Oh Pagan Tree, Oh Pagan Tree

leopold99 said:
i second that. he could have summed it up by saying "i am anti-christian".
carefull boys the racism spammer is on the alert!

I am a Christian. A real Christian. Real Christianity is based on the teachings of the New Testament in the bible.
Roman catholicism has mixed the ancient pagan roman religion with Christianity and then tried to call this mixture christian; it is not.
[No christmas tree in the new testament. no pope in the new testament either. Roman pontiff comes from the old pagan roman religion.]
Actually Roman catholicism is mostly pagan with a false Christian front.

Here is a roman catholic cardinal describing catholicism:
Cardinal Newman admits in his book that; the "temples,
incense, oil lamps, votive offerings, holy water, Holidays, and
seasons of devotion, processions, blessings of the fields,
sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure (of priests, munks and nuns),
images, and statues... are all of PAGAN ORIGIN." The Development of the Christian Religion Cardinal Newman
Real Christianity don't have the paganism.
Actually throughout the old testament God brought punishment on Israel everytime they worshipped the false pagan gods of the middle east.
Trilairian said:
Its funny how when its someone elses paagan god, a baal, it is a false pagan religion, but when it is your own paagan godman, you no longer consider it the false paagan religion that it is.

Real Christianity is not pagan. Christianity is the true religion. There is one God and He accepts one religion; His. Real Christianity can be found in the King James version New Testament. (There are fake bibles on the market that have the words changed.) The Word of God, who also is God, became a man in the form of Jesus Christ. The purpose was to offer His life as an atonement for sin, (the wages of sin is death) and to teach us the will of God the Father. Because of what He did, men can be forgiven of sin and enter heaven.
Pagan applies to the religions that developed from the babylonian baal worship or sun worship.
When God scattered the people from the tower of babel by confusing their languages, they carried the same pagan babylonian baal worship into different lands, using different names for the gods and godesses.
ghost7584 said:
There is one God and He accepts one religion;
Display proof. If you cannot display proof, your statement falls flat on it's face and becomes simple ramblings. Without testable evidence, your 'god' and 'religion' is not even a hypothesis.
ghost7584 said:
Real Christianity is not pagan. Christianity is the true religion. There is one God and He accepts one religion; His. Real Christianity can be found in the King James version New Testament. (There are fake bibles on the market that have the words changed.) The Word of God, who also is God, became a man in the form of Jesus Christ. The purpose was to offer His life as an atonement for sin, (the wages of sin is death) and to teach us the will of God the Father. Because of what He did, men can be forgiven of sin and enter heaven.
Pagan applies to the religions that developed from the babylonian baal worship or sun worship.
When God scattered the people from the tower of babel by confusing their languages, they carried the same pagan babylonian baal worship into different lands, using different names for the gods and godesses.

you're dispaying your biblical ignorance...

as the tower of babel fable was said to have occured before
the Egyptian and Babylonian empires.
The myth of the god child and of the death and ressurection
are also taken from the older religions.

Cris said:
It is not possible to know something that doesn't exist whether I want to or not.

Before my first post, did I exist? You wouldn't know unless you wanted to and looked in the right places. I understand your scientific explanation of the non-existence of a god. And, I understand that all behavior has or can be classified with like behavior, and labeled a disorder or abnormality. Most people on Earth believe in a god, and you do not, and you are telling most people that they are the ones who are abnormal? There are those who use and abuse religion, but there are those who truly experience God. We know he exists, and you label our experiences with psychological classifications. You don't know anything exists without observing it, so it is possible to know something that doesn't exist to you...if you observe it, like with me on this forum.
ghost7584 said:
I am a Christian. A real Christian. Real Christianity is based on the teachings of the New Testament in the bible.
Roman catholicism has mixed the ancient pagan roman religion with Christianity and then tried to call this mixture christian; it is not.
[No christmas tree in the new testament. no pope in the new testament either. Roman pontiff comes from the old pagan roman religion.]
Actually Roman catholicism is mostly pagan with a false Christian front.

