Offending xians


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: You know, I just love offending xians! It's my favorite hobby! They get so riled up by what I write that they stop acting like pious xians and become cursing radicals! That proves they weren't xian anyway! Besides, when I write something hateful, the readership rises drastically. Ah, life is good. :cool:
Yea, and then everyone, christians or not, get to read about what a psycho hateful racist bitch you are. Congratulations on that.

And you don't offend anyone. No one takes you seriously enough for that. Boo hoo.
Lori_7 said:
Yea, and then everyone, christians or not, get to read about what a psycho hateful racist bitch you are.
Where does racism come in?

I think you have fallen prey to the fundamentalist christian trap which defines a christian as a person who has arrived, rather than one who has begun on an earthly path; and also wrongly defines them as a person who has begun a metaphysical journey rather than as being arrived or even as having always been arrived on that metaphysical level.
Thus, you pass a final judgement rather than a temporary assessment, it is really only fair to judge the now, unless you can assess the metaphysical (which you cannot).

Anyone who wants to respond that there is no metaphysical level should save it, you aren't dealing with the questions I'm addressing here anyway.
Raithere said:
Where does racism come in?


M*W: Statistics now show that christianity is predominantly a black religion. Africa is swarming in christians and gaining in numbers by the minute. It's that old slave mentality that reels them in. They can have it.

There ya go...try not to vomit.
Writing hateful and stupid things is a good way to get attention... since most people are trying to reduce hatred and stupidity
Medicine Woman ...

So you want a therapist, and a punching bag.

Okay. Go at me. I'm not a Christian, but I am a theist. Don't be too picky, do it, I'll be good for it.
Let out all your rage on me.
Punch, hit, stronger, let it out. You need this.
water said:
Medicine Woman ...

So you want a therapist, and a punching bag.

Okay. Go at me. I'm not a Christian, but I am a theist. Don't be too picky, do it, I'll be good for it.
Let out all your rage on me.
Punch, hit, stronger, let it out. You need this.
M*W: Water, I've been at you, and there is nothing I could do to treat you any worse than you treat yourself.
water said:
Medicine Woman ...

So you want a therapist, and a punching bag.

Okay. Go at me. I'm not a Christian, but I am a theist. Don't be too picky, do it, I'll be good for it.
Let out all your rage on me.
Punch, hit, stronger, let it out. You need this.

i don't want to do it.
Lori_7 said:
Yea, and then everyone, christians or not, get to read about what a psycho hateful racist bitch you are. Congratulations on that.

Lori_7 said:
There ya go...try not to vomit.
LOL! Hilarious Lori... really funny.

Lori, being a person of colour and of African descent, I don't find her statement racist or offensive.

So why do you?

Is it because she said that a majority of Christians are Africans? Is that what you find so offensive? That Christianity could in fact become a 'black religion'?

And in reality she's right. Christianity has taken a huge leap in numbers in Africa. It could be caused by the fact the predominant number of charities working throughout Africa are Christian and in doing so, they spread their doctrines to those who come for help... I have heard of some Christian organisations withholding aid to people until they convert. It is a classic technique that many religions have used in the past to convert people and it continues even today.
There it is again. I told ya. Just even mention (in our lovely US of A culture) in passing that someone is black or something is specific to a certain ethnic group and you are a RACIST!

"Hey! Look at that lady over in that group of ethnically diverse ladies. Isn't she pretty?"
"Which one of the dozens of ladies are you referring to sir?"
"Oh, the one with the blue shirt."
"But half of them have blue shirts."
"Yes, well, see the tall..."
"Are you talking about the young black woman?"
"Arrrggghhh! That's racist! How can you say that!"

I kid you not.

I took what she said to mean that black people are somehow inherently predispostitioned, because of their race, to become slaves..."slave mentality"...either to white people, or christians, or whoever happens to come along to enslave them. Like they're all too stupid to know any better or somehow want it or ask for it.

And even if she didn't mean that, I'm sorry, but the sentiment out here among atheists is extremely bigoted. People are absolutely ridiculous to think that the only reason people believe in God is because they're stupid. But hey, whatever gets you there...whatever makes you feel ok about yourself. *pat, pat on the head*

So if MW thinks that only stupid people are christian, and africans are converting all over the place, and she makes some sweeping statement about "slave mentality", what the hell else is there to think? I mean if she hates people just because they're Christian, then why wouldn't she hate someone just because they're black? It's ridiculous, and she's obviously a least regarding some things. Maybe she should clarify in regards to whom she is bigoted, and to whom she is not. Maybe I'm doing the same thing in regards to her "bigot mentality"???
Medicine Woman,

M*W: Water, I've been at you, and there is nothing I could do to treat you any worse than you treat yourself.

Do it for yourself. This is not about me, it is about you.
And I won't be waiting here forever.
Lori_7 said:
There ya go...try not to vomit.
That's not racist. It's an observation that a large amount of africans and blacks have been either coerced, forced, or pushed into christianity because of horrible economic and social disruptions caused by ethnic strife and the effects of post-colonialism.
You can't be forced into being a christian. People who are in need may say what they have to to get it, but that in no way means that they believe or are born again. They are being forced into being a statistic. And who's statistic is it? Organized religion, who cares! God's keeping track of this stuff Himself you know?

And I don't think that the picture being painted of christian relief efforts and charities here is a very objective one at all. Really, come on. The people are either being taken care of or they're not. How many people out here take time to feed the hungry and shelter the poor? I did community service in a catholic run food bank not too long ago. These people feed and clothe people in need every single day. And provide other assistance and referrals. Lots of children...children every where in this place...that need help and get it. And I know damn well that no one there was talking about Jesus. They were too busy working...helping people. It was supposed to be a punishment for me to be there...and it turned out to be a blessing. Those people were really great to me. They didn't have to be.

And ultimately, who in the hell are any of us to say whether or not someone in Africa is a believer or not???? It's between that someone and God. No one knows your true heart and intent like God...not even you.
Lori_7 said:
And ultimately, who in the hell are any of us to say whether or not someone in Africa is a believer or not???? It's between that someone and God.

No one knows your true heart and intent like God...not even you.

Exactly. The part Medicine Woman so conveniently forgets, and assumes monopoly over truth.
Hapsburg said:
History says otherwise.

Then this reveals that you understand a person's religion to be something worn as a cloak.
Which is exactly what many religions criticize -- an only outward religiousness.

You are confusing religion and politics.
Religion and politics have been interwoven throughout history, and even now, religion is a big part of politics. The ten commandments are part of western law, for fuck's sake.
What does that tell you?
Religion and politics are intermixed, even though there is supposed to be a separation of church and state.