Offended by Reality TV


Registered Senior Member
I am deeply, deeply, offended by the latest idea for a reality based TV show.

This latest TV show will be based in Kentucky, and in Beverly Hills California. The idea is to take a family from Kentucky, and move them to Beverly Hills. The idea stems from "The Beverly Hillbillies" that aired a long time ago. The new name of the show? "The Real Beverly Hillbillies"

Let me go into why Im offended. First of all, you cannot call me a hillbilly because I live in a rural part of Kentucky. Im all for a belly laugh, and being poked fun of every now and then. But this just fuels that stereotype that we don't drive cars, we don't wear shoes, and we aren't rich. In other words, they want to portray us as dumb rednecks, who have never seen the outside world. Well, screw them. They have absolutely no right to say that people from Kentucky are dumb rednecks (Which is what there practically saying)

Let me post a segment of this article for yall:

CBS wants the cameras to roll as the family leaves its rural home and settles into a Beverly Hills mansion with money for the finer things in life, including designer clothes, fine cars and maids.

Do I want designer clothes? No. Do I need a fine car? No. And I've never ever wanted a maid, that just shows laziness on their part.

A CBS spokesman said yesterday that the network is unfazed by the criticism and plans to move ahead -- if it can locate the right ''multigenerational'' family for the show.

So in other words; I have to have a Pa, and I gotta have a Ma.

''We have not yet found our family,'' said network spokesman Chris Ender. ''We would ask viewers to withhold judgment until they have seen the show. It might shed some light on the absurdities of urban life.'' CBS is ''mindful of the concerns expressed,'' Ender said.

WAIT A MINUTE! Urban life? What am I, some kind of retard? I know about blenders, I know what toaster is, I've seen SUV's. Yes, urban life is an absurdity. But what's more absurd is the fact that these people think that we know nothing of the outside world.

Okay, maybe they are right. I've never done (And neither has my family) the following things:

-None of us have credit cards, and thus have never used them before.
-We don't have those fancy pumps at the gas station that have those little slots that you can shove the credit cards into.
-We don't wear shoes. (I defiantly don't)

Screw CBS, Im offended darn it!

Oh, and the article. It's from our local newspapers website. It may not work for those of you that live on the other side of the world.
Haha, counsler, you sound perfect for the show, how quaint!

The "reality" show that I'm anticipating the most is scare tactics, just because I can't possibly fathom how that show will continue without a barrage of law suits.
Thank you mystech for that Pointless post! Let's all clap for Mystech! *Claps*

No really, shut up. I am offended damnit. I've never really ever been offended before, seeing as how Im not from that part of the world that gets offended easily. (Im looking in California's direction right now)

Kentuckians are proud, and laid back. We don't get offended easily like yall. David Lettermen often jokes that they took the word "Evolution" out of the dictionary down here. That's a funny light hearted joke. But to start a reality TV show based on the assumption that were all retards who know absolutely nothing? That's offensive.

Do I know people in the KKK? Yes, I do. But that does not mean that Im a racist hillbilly.
$10 says that they use 'the scene' from Deliverance at least once. And maybe more when HBO picks up the show.
What would be funny is if they got somebody they thought was a tottal redneck and then it turns out like the father has a PhD in nuclear engineering and the wife is like a medical doctor.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
What in the world is deliverance? Can someone please explain to me what this has to do with Kentucky and reality TV?

counceler, what you described really upsets me too. We are not the petting zoo show for those people that enjoy living concrete style.
Deliverance is a classic reality show from Kentucky.
Counsler if you are so laid back as you say, why are you then so offended?
Did they hit a sore spot?

Deliverance takes place in Georgia. Its just like what some people would probably steryotype people that don't live in a major city.
I never watch those shows. Reality TV is crap because the producers believe that no matter how crappy the show is, people would still watch.
Ah, deliverence. Never heard of it. But makes a little since.

Counsler if you are so laid back as you say, why are you then so offended?
Did they hit a sore spot?

I am laid back. Im not normally offended so easily. So yes, they hit a sore spot. It's one thing to say "Kentucky is full of rednecks." I'll laugh at that, knowing that it's along with the lines of "All black people rob white people." It's not true, but when put into a certain context (Comedy) it's funny.

But when you take people from real life, from Kentucky, and move them to California, and expect them to act like idiots... That's another thing all together. That's feeding this stereotype that none of us wear shoes, we sleep with our cousins, and we eat road kill. This is real life, it's not a joke. What CBS is expecting is for us to say "Hey! Look it's a concrete lake!" (It's actually called a swimming pool)

The original Beverly Hillbillys is okay. It's a comedy! It's not to be taken seriously. But this reality TV show is real people, in real life, in a real situation. They want us to look stupid, act stupid, and talk stupid. When we are not, in fact, stupid.
They have toasters in Kentucky? I can’t wait to see the slackjaws when those rural folk experience hot running water for the first time! Yea reality TV!
What's this hot running water that you speak of? I've never heard of anything like it!

Look, Im all for a laugh. But to assume that were all idiots, and start a show based on that idea? Please. That's insulting. How would yall feel if we started a show about people from California moving down here? They wouldn't have to worry about drive by shootings, they'd go crazy because we don't have crack/cocaine, and they would be really mad that we don't have any SMOG! When you look at it, California is the worst state of them all.
I had the displeasure of living half my childhood in Southern California. Not until my family moved to Montana did I realize CA was such an armpit of humanity. Now my skin crawls just to visit there. Look at the bright side: After the show, fewer people will move to Kentucky to spoil the clear skies.
Counsler, if people from Kentucky aren't like the comical sterotype you mentioned, then there's nothing to be afraid of. The Kentucky family in the reality show will probably not be like the sterotype then, and if they are...:D


That's a wonderful point, but your wrong!

Look, we don't fit that stereotype. But we do fit one. If I moved from here (Kentucky) to California, then Im not going to know some things. It's going to be like a different planet. And what's that going to make that family look like? It's going to make them look stupid.

We have different, erm, lifestyles then people in Cali. I for one have never really met a gay person before. I've never seen a Mercedes, or any kind of fancy cars. I know of no one with maids, I live near a horse farm... Does Cali have horses even? The point is that they are trying to make these people look like fools and that will only fuel the stereotype that we are dumb rednecks.