Now reading (The Book Thread)

Now reading:


Just finished:

"Stations" series by David Downing (Historical Fiction).


"Pendergast" series by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child (Scientific Fiction Crime).
The Executioner (aka Mack Bolan)

There are plenty of books to read. By Don Pendleton. These are some great books, one of my favorite choices to keep going back to. Don passed away.
I have read some newer books. Same action, plot types, suspense. No drop off really. Read these books! To me they are not very long you can dive deep into reading a book and get done in 2 or 3 days. I have done it.

Thanks for reading my post. Now I hope you will try reading a book or two. And please let me know your feelings about them.
There are plenty of books to read. By Don Pendleton. These are some great books, one of my favorite choices to keep going back to. Don passed away.
I have read some newer books. Same action, plot types, suspense. No drop off really. Read these books! To me they are not very long you can dive deep into reading a book and get done in 2 or 3 days. I have done it.

Thanks for reading my post. Now I hope you will try reading a book or two. And please let me know your feelings about them.

I probably read about 50+ Executioner books starting from book 1. The last time I checked a book store I was semi surprised to see several hundred Executioner books. You just can't beat them for high bad guy body counts. I was hoping for several movies based on that series, but just can't decide which actor I would want to play Mack Bolan, but am leaning towards Jason Statham. What do you think?
I probably read about 50+ Executioner books starting from book 1. The last time I checked a book store I was semi surprised to see several hundred Executioner books. You just can't beat them for high bad guy body counts. I was hoping for several movies based on that series, but just can't decide which actor I would want to play Mack Bolan, but am leaning towards Jason Statham. What do you think?

Jason would make a good choice. I also am thinking Thomas Jane, Randy Couture, Mickey Rourke, Gabriel Byrne, Dwaine Stevenson. Just to name a few.
Currently reading: The Mismeasure of Man


When published in 1981, The Mismeasure of Man was immediately hailed as a masterwork, the ringing answer to those who would classify people, rank them according to their supposed genetic gifts and limits.

Yet the idea of biology as destiny dies hard, as witness the attention devoted to The Bell Curve, whose arguments are here so effectively anticipated and thoroughly undermined. In this edition, Stephen Jay Gould has written a substantial new introduction telling how and why he wrote the book and tracing the subsequent history of the controversy on innateness right through The Bell Curve. Further, he has added five essays on questions of The Bell Curve in particular and on race, racism, and biological determinism in general. These additions strengthen the book's claim to be, as Leo J. Kamin of Princeton University has said, "a major contribution toward deflating pseudo-biological 'explanations' of our present social woes."

I'm reading the 'Revised and Expanded' version. Amazon, as usual, took forever to ship it... *sigh*
At least it's here now! :)
I've decided to read 26 books in 2013 as a new years resolution :D (ie. 1 book/2 weeks). I'm a little behind, so far I've only read 3 books so far lol but I have several half-read novels lying around.

Currently reading: Never Let Me Go - Ishiguro

If anyone has sci-fi/dystopian novel recommendations, PM me, it's basically the only novels I go out of my way to buy. I've read most of the classics but might have missed one or two on the way.
Currently reading a few books:

The Qur'an (for the third time)
How to Be Compassionate by The Dalai Lama
Tomorrow's God by Neale Donald Walsch
If anyone has sci-fi/dystopian novel recommendations, PM me, it's basically the only novels I go out of my way to buy. I've read most of the classics but might have missed one or two on the way.
  • Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner, a 1968 Hugo-winner. The point of view is that dystopia is already here. In one scene a pregnant lady's fetus is killed by radiation from her microwave oven. And they weren't even made in China in those days!
  • Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, a 1978 Hugo nominee. The premise is that a comet strikes earth, destroying much of the infrastructure, including government.
  • The Postman by David Brin. I confess that I haven't seen the movie because I have never liked a movie made from one of my favorite books, except "The Wizard of Oz." (Apparently the few people who saw it didn't like it either.) The scenario is similar to the Niven-Pournelle book, except that neither the reader nor the characters ever figure out what happened to cause the breakdown of civilization. This was written in 1985 before America was overwhelmed by loss of faith in government. The hero is an ordinary man who finds a crashed mail truck and takes the uniform jacket from the dead postman just for warmth, but for reasons he can't quite explain he also takes his mailbag and tries to deliver the letters inside. Everywhere he goes, people cheer because they regard him as evidence that the government is still in operation. But what he sees along the way is hard-core dystopia. I had a civil service job in 1985 and I found the story very uplifting.
I hope you caught the TV series "Dark Angel." A similar scenario except that the neutron bomb in low orbit only destroyed the computer infrastructure of the U.S., turning it into a Third World country that had to sell the Statue of Liberty to the Sultan of Brunei. Unfortunately its ratings tanked after 9/11 and it was canceled. But it did give the world Jessica Alba. :)
I'm reading SWIFT by James Follett, it's from 1986 and is about some criminals that tries to take over the computer systems that transfer money over the world. It's pleasing to read about the technological advancements that they had back then. It reminds me of action films from the eighties :)
I am going over two interesting books.
One is called wild edibles by marian van atta.
The other is called field guide to edible wild plants second edition. By bradford angier and david k foster.
Trouble in Paradise by Robert B. Parker; just finished Bad Blood by John Sandford.
I am going over two interesting books.
One is called wild edibles by marian van atta.
The other is called field guide to edible wild plants second edition. By bradford angier and david k foster.

Two more good ones by Nancy Turner and Adam Szczawinski* Edible Garden Weeds, and Edible Wild Fruits and Nuts
(*pronounced just like it's written. Remember Wojciehowicz? Probably too young.)

You might also like: Green Cities, edited by David Gordon - a mine of information - and Places of the Soul by Christopher Day, about architectural design.

My bedside novel is The Spirit Cabinet by Paul Quarrington. His writing style is ever more refined - goes down like cheesecake with raspberry sauce - but i find the story disheartening. So far.... hoping for a redemption at the end.