Offended by Reality TV

Would be even more fun to watch a typical family from California live in Kentucky for a while, don't you think?
Yes, but it will also make the people from Beverly Hills look like total idiots in your neighbourhood. And remember nobody is forcing them to do this, they will probably benefit from being on tv, and learning and experiencing a lot of stuff that they woudn't otherwise, both families.
The funny thing about reality shows is that no matter how absurb a person appears to begin with, the audience always learn to love them in the end.
I'm no big fan of reality shows however, but I do see the entertainment in it, and how it engages the audience in an often very compassionate way, they want the people in the shows to do well and be happy, otherwise it's not entertaining anymore, if they suffer for real on tv, it becomes very uncomfortable to watch.
I think reality shows can be a great way to educate people in group psychology for example.

Although the character is lovable, people will still think he's stupid. "Aww. Look at that Kentuckian drinking his moonshine." All this show is going to do is spread the idea that were simple folk.
you need a role model. use your homeboy, wet1. he is single handedly rebuilding civilization for us in a thread while the sophisticates sit around and jaw inanities

confidence and self esteem, young man. build em up!
Originally posted by Joeman
I never watch those shows. Reality TV is crap because the producers believe that no matter how crappy the show is, people would still watch.

And they do! Reminds me of professional wrestling, everyone knows it's fake but some people just cant help themselves:)
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
What CBS is expecting is for us to say "Hey! Look it's a concrete lake!"

Umm, I'm sorry Counsler, but I believe the tag line is "cement pond" and remember to pronounce it "C-ment pond", thanks, the boys over at marketing are waiting patiently for that soundbite.
I don't think that the show has much potential for entertainment value, at least not where I live, in Phoenix. This city is already clogged with backward hicks: Midwestern farm folk who for some reason feel the need to flock here. It's funny watching them waddle (they're all morbidly obese) into traffic without even fucking looking to see if there's a car coming or not. And I won't even get started about how they drive. . .

I tell you if I see one more fat blond chick wearing overalls who's driving on a highway as if she were riding her tractor back home in the corn field I'm gonna' go nuts, heh.

Your sooo right. Dialect plays a big part in this to. They expect us to talk all funny (But we do!) And I know for a fact that if someone came from California that they would sound different to me. But that's not the point! They want us to look like idiots.

We are not fat, well, there are some fattys. But no one in my family is really fat.

Quick Fact: Kentucky has the most computers in Schools, out of the 49 states. (I do not accept California as a state now)
Miners to protest 'Real Hillbillies'

PIKEVILLE, Kentucky (AP) -- Appalachian coal miners will go to
New York to protest a CBS reality television series called "The
Real Beverly Hillbillies" unless plans for the show are canceled.

Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
We are not fat, well, there are some fattys. But no one in my family is really fat.

Is that compared to Kentuckians, or all people? :)

thank you for that.


That is compared to every state. I know some fat people, but that's because I live so close to the city now. But when I lived in the sticks, still do practically, I knew no fat people.

I've been to NYC before, believe me, if the planes hadn't of crashed into the Twin Towers, then the fat people would of brought it down eventually.
I think that in order to even things out, that CBS should make another reality TV show where they send a gay jewish black guy into the deep south. hehe. I think that'd probably be even more painfull and horrafying to wach.
I refuse to believe NYC is 'full of fatties', thats absurd, its like saying earth is full of musclemen.
If anything the people their care more about their looks than the average person and exercise too much. If anything, in reality its too diverse to class as anything.
I'm sure kentucky has dumb fat hicks in it as well as smart skinny hicks;)
Wouldn't it be just as misguiding to have smart attractive people on this show?
They had to pick someone from your fine state, which one is "best" is a subjective issue, they happened to pick one you don't like reprasenting your state, but another kentuckian wouldn't like you reprasenting his state and so on, its just your perspective.
I suggest you get over it...

Thats the "right" response, but I do realise that the family/guy or whatever is probably over the top stupid and embarrassing and I think that would be the point of the show. If they got him/them from another state someone else would be whining, the point probably is "this family/guy is a stupid hick and he is gonna do stupid stuff for you on tv" not "this guys from kentucky and all of kentucky people are like this, lets boycott kentucky because of this family etc"
Its just a hick family that happens to be from kentucky,
they had to scrape them from somewhere...
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
How would yall feel if we started a show about people from California moving down here? They wouldn't have to worry about drive by shootings, they'd go crazy because we don't have crack/cocaine, and they would be really mad that we don't have any SMOG! When you look at it, California is the worst state of them all.

Wow, that's awfully stereotypical of you, isn't it? :rolleyes:
What was it you were complaining about?
Oh yeah, stereotypes.

All those things you just mentioned are things that people talk about when they are referring to LA.
LA is not California it is IN California.
A city, not a state.
Northern California has some of the most beautiful untouched wilderness and breathtaking nature in this country.

And, believe it or not, it has its share of hicks.

The state of Kentucky is a LOT different than LA.
The culture is different.
The people are different.
The scenery is different.
The values are different.

You seem to be proud of all those differences.
Do you think you should be ashamed of never having seen a Mercedes?
Do you think it is a sad thing that you hold the air quality, moral values and nature in a higher regard than money and status?
Do you think people from Kentucky should be more like people from LA?
Do you think Kentucky should be more like LA?

If not, then why would you be upset that someone will bring to light those differences that you are proud of?

Besides that...
No, not all people from Kentucky are back-asswards moon-shine chugging dumb hicks with a 3rd grade edjamacashin and no shoes, but SOME are.
THOSE people stuck into an LA mansion would be funny.
That is why The Beverly Hillbillies WAS funny.
(Well, I didn't think it was particularly funny, but people obviously did.)
This is no different.
If they picked a family like the one I mentioned above, people would not think all people from Kentucky are like that unless they already do.
It would be thiose same people that thought that when watching the original Beverly Hillbillies.
The reality TV show that would have to offend me most is Married by America. They desanctify one of the most holy things IMO there is. :mad:
one raven--

If not, then why would you be upset that someone will bring to light those differences that you are proud of?

it's still insulting. i can understand CC's point of view. by just taking the sterotype hillbilly, you're just reinforcing the idea in people who don't know better that they're stupid, drawling idiots.

btw...... who are hillbilly's exactly? i've only seen them in cartoons when i was a kid.
Originally posted by man_of_jade
The reality TV show that would have to offend me most is Married by America. They desanctify one of the most holy things IMO there is. :mad:

Painful as it is I'm acctualy going to have to agree with Man of Jade. Married by America, who wants to marry a millionare, joe millionare, all of those stuid marriage gameshow type reality shows all kind of go to show that the "Defense" of marriage act is pretty much bunk. America doesn't want to "protect" the sanctity of marriage, they want to turn it into a game show!
A reply

I am deeply, deeply, offended by the latest idea for a reality based TV show.

If you were simply deeply offended, I would not really care. But seeing how you are deeply, deeply offended, I think that the show should not even be considered to be put on the air. In fact, the producers of the show should be arrested and publicly executed.