odd fears


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
everyone is afraid of something. and somethings ar wierder than others....... what are everyones weird fears?

here are two of mine...

1. vaccums
2. sleepingwalking while having a dream about commiting suicide.

just thought id give us something else to read.... it seems kinda slow lately..
I fear to see someone making an injection with needle to someone. not to me. The look of it is somewhat disgusting and I start to feel weird (no, not throw up). I really don't know why, because when I had cut my leg so tht I could see my bone quite good I didn't even blink an eye, but needles....
I think I made a thread out of this along time ago(?)
Anyhoo, my weird strange fears are...

1)Clowns - (creepy lil bastards!!!)
2)Lobster, crabs, cockroaches, - Ewwwww!!!!!
3)Growing old and not having someone I love to share it with:(
4)Something terrible happen to my child - (If she isnt in my presence, all I do is think something bad is going to happen)
5)Running out of bud when Im having a sh*tty day:D
6)Nuclear attack (this is spawned from the day I seen "The Day After" - scared the sh*t out of me.

These are in no particular order, I know there is more, Ill have to think about it....

Take care:)

What the fuck are these things? They certainly aren't human. They spend all day in odd clothing, not talking and making horribly faked gestures while expecting people to pay to see this. Cheeky bastards they are too. Think their profession is an art. Bull. It's no more of an art than businessman. They JUST STAND!!!! AND THEY WANT MONEY FOR STANDING!!!!!! WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE??

I wouldn't quite call it a fear, but there for a number of years, any time i went to the post office and dropped something in the mail slot, after i started walking away i always looked back behind me to make sure the letter hadn't dropped on the floor in front of the mail box unbeknownst to me. I resolved this by concentrating on my hand dropping the letter through the slot and then hearing it land inside.

Did the letter ever actually drop onto the floor in front of the mail box at some point early on in my life? Not that i recall.
UFO's. If I saw a real one and was sure that it was real I would sh*t myself and then maybe sh*t myself again. I thought I saw one once with a few friends, they were all convinced it was a UFO too, but then we heard the roar of its jet engines and we knew that it was okay.

I actually got so nervous that I started telling other people to calm down when I was the one freaking out, and that also freaked me out, so I really went nuts.

It was a cloudy night, very dark, and all of a sudden there was this long bright light extending from one end of the clouds to another, and it was moving and finally a jet flew through the clouds and we could see that it was the foglight or something. Damn that was scary.

Heights don't bother me, but I'm terrified of heights in water. I think this is attributed to almost sinking in a boat once when I was little, this really pissed off the little pollux:D
hmm, mine are very ordinary compared to you guys and gals but...

1) Spiders
2) Ear wiggs
3) UFO's/Rods

I also do that when posting a letter,
and bebelina why do you fear us?
Don't ask....I have had bad experiences relating to that country both in this life and in previous. I always shiver when I hear about it and its inhabitants. You're evil, evil, evil!!!! :D

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"My only fear is fear itself"

* Death
* Cockroaches freak me dont laugh!
* Fat ppl in biker shorts :p
* FLYING! Scared of heights

Thats about it i think, well those make me freeze.

I understand. I also have an abnormal fear of Hypodermic needles. The bizarre part is this, I have many tattoo's & have no problems with those "needles". Put A Hypodermic needle in front of me & I start hyper-ventilating & nearly pass out. If the doc wants to shoot me up, it usually requires several folks to hold me down. I will involuntarily fight the doctor & nurses & I'm a fairly strong individual. I am sure there is a name for this Phobia, but I don't know what it is.:cool:
dieing with no one there to care

low hights (like the top of a house, or a second story, mountains just feel unreal looking down from them)

those locks on the friges and freazers at work, am SURE i am not going to be able to open it again and i will freaze to death

and star, yes
i am TERIFIDE of Nuklear war, i watched on the beach and that movie STILL gives me nightmares, its the only thing that can
it was made worse by the fact that its set in Melborne and i could see everything like it would be
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Now this one will sound unusal..

I am scared of heights, to a point. If I am below the height of a telephone pole, I can tell how high I am. that is scary. If it is over the height of a telephone pole that isn't so bad. I love flying and do it often, Usually at least 2 times a day, staring out the front window of a chopper. I jumped for a number of years in the military. I've been out most things they put in the air from old WW2 vintage right up through jets. Go figure...
It is because stereoscopic vision allows you to judge, with some accuracy how far or high you are to a certain point. Beyond that, you just know it is far or high.
My fear

When I sleep and dream, I sometimes dream of a train hitting me, but I love riding trains while I am awake. What gives?
Originally posted by Bebelina
Brittish people.
Don't ask....I have had bad experiences relating to that country both in this life and in previous. I always shiver when I hear about it and its inhabitants. You're evil, evil, evil!!!!

That's because we kicked your asses at Lindisfarne 1000 years ago. We're bad, really bad to kick Nordic ass. We don't forget the Danegeld and King Harold.

Harald Hardrada sucks. Right.

You're a reincarnated Viking, aren't you? :p
Actually they were vikings who first beated up king Edgar ( or smth tht sounds like ) and his country in 991 ad .
The king paid enormous amounts of silver in contribution to make the vikings leave.