Of all things. . .

I'm certainly experiencing "hypocrisy" and there are liberals who are doing it, but you're avoiding the point. Is it a liberal or conservative position (in the actual definition of the word AND in terms of American politics) to be "anti gay". The fact that you are conservative and happen to have a slightly progressive (see that word: progressive, just a substitute for "liberal") on gay issues doesn't mean that conservativism is inherently liberal.
I'm not denying that it is primarily "conservatives" who are openly anti-gay. But what you were experiencing was not the open hostility of a conservative with an anti-gay viewpoint; but a liberal who lacks the courage to turn their supposedly "progressive" ideals into tolerance that rises to the level of allowing subordinates to so much as mention their significant others if they happen to be of the same sex.
No. There are gays everywhere--it's retail for Allah's sake--but gays are required to not mention significant others above a certain rank.
It's basically an extension of the old rule about not discussing religion or politics at work. Anything controversial has the potential to offend potential customers. And, like it or not, homosexuality is still controversial with many people.
That was the advice of another person, and one that--after getting over the annoyance--I will probably heed.

But, rest assured, asking for the many opinions of this forum doesn't mean I'm getting worked up. Just the opposite. I was more deflated than anything.
Glad to hear it, and understandable.
Then why my companies' donation of money to Planned Parenthood? Why their requirement that all charities be "of progressive social values" (thus, the Salvation Army is banned)?
Few customers have any awareness of who companies donate money to, so the company can be as liberal as it wants to be in that arena without really offending anybody.
Milkweed, Signal & Mad: Despite the fact that I don't agree with a number of your conclusions, I appreciate the contrasting viewpoints. As of today, I'm comfortable with how I will approach the situation, in no small part due to your input.

Bells: thanks for your support. You should be a counselor.

I'm not denying that it is primarily "conservatives" who are openly anti-gay. But what you were experiencing was not the open hostility of a conservative with an anti-gay viewpoint; but a liberal who lacks the courage to turn their supposedly "progressive" ideals into tolerance that rises to the level of allowing subordinates to so much as mention their significant others if they happen to be of the same sex.

I'm sorry, but are you saying that open homophobia is more a conservative thing and closet homophobia (no pun intended) is a liberal thing?


It's like saying conservatives are only racist this way while liberals are racist that way. I don't see it that way. What's going to be next in dividing anything and everything along voting preference? Conservatives fold and liberals scrunch?

Homophobia exists on both sides of the political divide.
I think I got about 3-4 paragraphs into the description of your lil corporate camping trip before I thought, no wonder String loves the corporation so much...it's fucking GAY.

The fact they take exception to you taking it up the ass regularly, really shocks me...it's perfect preparation for working in the corporation.
You're getting a bit off topic, but I'd say you're experiencing liberal hypocrisy.

Regardless of how you choose to label it, it sucks. Nevertheless, it certainly doesn't sound like you're working in an environment that is pervasively intolerant or hostile to you due to your sexual orientation. So, boneheaded though that one comment may have been, I'd advise you to not get too worked up about it. Consider it an insensitive but well intended piece of advice.

The reality is that simply mentioning homosexuality will make some people uncomfortable. You're own behavior (going out of your way to avoid discussing your boyfriend and only mentioning him by accident) suggests that you are well aware of this.

When you get down to it, all they were really asking you to do is what you were doing already.

We live in a time in which homosexuality is rapidly becoming more socially acceptable. However, there are still many people who are offended by it, embarrassed by it, or consider it an outright abomination. Giant retailers aren't in the business of social engineering. They want to sell to everyone, regardless of what retrograde ideas they might subscribe to. Thus, liberal or no, they want their employees to be discreet about any controversial beliefs, practices, etc they might have.

I agree, it was hypocritical for them to even mention it in your "review", especially when everyone else was talking about their personal lives. I don't think it would have happened at my work (on the West Coast). The Midwest is culturally conservative from what I have seen, even when they are politically liberal.

I have similar issues related to the subject of autism.
The fact they take exception to you taking it up the ass regularly, really shocks me...it's perfect preparation for working in the corporation.

Ha! Cute.

Either way, I'd be "taking it up the ass". If I left, I would never find the salary I'm making and in staying, I'm putting myself in an environment that is now slightly unsavory to me.

Stomachs trump hearts.

I've gotta eat.

I'm comfortable with how I'll approach this issue now. And there you have it.

I know it's not much consolation, but hang in there, string. Outlasting assholes is about the only practical defense in an asshole-rich environment. Or: I've come to realize that not everyone is going to be my friend. If I hold out for universal acceptance, I'll be waiting a long time.