

Registered Senior Member
I owned a robot when I was a kid. It was a very simple design and somewhat self referential in navigation. It was cool. Another one had to be programmed and was unable to self correct itself via sensory modules. Humans operate via sensory perception, a self referential type of navigating operations through our nervous system. It was a touch and go and very basic self referential correcting system, but it was cool. $50.00 for the self correcting and nearly $100 for the one needing to be programmed. I preferred the self correcting one over the more expensive type. The issue was that it was unable to map out the territory or learn...nope ... It was just touch and go.

Question: Could a nervous system like our own be incorporated into a machine with the ability to self refer to it's unique memory base for greater ability? The memory of my self referential robot wasn't even on par with a gnat, so it was very limited

Also, isn't subjective reality an integral aspect of intelligence?
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