Oh My God


Valued Senior Member
OK, we had a cricket match and I had a few beers. BUT that aside, I'm waiting around for some mates to pick me up for dinner (one Aussie Muslim Lebanese and one Xian Aussie Armenian [are those adjecti9ves in the correct order?]) anyway, as I am sitting here admiring my ability to type while really drunk I suddenly read a miracle proving God! Shit. Man. I'm Atheist - Oh shit Oh shit ...
Barista donates kidney to save customer's life

People have been waiting on dialysis for many, many years before a donor comes forth. I felt like the control was being taken away from me," Ausnes said. "But I did have control over one thing, and I knew how to pray. And I just started praying for someone; for God to please send me an angel."

followed by

Across the counter, Ausnes confided in her barista: Her kidneys were failing rapidly and no one in her family was a match. Without hesitation, Andersen said she would test for her.

Ausnes remembers the moment vividly.

"She threw her hands up in the air. She said, 'I'm testing. I'm going to test for you.' And it was a complete shock to me." Even more so because Andersen didn't even know Ausnes' name. Andersen can't explain it either.

well daaaahhhhh ... GOD reached into this woman's heart and spoke to her - answering the other woman's prayers! It soooo obvious.


Side note: That's pretty close to pure altruistism..
Perhaps it was a moment of kindness that one human wanted to share with another and it just so happened that she matched. Coincidents happen all the time, that doesn't mean that God exists only that there are some very giving humans here. ;)
Perhaps she was drunk at the time and woke up with the worst hangover you can get, the kind where you're missing a kidney.
Your kidneys are failing, so you go for coffee?

Okay, okay ... I am the one who will give cigarettes to a dying cancer patient.

Still, though ....
Some Xians knocked on my door today. I asked God to make them go away and they did. Then some Muslims did the same. I figured I better ask Allah to make them go away and they did. Am I the only guy in the world that has had 2 miracles from 2 different gods in one day?
Perhaps it was a moment of kindness that one human wanted to share with another and it just so happened that she matched. Coincidents happen all the time, that doesn't mean that God exists only that there are some very giving humans here. ;)

I blame god for allowing the situation to arise in the first place.
Perhaps it was a moment of kindness that one human wanted to share with another and it just so happened that she matched. Coincidents happen all the time, that doesn't mean that God exists only that there are some very giving humans here. ;)

We muslim when we do an action we do it for Allah sake to seek his pleasure and do not expect any return.
God says in QURAN
Surely, those who believe in God and follow the Qur'an (Muslims) and those who (before Islam) were guided from among the Jews, and those who (before Islam) followed Jesus' true message from among the Christians, and those who (before Islam) were Sabeans (montheists), whoever believes in God and the Last Day and performs deeds of righteousness, they shall have their reward with their Lord, no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.

The prophet Mohamed says
Every good act is charity. Your smiling to your brother is charity; an exhortation of your fellowman to virtuous deeds is equal to alms-giving; your putting a wanderer on the right road is charity; your assisting the blind is charity; your removing stones, and thorns, and other obstructions from the road is charity; your giving water to the thirsty is charity. A man’s true wealth, as regards the Hereafter, is the good he does in this world to his fellow men. When he dies, people will say “what property has he left behind him?” But the angels will ask, “what good deeds has he sent before him?”
We muslim when we do an action we do it for Allah sake to seek his pleasure and do not expect any return.
God says in QURAN
Surely, those who believe in God and follow the Qur'an (Muslims) and those who (before Islam) were guided from among the Jews, and those who (before Islam) followed Jesus' true message from among the Christians, and those who (before Islam) were Sabeans (montheists), whoever believes in God and the Last Day and performs deeds of righteousness, they shall have their reward with their Lord, no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.

The prophet Mohamed says
Every good act is charity. Your smiling to your brother is charity; an exhortation of your fellowman to virtuous deeds is equal to alms-giving; your putting a wanderer on the right road is charity; your assisting the blind is charity; your removing stones, and thorns, and other obstructions from the road is charity; your giving water to the thirsty is charity. A man’s true wealth, as regards the Hereafter, is the good he does in this world to his fellow men. When he dies, people will say “what property has he left behind him?” But the angels will ask, “what good deeds has he sent before him?”

Very nice saying. :)
We muslim when we do an action we do it for Allah sake to seek his pleasure and do not expect any return.
God says in QURAN
Surely, those who believe in God and follow the Qur'an (Muslims) and those who (before Islam) were guided from among the Jews, and those who (before Islam) followed Jesus' true message from among the Christians, and those who (before Islam) were Sabeans (montheists), whoever believes in God and the Last Day and performs deeds of righteousness, they shall have their reward with their Lord, no fear shall be on them, nor shall they grieve.

The prophet Mohamed says
Every good act is charity. Your smiling to your brother is charity; an exhortation of your fellowman to virtuous deeds is equal to alms-giving; your putting a wanderer on the right road is charity; your assisting the blind is charity; your removing stones, and thorns, and other obstructions from the road is charity; your giving water to the thirsty is charity. A man’s true wealth, as regards the Hereafter, is the good he does in this world to his fellow men. When he dies, people will say “what property has he left behind him?” But the angels will ask, “what good deeds has he sent before him?”

You do seek a reward, the approval of Allah, which must make you feel good.
You do seek a reward, the approval of Allah, which must make you feel good.

yes of course.i experience a true happiness and inner peace.when u work hard to achieve u succeful goal, you feel that u efforts have not been wothless.This provides u with the impetus to double u energy to attain Other ambitions and dreams.Indeed, walking to Allah is an honorable objective and whose reward his wordly paradise and eternal bliss .Do u know why u do not feel and believe in the existence of ALLAH , because of sins and u turn away from him.If u just make a little effort and supress u self and desire , u heart will be unlock and open to his greatness.if insight is blind and heart is sealed, u will experience no inner peace and be deprived of his knowlege and u lack wisdom.
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yes of course.i experience a true happiness and inner peace.when u work hard to achieve u succeful goal, you feel that u efforts have not been wothless.This provides u with the impetus to double u energy to attain Other ambitions and dreams.Indeed, walking to Allah is an honorable objective and whose reward his wordly paradise and eternal bliss .

Thank goodness we have hardworking doctors and nurses to put Allah's mistakes right.
I'm confused, I'm not sure whether to place you in esoteric fool category, the evangelistic dickhead gategory or the switched on visionary category but I'm leaning towards the middle ground.
Seizures of temporal lobe brought on by continuous prayer. The Greek cult of Aries as well as the Pentecostal church used such people to their advantage.
Seizures of temporal lobe brought on by continuous prayer. The Greek cult of Aries as well as the Pentecostal church used such people to their advantage.

Wasn't it something of the kind that happened to Paul on the road to Damascus? His description of his experience is typical of that of an epilectic.