Objective Morality and Atheism


It is said because a thousand years down the line, you will be nothing.
Why are you so certain? Anti-aging research is gaining significant momentum. It seems quite likely that those in their 50s now or younger are very likely to gain significant benefits in the next 2 decades or so and even more beyond that. Unlimited life-spans do appear to be not far away, and most likely within the lifetimes of many of us living now.

Check this out - http://www.imminst.org/

That is my other home. I have a differnt userid there though.
Very clever Cris; yes, indeed hopefully we will be able to have unlimited lifespans.

Why are you so certain? Anti-aging research is gaining significant momentum. It seems quite likely that those in their 50s now or younger are very likely to gain significant benefits in the next 2 decades or so and even more beyond that. Unlimited life-spans do appear to be not far away, and most likely within the lifetimes of many of us living now.

Check this out - http://www.imminst.org/

That is my other home. I have a differnt userid there though.

(Before checking the link) I'm not saying it's impossible but someone has popped up with such every 3 or 4 years for the past 30 years.
(Before checking the link) I'm not saying it's impossible but someone has popped up with such every 3 or 4 years for the past 30 years.
And the research will continue until we get there. It is just a matter of engineering.
Immortality....oh boy, how I yearn for thee.

Although, what good is immortality if everybody is immortal? I want it for myself; it's like a diamond, what good is it if everyone has one?

Immortality....oh boy, how I yearn for thee.

Although, what good is immortality if everybody is immortal? I want it for myself; it's like a diamond, what good is it if everyone has one?
Umm, well the alternative is non existence. Why care if there are many who live a long time? The universe is likely infinite in size and duration.

But that's what religions promise, and is the whole point of religion.
I do want immortality. I'm only saying that what makes it sweet is being exclusive; it's like a diamond. Immortality would not be quite as desirable for me if everybody could have it.

I do want immortality. I'm only saying that what makes it sweet is being exclusive; it's like a diamond. Immortality would not be quite as desirable for me if everybody could have it.
This is a bizarre perspective. You want everyone to die except you?

But don't worry, I'm sure there are billions of planets in the universe, enough for one each. I suspect you could fine a planet for yourself and pretend you are the god of your domain.
(Before checking the link) I'm not saying it's impossible but someone has popped up with such every 3 or 4 years for the past 30 years.

And the research will continue until we get there. It is just a matter of engineering.

Each time they say something like everyone under 50 will be able to live several hundred years or if you live 10 more years from now, you can live forever.
Perhaps it will happen in 5 or 10 more years. Perhaps 300 years from now, they will yet be saying it's just around the corner.
I've become inured to it.

Immortality....oh boy, how I yearn for thee.
Although, what good is immortality if everybody is immortal? I want it for myself; it's like a diamond, what good is it if everyone has one?

What frigging good is a diamond, either way???
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This is a bizarre perspective. You want everyone to die except you?

No, I want everyone to carry on with their lives with only me being the one living forever.

Or me, my family, and my friends.

What good is a diamond if everyone can have one?
No, I want everyone to carry on with their lives with only me being the one living forever.

Or me, my family, and my friends.

What good is a diamond if everyone can have one?

At least now I know why you pretend to be amoral, and pretend that emotion is a flaw; you want to be an android!
Yes, obviously, theists are very insecure. And intolerant. Yet they say such of atheists.

These are generalizations. Insecurity, intolerance........these have very little to do with one's religious beliefs. I'll agree that there is a greater tendency for theists to be these things but atheists are not immune.

For example, Joseph Stalin. He was very intolerant, although I'm not arguing that this is a bad thing.
At least now I know why you pretend to be amoral, and pretend that emotion is a flaw; you want to be an android!

I never said emotion is a flaw. In case you hadn't noticed, every thread I made using logic over emotion, in arguments for euthanasia, was precisely to prove the importance of emotion in human society and culture

Emotion is what gives us our power, our ego; our strength, you could say. Our motivation.
I never said emotion is a flaw. In case you hadn't noticed, every thread I made using logic over emotion, in arguments for euthanasia, was precisely to prove the importance of emotion in human society and culture

Emotion is what gives us our power, our ego; our strength, you could say. Our motivation.

In the euthanasia thread, you've confused instinct with emotion. They are not the same thing. So your wrong from square one.

Like I said before, enlighten yourself. Read up on things. Do some homework. Don't just assume you know everything already, Karl Pilkington.