Now reading (The Book Thread)

The problem with this thread is that everyone is so pretentious. Come on! Everyone is reading Marx, Camus, Samund Rushdie, Descartes, Bertrand Russel....give me a break!

Let's be honest. The last book I read was Von Neuman's War by John Ringo. It was about an invasion by self replicating machines. A nice bit of sci-fi escapism. I've also recently read Kildar by the same author. Both books were entertaining, but not too deep or philosophical.
Fritjov Capra's "The Web of Life'
Carl Sagan's 'Broca's Brain'
Kant's 'Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals'
n Bill Bryson's 'A Short History of Nearly Everything'...

And if everyone was being so pretentious they'd say they had already read Marx, Camus, it is, they are actually being quite the opposite.
I really am reading Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard. But that book is just so full of bullshit. It gives me a headache. :(
Kierkegaard is worse than Schopenhauer, and that is saying a lot, considering I refuted the latter by refusing to let him suck on my titties.
Still working on "The Second World War", by John Keegan. It's history. My cat ate a hole in the middle of Barbarossa.
The Republic is truly a brilliant philosophical work. It was the first Platonic dialogue I read and one of my favourites of his.
Enid Blyton's "Five Get Into Trouble".

I'm struggling with it, though. Can't really wrap my mind around it.

Once I'm through with it, I intend to move on to Harlequin novels, starting with "The Italian Millionaire's Virgin Wife".

Wish me luck.
I'm finishing up the Dune series, currently reading God Emperor of Dune. I took a brief break to read the graphic novel Watchmen. It lived up to all the hype, best Graphic Novel I've ever read.
Purple Hairstreak:

There is no such thing as a bad Frank Herbert "Dune" book.

Dune, Dune: Messiah, Children of Dune, God-Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, and Chapterhouse: Dune, are fantastic books.

His son and Kevin J. Anderson's books? Not as much, but decent SciFi.

But seriously, the most brilliant science fiction ever written is Frank Herbert's "Dune".
Dune was great. Has anyone read Pandora's Star and it's sequel Judas Unchained by Peter Hamilton? Excellent books.