odd fears

OK, time to be serious.

My fear is bankruptcy. Managing the finances for 5 people and trying to save for the kids, retirement, get a new house, house repairs and car running costs to name a few does it for me. Everytime I think about how well balaced my finances are I break out in a cold sweat.
Vikings? Hmm, that could also be a possibility, but I'm thinking more along the lines of witchburning and other encounters with stupidity.
are you afraid tht some crazy british present-day-darkagers might burn you on a stake.

you are?

hmmmmmm, good point. thank cthulhu I'm no demon worshipper:) or else I would have been afraid, northen witch
I have a fear of not being able to do anything about horrible situations such as fortuitous or pusillanimous harm to caring entities.

Benevolence is the way yet we would kill for it.
No, that was in a previous life, but the fear lingers on....not to say that there aren't sinister forces left on that devilish island today, because there are...and they have affected me in this life too, and in a way that is even more painful than being burnt alive.

I fear that people will continue to be uncivilised shits to each other for ever. Guys treating women like crap. People fighting over strips of dirt or over whose superstition is best. Stupid crap. We've evolved physically and technologically, maybe even developed more complex societies, but our emotions and drives are what they have always been. My fear, when I look around, is that we'll never grow beyond that crap.
I knew they had their giant micro-waves for some purpose:eek:

sorry, I'm back on topic
I fear human stupidity most.

there is a saying-> Artificial Intelligence is no match for human stupidity

The same loons who burned (alleged) witches at the stake would have had me as well. I'm a confirmed Catholic (atheist now) and have the tenacity/mendacity to question authority, I'm a sceptic. All in all, I would be dead on several counts. what worries me is that the same attitude stil survives in the like of <a href="http://www.chick.com">Jack Chick</a>. Complete fruitcake.

I may disagree with your point of view from a philosophical standpoint but never would I persecute anyone for it.

"what do we do with witches?"
Crowd, "Burn them!"
Knight, "And how do we know she is a witch?"
Crowd, "She cast spells on our cattle!"
Ugly peasant, "She turned me into a Frog. But I got better" :p

Blessed Be!

Oh yeh, give me the Reindeer any day.
Originally posted by Adam
What did you say Thed? The Normans conquered England? :p

Oo Eck! The Nor(se)men, but they had help in the likes of Harald Hardrada Damned if we have been safe since then. I'll ignore loons like Cromwell here.
Britain has indeed been safe since. As I understand British history, Britain has never once been successfully invaded since the Royal Navy's creation. Seven or eight centuries?
Originally posted by Avatar
now there are nukes. NAVY has lost its primary strategical meaning/position
Tell that to Sadam Hussein the next time the USA's carriers crap all over his ancient city.
it wasn't big ben, it was the houses of parliment! which happens to be ten times worse than an old clock tower....

Death to Witches!!
Revenge!!! I will finish the work of the failing terrorist, I will burn the whole island!!! I cast an evil spell on you!!! Die!!! :D
Originally posted by Bebelina
not to say that there aren't sinister forces left on that devilish island today, because there are

Now what you mean. it's a pity we can't get rid of Margaret Thatcher and Norman Tebbit without resorting to illegal means such as assissination. I'm sure Blair is Satan in disguise as well, he's far too oily for his own good. As I was saying to this Satyr a few days ago, the countries gone to hell in a handbasket since the Sidhe packed up shop. Those ruddy Morris Men keep on invoking old forest spirits as well.

Right then, I'm off to T&icirc;r Na N&ocirc;g for my holidays.