Obtaining Immortality

what i believe

Everyone is entitled to their on opinion, i respect and understand all opinions, the one that i have come up with myself through observation and research is:

the reason for war here on earth is not because people dont think about what is going to happen when they are dead but because they think about it too much. everyone is too focused on fighting about how to obtain eternal life once they are dead, that they forget about the mortal lives being lost here on earth. to be truly "awake" one must be willing to look at the world through their own eyes rather than the eyes of gods or religious teachings. when someone is able to look at the world and realize that god will not solve its problems and that eternal life may not be waiting for them will this world truly be able to become a eutopia everyone hopes for.

gods have come and gone throughout the ages but people are still here. the power that gods have are only those that we give them. the bible, koran and other books were all written by MEN. men decided what to write down about gods and then many years later the church picked the books the like the best and put them all together into one thing, the BIBLE. Jehovah, Alah, and the Christian God are all the same being not one created by the other. they all mean GOD. to say one is greater than the other is hypocritical. the only difference between those religions is prophets. christians believe that jesus was gods son and the messiah. followers of jehovah believe that jesus christ was just a prophet and are still awaiting the messiah. and muslims (or followers of Alah) believe that jesus christ was a prophet and after he died another prophet came named muhammed and he wrote another book about alah (or god).
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Unfortunately it will take time for billions of people to realize that the basis of their religious beliefs are indeed purely man made and have no substance in reality. In the meantime very powerful religious interest groups with strong political power continue to proliferate these fantasies as facts. How do we break this vicious circle?