Obtaining Immortality


Please discuss so that cris, who is in search of immortality, will not close this thread.

The first and most important step in obtaining immortality is to become AWAKE.

To wake up you must realize that you are not your body and you are not your brain. Both your body and your brain, which is part of your body, perish.
Our body is like a piece of fruit which gets old and becomes fertilizer.

It is the soul and the light which powers the self which is immortal. Some call it Brahman.

When you need to eat food, need rest, need sex, and all the other needs which you take care of, you are your body. The physical world is your body and will perish.

When you begin to think about what happens after you die, where do you go, etc. you are becoming awake.

When everyone in the world realizes that we all have this soul/light in us and that we all come from the same source of light, there will be an end of war, so spread it around if you like. Wake up the world. The end of war is not my intention but, most would say it is an excellent biproduct.

When you begin to examine yourself and the things which are contained therein, you are awake at that time. When you continually focus on that those things such as, "where does this behavior come from", or where is he/she coming from?, you are awake and immortal.

There is a danger because now that you are immortal and you know that there is part of you which survives the death of your body, you must know where to go when you die or you will be lost in eternity. I won't talk about that now because cris will say I'm preaching. I just want to wake the world up from its sleep.
As far as wars go, here is their end.
All Gods: Allah, Jehova, Budha, Lucifer, Satan, Osiris, Isis, etc. came from the Source who is the true GOD. The light which came into being of itself. The light which encompasses all things and which nothing encompasses. It is neither male nor female and is un-nameable.

When the world realizes that both Jehova and Allah were created by the same God, war will end.

Male and Female were created separately only for purpose of multiplying the creation of formed beings.
witnessjudgejury said:
Please discuss so that cris, who is in search of immortality, will not close this thread.

The first and most important step in obtaining immortality is to become AWAKE.

To wake up you must realize that you are not your body and you are not your brain. Both your body and your brain, which is part of your body, perish.
Our body is like a piece of fruit which gets old and becomes fertilizer.

It is the soul and the light which powers the self which is immortal. Some call it Brahman.

When you need to eat food, need rest, need sex, and all the other needs which you take care of, you are your body. The physical world is your body and will perish.

When you begin to think about what happens after you die, where do you go, etc. you are becoming awake.

When everyone in the world realizes that we all have this soul/light in us and that we all come from the same source of light, there will be an end of war, so spread it around if you like. Wake up the world. The end of war is not my intention but, most would say it is an excellent biproduct.

When you begin to examine yourself and the things which are contained therein, you are awake at that time. When you continually focus on that those things such as, "where does this behavior come from", or where is he/she coming from?, you are awake and immortal.

There is a danger because now that you are immortal and you know that there is part of you which survives the death of your body, you must know where to go when you die or you will be lost in eternity. I won't talk about that now because cris will say I'm preaching. I just want to wake the world up from its sleep.

interesting post,

i have doubts in everything, and i know anything is possible, so i know nothing atall i just am, -me-

i have come to the same conclusion myself but not through teachings directly, jusst through meditaton and deep thought,

witnessjudgejury said:
Male and Female were created separately only for purpose of multiplying the creation of formed beings.

Why? What purpose is there to multiply?

What form would you take when your body and brain dies? Remember that your brain is responsible, for thoughts, emotions, feelings and memories. Without those just exactly what will you have as an immortal nothing?

What can you show that indicates that your claim for a soul is anythig other than an irresponsible false hope? Your basesless assertions don't count.
Cris said:
What form would you take when your body and brain dies?

I re-awaken in a new human body. The self is omnipresent, both in space and time. I am you and you are me.

What can you show that indicates that your claim for a soul is anythig other than an irresponsible false hope?

Reincarnation is not hope, it is a curse.
Cris said:

The same self is within you as well as within me, and it is inside everything else too. The difference is the body. When the self is in Cris, it is limited to that person and it can't express higher levels. When it is in an animal, it can only express itself on animal level. When it is in matter, it can only express itself by attraction and repulsion.

Everything is based on the magnetic energy, there is no other energy. What causes the attractive and repulsive forces? How do you explain the cause of magnetism? The power comes from the center, from the thing we recognize as the self (mind, presence, unity, goal, nothingness).

But don't confuse the person with the self. It's just a reflection of the body and it has no real existence. People limit themselves into persons, masks, aspects of the self, and categorize in order to simplify, they limit themselves, in order to remain the people they are. They refuse to accept what they Really are, just like magnets which repulse.

