Officer teaches stupid skateboarder good manners

Assaulting a minor, advocating child abuse, theft?

"First of all, you better learn how to speak! I'm not 'man'! I'm not 'dude'! I am Officer Rivieri! The sooner you learn that, the longer you're going to live!"​

That cop ought to do time.

Syzygys said:

Today's kids (the whiny-pussy generation) need to learn good manners. If the school and the parents don't teach them, the police will do.

Yeah, violence has such a good record of solving things in the world. Especially when it's coming from a parking cop with self-esteem issues.

If the kids were such a problem, he should have just arrested them. But no. He decided to throw a ridiculous, childish tantrum all over YouTube. Aah ... Baltimore's finest.
Oh wow, that was funny, a fat man with a little car, laying down the law and wrestling a 14year old boy.

He needs some re-adjustment for sure. Like, maybe exchanging his gun and badge for a broom and a cart.
I'd think that a better way to control the skateboard problem is to construct some skate board parks so that the kids would have another safer place to enjoy their "toys" .
I'd think that a better way to control the skateboard problem is to construct some skate board parks so that the kids would have another safer place to enjoy their "toys" .

How about THEM creating one? It is not that hard...

Why they were stupid? When you are skateboarding in a banned zone and the police come, you STFU and get the hell out of there, it is not a high school debate team...
What's stupid is to teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve disagreements.

We've been complaining for years that kids don't get enough exercise. You'd think we'd want to encourage them to engage in activities like skateboarding.
How about THEM creating one? It is not that hard...

Sure, some 14 year olds buy some land, rent some Caterpillars, and fill out all the forms required to safely construct a public facility, and then get liability insurance sorted out.

Why they were stupid? When you are skateboarding in a banned zone and the police come, you STFU and get the hell out of there, it is not a high school debate team...

Did you watch the vid? The kid clearly stated that he did not hear the Police officer. Oh btw, it wasn't the Greco-Roman wrestling team either, perhaps you should go tell that to the fat cop.
Sure, some 14 year olds buy some land, rent some Caterpillars, and fill out all the forms required to safely construct a public facility, and then get liability insurance sorted out.

Did you watch the vid? The kid clearly stated that he did not hear the Police officer. Oh btw, it wasn't the Greco-Roman wrestling team either, perhaps you should go tell that to the fat cop.

I'd be pissed too if I had to patrol the water front in a clown car.
What's stupid is to teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve disagreements.

Because being sporty and polite are mutually exclusive??? :eek:

Sure, some 14 year olds buy some land, rent some Caterpillars, and fill out all the forms required to safely construct a public facility, and then get liability insurance sorted out.

Get real. Should I post pics of homemade skateparks? Only need is wood and plywood...And nails...Maybe a little concrete...

The kid clearly stated that he did not hear the Police officer.

let me see. I am skateboarding in a No-No zone. Policecar shows up. I keep skateboarding. Do you see the problem???
here you go:

"Portland, Ore., had two skateboard parks -- the one that the city built for $41,000 (which closed after two years for lack of insurance) and the good one that a bunch of skaters threw together under a bridge.

Portland's skateboarders built the second one illegally with damaged sacks of concrete on a vacant lot once frequented by drug dealers."

Necessity is the mother of invention!!!
Portland's skateboarders built the second one illegally with damaged sacks of concrete on a vacant lot once frequented by drug dealers."

Necessity is the mother of invention!!!

So you are advocating building an illegal skatepark, instead of skating illegally? :bugeye:

Great, so when the fat cops turn up at the skatepark you built, what happens next?

And is it any surprise the first one closed, I mentioned insurance for a reason in my post.

That cop was way out of order. If I saw a cop doing that to a kid I'd kick his ass.
It doesn't have to be illegal. But if it is under a bridge, in a place what nobody ever uses and the noise doesn't bother anybody, I don't have a problem with it.

The city's park closed, because kids get hurt in skateparks, and the city doesn't want to pay millions because being sued...
We have skateboard parks down here too, We also have tried washable/removable graffiti wall (didn't know how that went out). I think it worked. They keep the best works on there.
We were out driving months ago and drove past some skateboaders in the street. My husband has his window cracked and he heard one of the boys say "watch where the fuck you're driving asshole" SCREEECH. MY husband got out and said "excuse me, what did you say" Real quick they went from cocky teens to little boys. "I'm sorry sir. I was talking to my brother. I didn't mean you"
We were out driving months ago and drove past some skateboaders in the street. My husband has his window cracked and he heard one of the boys say "watch where the fuck you're driving asshole" SCREEECH. MY husband got out and said "excuse me, what did you say" Real quick they went from cocky teens to little boys. "I'm sorry sir. I was talking to my brother. I didn't mean you"

What was the SCREEECH thing ? Did they damage your car ?
Yeah, most teens probably use swearing, etc, to cover their immaturity. (If anyone has been on xbox live with sqealers, you'd know).