Here is a roman catholic cardinal describing catholicism:
Cardinal Newman admits in his book that; the "temples,
incense, oil lamps, votive offerings, holy water, Holidays, and
seasons of devotion, processions, blessings of the fields,
sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure (of priests, munks and nuns),
images, and statues... are all of PAGAN ORIGIN." The Development of the Christian Religion Cardinal Newman
Real Christianity don't have the paganism.
Actually throughout the old testament God brought punishment on Israel everytime they worshipped the false pagan gods of the middle east.

There is a ton of evidence that suggests Catholicism is a world religion, the one that will be the one-world religion in Revelations. I used to be Catholic, so I know a lot about their traditions. I was a devout Catholic for the first 19 years of my life and never touched an actual Bible. Catholics do not need a Bible, except at home to have in case of emergency. The scriptures are reprinted in a periodical for the church. That means, Catholicism is the potential to deceive if in the wrong hands.

But, there is only one truth and it can be found in Catholicism enough to be saved.
ghost7584 said:
Real Christianity is not pagan. Christianity is the true religion. There is one God and He accepts one religion; His. Real Christianity can be found in the King James version New Testament. (There are fake bibles on the market that have the words changed.) The Word of God, who also is God, became a man in the form of Jesus Christ. The purpose was to offer His life as an atonement for sin, (the wages of sin is death) and to teach us the will of God the Father. Because of what He did, men can be forgiven of sin and enter heaven.
Pagan applies to the religions that developed from the babylonian baal worship or sun worship.
When God scattered the people from the tower of babel by confusing their languages, they carried the same pagan babylonian baal worship into different lands, using different names for the gods and godesses.
M*W: There is no such thing as "real christianity." What YOU call christianity is a pagan religion based on earlier man-made dying demigod savior myths. The key word here is "myths."

No bible is correct. They've all been written in languages that could not be translated correctly. There is no "word of god," only words of men who were infalliable. There is no savior and no salvation, even though some 25 times before the fictional character of "Jesus" was created, there were earlier dying demigod saviors in the world, but no one was actually "saved." They all had virgin mothers who were impregnated by some elusive unseen being, and they were all born to save the world, but none did.

Jesus was fictional. He didn't exist anymore than did Zeus, Mithras, Ba'al, Osiris, or maybe even Abraham, Moses David and Solomon, as their legends are also suspect.

Paganism does not derive from Babylonian Ba'al worship. The title "Ba'al" means "husband," nothing more. True paganism comes from nature.

If there were a god, there wouldn't be a need for religion. No god created a religion. All religion is man-made. If there were a god, we'd all know it. It would be obvious to each and every human being on Earth. There'd be no question and no speculation. All the speculation and debates that go on and on prove there is no god. That's how religions thrive. They're all searching for a god that isn't there.

You've been around sciforums for some time now. It amazes me how you people are so naive. You come to a scientific forum to promote your religious fantasy, knowing full well that there are people here who know you're a babbling idiot! Take responsibility for your own life. You are all you've got! Quit relying on a fantasy to take care of you after death, and try living your life more fully now. Listen before you speak. Read and try to comprehend before you write. As I see it, you're not searching. You believe you have found the truth. You haven't. Not even a clue. I do believe that if you're going to find the truth, you will find it here. Read more. Post less. You have nothing to offer that we don't already know enough about.

Have you ever asked yourself why atheists don't believe in the same thing you believe in? Start questioning the atheists on this forum. You might learn something.
M*W, you are such a troll. :cool: You don't allow anyone to have an opinion other than your own. Because of this, your arguments are often full of fallacies. :p
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: There is no such thing as "real christianity." What YOU call christianity is a pagan religion based on earlier man-made dying demigod savior myths. The key word here is "myths."

No bible is correct. They've all been written in languages that could not be translated correctly. There is no "word of god," only words of men who were infalliable. There is no savior and no salvation, even though some 25 times before the fictional character of "Jesus" was created, there were earlier dying demigod saviors in the world, but no one was actually "saved." They all had virgin mothers who were impregnated by some elusive unseen being, and they were all born to save the world, but none did.

