Now It Is Time To 'cure' Stupidity?

It is not a question of current density it is unlocking the other 90% of our brains that we don't use. Increasing number synaspes firing too much would cause an overload alot worse than a migrain. Possibly a burn out or permently altered brain disorders. Try it with little albino mice before you do it to steve the flunky.
The 10% brain thing is a myth!!! Unless you mean 10% at any time... the only time we would be using 100% is during a seizure!
Much of the brain mapping has been done. It has been found that places all over the brain are attributed for different things. I doubt that there is 10% unused, much less area for 90%.
Possibly a burn out or permently altered brain disorders. Try it with little albino mice before you do it to steve the flunky.

why should we "try"? we don't need to...we KNOW that that would be the case. just imagine.....if ALL the neurons started firing at one time, (depending on the duration of the episode)there would no doubt be permanent damage.
ya, alot of people that have stratapheric iqs have more than one line of thought so it is called magical thinking. It is a symptom of skizofreina and lesser degrees of that disorder. Increasing brain density would cause magical thinking because of multiple trains of thought existing at the same time.
i don't like the idea of increasing intelligence, because we are all aware that tremendously intelligent people are usually not really much fun to be around with.

we should inject stem cells in the social and fun sector of the brain. But injecting stem cells in brains might be a recipe for increase in brain cancer....i guestimate
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
we should inject stem cells in the social and fun sector of the brain. But injecting stem cells in brains might be a recipe for increase in brain cancer....i guestimate

That might not be bad: I always wanted 24hour orgasms. About the cancer, not if we engineer them properly!

just to remind you people on the prospects and drawbacks of stem cells, a while ago embryonic pig brain stem cells were injected into people who had suffered brain damage, and the results were widely varrying. Some went from vegetables to completely normal people who could now even walk! Another case I remember hearing about in a seminar, is that some of them had their injected tissue somehow create too much dopamine. This overstimulation apparently caused some of the subjects to eat their fingers. Nothing like a side effect like that to put a dampiner on a research seminar...I swear the room went dead silent when that was mentioned.
that was believe to be cause by a still yet unknown process rejection... as well as improper dosage.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
that was believe to be cause by a still yet unknown process rejection... as well as improper dosage.

well biology is not an exact science and there might not be a proper dosage.
So then only drugs are measure out in concentration and volume? Jee how many fields of science are you aware of again? You even seem to forgotten about needed procedures in cooking!
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
So then only drugs are measure out in concentration and volume? Jee how many fields of science are you aware of again? You even seem to forgotten about needed procedures in cooking!

I am writing a review on stem cells for a book on stem that expert enough for you...?

as you might be aware of stem cells are nothing without a stem cell niche. That's right! a stem cell by itself is a loose cannon. A stem cell in its niche is a controlled stem cell. Now why don't we inject a stem cell in a brain stem cell niche then? well, maybe because we don't know exactly what kind of adult stem cell niches there are in the brain and where and how big they are, what functions they serve and etc.

but go ahead...inject some stem cells into your brain if you want.
Jee then so I’m guessing you have never heard about what they have been testing on Parkinson patients? That is stem cell based (fetal pig) and they do inject them into the brain. And it has a relevantly good success rate… some times though it has no effect at all either due to a immunity response of unknown nature (Since the fetal cells are striped of any glycoprotein markers before hand) or something else.
not really, but having published a paper on stem cells, i think i am almost qualified to say something on the subject...but i am not could be that what I am saying is all bullshit...

and injecting stem cells in a brain and having some success doesn't mean they actually knew what they were doing...

i think we have to caution everyone in drawing polarized scientific conclusions, especially ones that were mainly brought into this world for secondary purposes, for funding and prestige.
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