Offending xians

Hapsburg said:
Religion and politics have been interwoven throughout history, and even now, religion is a big part of politics. The ten commandments are part of western law, for fuck's sake.
What does that tell you?
Religion and politics are intermixed, even though there is supposed to be a separation of church and state.

Then separate them, and stop blaming religion for having done something which politics has done.
There is supposed to be a seperation of church and state, but there isn't. Politics are done with religion in mind. Vatican City's theocracy is an example of this. So is Britain's Anglican chruch, and even with the US. All of whom put christian doctrine into law (10 commandments), even though doing so is unethical, wrong, and stupid.
Hapsburg said:
There is supposed to be a seperation of church and state, but there isn't. Politics are done with religion in mind. Vatican City's theocracy is an example of this. So is Britain's Anglican chruch, and even with the US. All of whom put christian doctrine into law (10 commandments), even though doing so is unethical, wrong, and stupid.

If YOU say there is supposed to be a separation of religion and politics, of church and state, why don't YOU adhere to this separation in YOUR arguments?
Why do YOU perpetuate the confusing of the two?

If YOU understand that the forced conversions were a matter of politics, why then do you present this as if it were a matter of religion?