He who believes in me (the self), but he were dead, yet shall he live.
I (the self) am the way, truth and life.
Do the unbelievers not see that the heaven and earth were united and then we separated them?

They meant that we should have faith in ourselves. Nothing is impossible for us. We created the universe. We made it visible by separating the unity, negative from the positive.

They really knew everything. The people in the past. I'm so imperfect. I say everything wrong.
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witnessjudgejury said:
Please discuss so that cris, who is in search of immortality, will not close this thread.

The first and most important step in obtaining immortality is to become AWAKE.
quite true, but you have'nt woke up.

witnessjudgejury said:
To wake up you must realize that you are not your body and you are not your brain. Both your body and your brain, which is part of your body, perish.
Our body is like a piece of fruit which gets old and becomes fertilizer.
It is the soul and the light which powers the self which is immortal. Some call it Brahman.
you see what I mean, wake up, take you head out of the clouds, as cris say's baseless assertions.
witnessjudgejury said:
When you begin to think about what happens after you die, where do you go, etc. you are becoming awake.
with what do you think. your sad, very sad

witnessjudgejury said:
When everyone in the world realizes that we all have this soul/light in us and that we all come from the same source of light, there will be an end of war,
when everyone realize's we dont have this thing you call a soul, thats when people will start to respect life and stop killing each other.

witnessjudgejury said:
cris will say I'm preaching. I just want to wake the world up from its sleep.
but your the one thats asleep.
c7ityi_ said:
The same self is within you as well as within me, and it is inside everything else too. The difference is the body. When the self is in Cris, it is limited to that person and it can't express higher levels. When it is in an animal, it can only express itself on animal level. When it is in matter, it can only express itself by attraction and repulsion.

Everything is based on the magnetic energy, there is no other energy. What causes the attractive and repulsive forces? How do you explain the cause of magnetism? The power comes from the center, from the thing we recognize as the self (mind, presence, unity, goal, nothingness).

But don't confuse the person with the self. It's just a reflection of the body and it has no real existence. People limit themselves into persons, masks, aspects of the self, and categorize in order to simplify, they limit themselves, in order to remain the people they are. They refuse to accept what they Really are, just like magnets which repulse.

He who believes in me (the self), but he were dead, yet shall he live.
I (the self) am the way, truth and life.
Do the unbelievers not see that the heaven and earth were united and then we separated them?

They meant that we should have faith in ourselves. Nothing is impossible for us. We created the universe. We made it visible by separating the unity, negative from the positive.

They really knew everything. The people in the past. I'm so imperfect. I say everything wrong.

dispite what others think or say,

i understand you 100% it wasnt nonsense it was just very eastern of you,

you will follow the dao even if you dont know it already,



Male and Female were created separately only for purpose of multiplying the creation of formed beings.
So for us the the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything is - eternal sex and inevitable universal overpopulation.
...a word that strikes fear into the hearts of the rich.
Used to shush good white folk while murderers quietly eliminate unwanted ethnics and reduce their reproduction potential by poisoning their food, drugging them and killing them off in needless wars.

"overpopulation" ooh.. what rubbish. Whites are just afraid of the blatant fact that other races are more virile and multiplying at five times the rate of whites.

They used to say nonsense like 'cockroaches will inherit the earth" but now they know that ethnic populations will inherit the earth, and alot sooner than cockroaches.

So long whitey. You were too dumb to evolve, even though you dreamed up evolution yourself.
Einstuck said:
...a word that strikes fear into the hearts of the rich.
Used to shush good white folk while murderers quietly eliminate unwanted ethnics and reduce their reproduction potential by poisoning their food, drugging them and killing them off in needless wars.

"overpopulation" ooh.. what rubbish. Whites are just afraid of the blatant fact that other races are more virile and multiplying at five times the rate of whites.

They used to say nonsense like 'cockroaches will inherit the earth" but now they know that ethnic populations will inherit the earth, and alot sooner than cockroaches.

So long whitey. You were too dumb to evolve, even though you dreamed up evolution yourself.
Is this a serious post? Or am I missing out on something?