Jesus was fictional. He didn't exist anymore than did Zeus, Mithras, Ba'al, Osiris, or maybe even Abraham, Moses David and Solomon, as their legends are also suspect.

Paganism does not derive from Babylonian Ba'al worship. The title "Ba'al" means "husband," nothing more. True paganism comes from nature.

If there were a god, there wouldn't be a need for religion. No god created a religion. All religion is man-made. If there were a god, we'd all know it. It would be obvious to each and every human being on Earth. There'd be no question and no speculation. All the speculation and debates that go on and on prove there is no god. That's how religions thrive. They're all searching for a god that isn't there.

You've been around sciforums for some time now. It amazes me how you people are so naive. You come to a scientific forum to promote your religious fantasy, knowing full well that there are people here who know you're a babbling idiot! Take responsibility for your own life. You are all you've got! Quit relying on a fantasy to take care of you after death, and try living your life more fully now. Listen before you speak. Read and try to comprehend before you write. As I see it, you're not searching. You believe you have found the truth. You haven't. Not even a clue. I do believe that if you're going to find the truth, you will find it here. Read more. Post less. You have nothing to offer that we don't already know enough about.

Have you ever asked yourself why atheists don't believe in the same thing you believe in? Start questioning the atheists on this forum. You might learn something.

Why do you have such a problem letting people believe as they wish. You believe in nothing. Go ahead - believe. You think you know the truth!?!?! What a joke you are!!! Please shut your mouth. You should talk about what you believe and that's nothing! What the gosh darn heck would someone who believes in a supreme being question an atheists about? The quickest road to hell? You make yourself some big ass authority on truth yet you have no idea who you are. What a fool you are. Go ahead believe in your test tubes and over-the-counter meds. Be happy.
jayleew said:
M*W, you are such a troll. :cool: You don't allow anyone to have an opinion other than your own. Because of this, your arguments are often full of fallacies. :p
M*W: How am I stopping anyone from having their own opinion? I have no control over anyone on this forum! You idiots are free to speak for your miserable selves. When I start my own forum, I'll keep people like you under control. Until then, I have just as much right to voice my opinions as you do.
jayleew said:
M*W, you are such a troll. You don't allow anyone to have an opinion other than your own. Because of this, your arguments are often full of fallacies.
if you are going to make silly statements like this, show evidence.
ah I understand, you cant show any evidence your religious, supplying evidence is just not the religious, way is it.

and M*W right you idiots are allowed to speak freely, hence why your allowed to say such stupid things.
dkb218 said:
Why do you have such a problem letting people believe as they wish. You believe in nothing. Go ahead - believe. You think you know the truth!?!?! What a joke you are!!! Please shut your mouth. You should talk about what you believe and that's nothing! What the gosh darn heck would someone who believes in a supreme being question an atheists about?The quickest road to hell? You make yourself some big ass authority on truth yet you have no idea who you are. What a fool you are. Go ahead believe in your test tubes and over-the-counter meds. Be happy.
M*W: I have no control over people believing what they want to believe. You give me power that I didn't even know I had! Wow, I've got all this power now and I'm gonna use it against you! LOL

I believe I know the truth, and you believe you know the truth. If what you believe IS the truth, why are you so defensive? Doesn't your truth include an invisible supernatural god? If you put your faith in this god, why are you afraid of me? If your god was really god, don't you think he would have smote me by now? What does it matter to you what I believe? You say I believe in nothing. You're wrong. I believe in a lot of things, but god is not one of them. I don't worry about hell, because it doesn't exist either. The whole idea of hell was to put the fear of death in you. Obviously, it did.

You say that I'm "some big ass authority." Well, I will not deny the "big ass" part. And, yes, I am an authority of many things. One is that there is no god. There are at least three aspects of god-belief. Either you believe in god, or you don't, or you're not sure. I don't. It took me most of my adult life to come to this conclusion, so it was not an overnight whim. No one else ever made me believe that there is no god. I came to this realization entirely on my own. That's the only way it can happen. Nothing I say can change a person's god-belief. The only thing I hope to accomplish is to incite readers to reach beyond their comfort level. It's not for me, it's for them. I'm already happy.