their hotel room. Simpson is being held at the Clark County Detention Center without bail until Thursday, but ABC News has learned that Simpson's attorney plans to file an emergency motion requesting an emergency bail hearing by 10 a.m.

Bruce Fromong, one of the dealers in the room and a former friend of Simpson, said today on "Good Morning America" that Simpson was the last person who came through the door. "The thing in my mind as soon as I saw him, I'm thinking, 'O.J., how can you be this dumb?'" Fromong said. "He didn't need to be there"


We thank the sensitive and benevolent J Man for his timely contribution.

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Hmm, I think you have things a bit ass-backwards. It's the police who find and gather the necessary evidence that the prosecutor needs to file a court case.

But I will agree that "formal" charges are always brought forth by the prosecutor .....BASED on evidence supplied by the police. It's the police who say, "You're under arrest for ......, you have the right to.........." See?

Baron Max

Ahhh, semantics. Gotta love 'em. Police charge on probable cause only; they do not need evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Police investigators/detectives are the right hand of the prosecutor in gathering evidence, and their actions can make or break a case. AFTER investigation, and AFTER arrest, the prosecutor makes the determination on filing "information," or formal charges.

I think we're on the same page -- we just got out wires crossed.
He got away with a double murder and people want him punished for that in this case. He got away with it and there's not a damn thing anyone can do. He could even flat out admit to it, and so what. He still couldn't be charged with it due to double jeopardy. Did he ever take the stand? He couldn't even be charged with purgerey. We have celebrities who get caught with weapons, drugs, domestic abuse, etc and they just get probation. OJ didn't have a weapon, he took back some stuff that was his to begin with...he's not going to jail.
So now I hears he's also being charged with kidnapping. I'm not sure who he kidnapped, but what the hell.
I heard he was released and his accuser arrested?
He was released on bail. I haven't heard anything about his accuser being arrested.

PS Did you know that every one of his original "dream team" lawyers is either dead or ruined?
He was released on bail. I haven't heard anything about his accuser being arrested.

And it appears the accuser is now on OJ's side :eek:

Simpson accuser says he wants to drop case
The sports memorabilia collector cites health problems for not wanting to pursue his complaint.
By Kathleen Hennessey and Linda Deutsch
The Associated Press
Article Last Updated: 09/16/2007 01:02:07 AM MDT

Las Vegas - A sports memorabilia collector who accused O.J. Simpson of armed robbery said Saturday that he was "on O.J.'s side" and wants the case dropped.
Shorty thinks it was all a stunt, to promote his book(and fred goldman's). If your comment is true, then it seems Shorty is an even better cynic than I am. That actually humbles me more than anything else she has ever bested me at.

I still think so! I guess we shall see. I haven't been following this
as much as you guys. Personally everytime they mention this
story they mention his book......... hmmmmmm good timing on his
part I would say.:bugeye:
Am I the only member here that wasn’t upset about the fact that OJ wasn’t convicted of murder? I didn’t think it was right, but I honestly couldn’t care less. Our justice systems are flawed. Innocent people are always being convicted for crimes that they did not commit while guilty people go free. It probably happens everyday. What makes the OJ Simpson case so special? Oh how could I forget? He’s a celebrity. I guess I just can’t understand why celebrities are so important to the average U.S citizen.

I suppose the number one reason why I wasn’t outraged about OJ getting away with murder is because I can understand why he did it. I’m not a violent person and I would never hit a woman unless I was defending myself, but there are some scenarios where I could see myself doing an OJ or Rae Carruth. At this point in time I can say that I would never kill an ex wife that took half of my money and was having sex with one of my friends. But I can’t really tell you what I would do until I was in the situation. The whole thing probably could have been avoided if OJ got his wife to sign a prenuptial agreement.

Chris Rock – OJ I Understand
....I could see myself doing an OJ or Rae Carruth. ...

Rae killed not only his girlfriend but their child. You see yourself doing that?
OJ killed the mother of his 2 children and a waiter who was returning her sunglasses. You see yourself doing that as well?

The word 'vile' comes to mind
No, not upset at all

q0101 said:

Am I the only member here that wasn’t upset about the fact that OJ wasn’t convicted of murder? I didn’t think it was right, but I honestly couldn’t care less.

I'm not upset about OJ's acquittal. In fact, I'm pleased about it, and rather confused by the wrongful death award: No, we couldn't convict you and hold you responsible, so we're going to hold you responsible. But that's part of the same reason I'm pleased about Simpson's acquittal: the justice system actually worked.

People's anger about the acquittal should not be at OJ, his lawyers, or even the jury. It should be aimed at the police, who botched the job so badly, and the prosecutors, who made sure to drive the last nails.

I had moved home from college right before the trial started. I had time on my hands, so I watched as much of it as my brain could stand. I would have acquitted as well. The handling of the blood evidence, the knife in the envelope, and the ice cream, put together, created reasonable doubt.

It happens. Doesn't mean he's not guilty. I knew damn well he was guilty. But, hey, the thing is that the people's representatives (e.g., the prosecution and police) need to prove it. And they didn't. They went out and screwed it like Ron Jeremy.

• • •​

As to the current stupidity? This is how things work out, and we'll see if the folks in Nevada can do any better. They ought to be able to; the stakes are different, and at least this time they can prove he was at the scene at the time of the crime.