"Here's what happens when you die--you sit in a box and get eaten by worms. I guarantee you that when you die, nothing cool happens."
— Howard Stern
but anyway,
When you begin to think about what happens after you die, where do you go, etc. you are becoming awake.

ok, fair enough. When you begin to think about something, you're becoming awake (as I would interpret it, smart).
However, When you begin to think about what happens after you die, and conclude that "we all have this soul/light in us and that we all come from the same source of light", then you're deluding yourself, as there is no reason to believe that except that it makes you feel good. No evidence, no nothing.

since the basic premise in this is that we have a soul, let me ask you these questions about the soul...
What exactly is the POINT of a soul when you're alive? What does it DO? does it hold our thoughts, emotions, etc? if so, then why does damaging the brain intervene with that? Say Ronald Reagan (sp?) who had alzheimer's... when he died... does his soul have it too? or is it somehow miraculously restored to the point where gasp! you know everything you've ever known?

once you're dead... what does your soul do? does it inherit the personality of the person, or are all souls alike? where do they all go? what do they do there?

why even have a body at some time or another? is it some learning experience or something?
I would say the first step to becoming enlightened is immortality. I mean, it's rare for people that only live 80 years or so, but any fool could become enlightened if they lived for 200 years. Maybe our society would mature as well.

Of course, our bodies are actually immortal, even if they get renewed sometimes through the mechanism if reproduction, but our mind is not. The mind is the illusion, and realizing this reveals our inherent immortality.
First: multiplication is necessary only until the agreed upon number of beings has been formed, there will be an end according to Christ.

Second, the soul is an interesting concept but, as Christ has said: "many of the first will be last and will become a single one". This means many souls will be combined into one soul. Also, He said: Look to the beginning to find the end". At the beginning, there was only one.

For immortality, you can look into the eyes of a newborn and discover it. You will see that the baby finds comfort in remembrance of where it came from. Over time, it becomes aware of the outside world, its body, its mind, and develops a fortress of defenses to be able to deal with it all. It has then lost site of the immortal part of itself and has changed its focus to "the shell of the egg" which is its physical reality. As it grows older and older the shell gets thicker and the egg withers. If it never looks back in remembrance, the person will die, deaf, dumb and blind, and will go to the grave with its body. Only those who focus their attention on the egg, (the part of you which did not get older as you and your personality did) will wake up in eternity.
look at it this way....what do we ACTUALLY
ACTUALLY know? be honest!
we are here now aren't we, in Nature. we are born, we've seen photies of us as babies,and our mum's confirm it

we see othe babies. and we see and hear of people dieing, in al kinds of ways. tisw know

we cant know what happens after death. there may be hins like reports from NDE's etc, but they haven't really died as in being gone for 5 years then coming back to tell us. plus different cultures report different experiences

what else we got? we have the terms 'immortality' and 'mortality'. we KNOW what mortality means--it means we are mortal ad are gonna die. but what does immortal mean? the opposite of mortal? which'd mean what? that we NEVER die...??

so what would tat entail then. i die and then what....? wake up and then know i am gonna live forever and ever and efer? who has told you this? has a religion told you? which one? have you bothered to check itout? its history as a belief structure, its influences . for it might be feeding you a load of BS dont yo tink? feedin you your dreams of getting to a state where there is no more death. cause we are taught to fear death aren't we? that is also a big part of the SAME belief structures that go on about immortality meaning everlivingness and no death

so what do i believe? i have insight that immortality as a term is an bstraction created by human conceptual thinking, as opposed to another abstract concept, mortality....further, that in REALITY, which is preliterate, the two are never aprt. you cant haveone abstract without te other.....so this would mean that thepocess you/me/we are actually IN IS IT. IS aprocess that both invloves mortality and immortality. tat you are more than you tink you are. you are totally interelated with everything, and tis is what goes throug changes. and CHANGES of form and diverse experience involves both life and death....and the ACTUAL process is both lifedeathregeneration which IS immortality
witnessjudgejury said:
To wake up you must realize that you are not your body and you are not your brain. Both your body and your brain, which is part of your body, perish.
Our body is like a piece of fruit which gets old and becomes fertilizer.

It is the soul and the light which powers the self which is immortal. Some call it Brahman.
Evidence, please?

witnessjudgejury said:
When everyone in the world realizes that we all have this soul/light in us and that we all come from the same source of light, there will be an end of war....
Evidence, please?

witnessjudgejury said:
When you begin to examine yourself and the things which are contained therein, you are awake at that time. When you continually focus on that those things such as, "where does this behavior come from", or where is he/she coming from?, you are awake and immortal.
Evidence, please?