"nothing" "something" and religion

§outh§tar said:
This second verse is especially interesting because if you look at Matthew 13, you will see exactly why I say this.

By that you must mean

He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

Matthew 13:11

However, nothing you've so far provided implies that science, as a whole, requires validation by the argument of god/gods.

Simply because it is written in the Bible, does not make it so.
You must find and practice some other means of argumentation and verification, if you wish to sway me or anyone else here, that is.

§outh§tar said:
Saying God is a liar, you are?

Saying god/gods is/are not logically necessary, I am.


Wondering why any sane entity would defend ProudMuslim, I am.
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path said:
You just have to insult people don't you PM, I guess when you have nothing to say of value just start with the insults

look who is talking ! Vienna, go play somewhere else, your 2 childern needs you..hurry up.
Katazia said:
Preacher X,
Unfortunately your analogy doesn’t work since the prophets do not reveal how they know what they claim and hence their claims cannot be independently verified by anyone else. All we are left with are unsupported and unverifiable baseless claims. But you are correct that religion is indeed based on unsupported and unverifiable baseless claims. Now if you can re-produce a miracle under careful scientific conditions which can be reproduced by anyone else with the appropriate equipment then you might have a case.

alot of Science cannot be independantly verified. the moon landing was an example i had given. it could of been just a hoax by the US to win the cold war and make the America public feel more safe against a possible Russian domination of Missiles from space.

the moon landing has not been independantly verified. satalites, and not even the Hubble Telescope is capable of seeing the moon landing site. the video can be recreated in any film studio and only a small amount of scientists have seen the moon sample (and did you know, a lot of them actually died afterwards in starnge circumstances)

ok, what the hell am i saying. the moon landing took did take place but it fits in to what im saying. people believe science that there is no real proof of.
Rappaccini said:
By that you must mean

He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

Matthew 13:11

However, nothing you've so far provided implies that science, as a whole, requires validation by the argument of god/gods.

Simply because it is written in the Bible, does not make it so.
You must find and practice some other means of argumentation and verification, if you wish to sway me or anyone else here, that is.

Saying god/gods is/are not logically necessary, I am.


Wondering why any sane entity would defend ProudMuslim, I am.

Ok, ok, Kat :rolleyes: , I shouldn't have sided with PM, dunno what the heck I was on at the time.. I was calling myself a retard too, if that makes you feel any better, for before Christ came into my life, although I knew God, I did not glorify Him as God, nor was thankful, but became futile in my thoughts, and my foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, I became a fool.

@ Rappaccini

Make you believe God is perfectly logical, what would?

Similarly, I don't know if it was you I was telling this the other day, Lazarus begged "father Abraham" after he was in the "place of torment", and Jesus narrates that "If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead."

So if you don't accept the validity of scripture I'm providing, how can you be swayed by a supernatural event?
Katazia said:

In what context do I use ‘religion’ in that manner – I think here you need to be a little more specific and perhaps give an example.

But religion is any set of ideas that are based on supernatural concepts of some type that cannot be substantiated and where the adherents believe these claims with conviction and without any factual support and hence act in an illogical and irrational manner. Does that help you understand what I mean when I say ‘religion’?


It's like PM bashing all Christians based on one thing when all Christians don't even believe in the same thing. I, personally, don't want to be part of a generalization, it's like saying all black people are brutes or something of the sort.

By accusing me of believing "these claims with conviction and without any factual support and hence act[ing] in an illogical and irrational manner", you have put slaves of God, who don't act in the same manner, under the same umbrella unfairly. Just because you are unable to know "the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven", does NOT mean that it is "without any factual support and hence...illogical and irational..".

That's all I was trying to say.

You need to make a distinction between technology and science. The moon landings were a technoligical activity not science although their intention was to conduct scientific research while there.

Whether it was a fraud or not is largely irrelevant to our debate about scientific discovery and verifiability.

Incidentally I watched all the Appollo missions and all the moon landings on live TV at the time. A very exciting period - there has never been anything like that since.

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Ok, ok, Kat , I shouldn't have sided with...
Your comments are most welcome and respected.

But I'd like to draw another lesson from your statements if I may. Were you motivated to say these things out of human respect and maturity or because you were told to by Christian doctrine? And do you appreciate the very real qualitative difference?

In PM we see much of the mindlessness of Islam where Muslims are heavily controlled by their very authoritarian overseers. In effect if there isn't a rule laid down by the Mullahs then they don't know how to act. So when he is asked an awkward question that doesn't fit the limited scope of Islam he inevitably reverts to his apparently more natural state of mindless abuse. I've now seen this behavior repeated a number of times by other Muslim posters. I'm beginning to build a picture of Muslim behavior that is not particularly pleasant. Perhaps this does indeed explain many of the problems we are now facing in the world.

Thanks again for your comments.


By accusing me of believing "these claims with conviction and without any factual support and hence act[ing] in an illogical and irrational manner", you have put slaves of God, who don't act in the same manner, under the same umbrella unfairly.
Yes I see your point, however, consider it from my perspective, I see two camps, the naturalists and the supernaturalists. To date unless you can show otherwise I do not believe there is any evidence that shows that anything supernatural exists, could exist or might exist. To believe something as true without factual support is a defiance of logic (i.e. is irrational). The fact that the details of your religion are very different from other perhaps more bizarre religions is immaterial if both sets of beliefs are based on an unsupportable supernatural realm. To me both sets of beliefs are equally without value.

Just because you are unable to know "the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven", does NOT mean that it is "without any factual support and hence...illogical and irational..".
Then show me ANY verifiable and proven evidence that shows that something supernatural exists, has existed, might exist, or could exist. Until then to be believe such a thing is without useful merit.

I hope that makes my position clearer.

Christian doctrine first and also maturity.

Frankly, I didn't want the thing to drag on because the Bible speaks against unfruitful arguments.

I was just basing my premise on the premise of: "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." which I'm sure you've heard many many times :D

After seeing posts about Hitler being a "bible believing Christian" and other propaganda that he wasn't even able to support (has he even EVER "won" an argument), I don't think PM brings anything good to the table but then would it be any fun if everyone was intelligent?

Ahh yes indeed the foolish atheist - lovely Christian stuff.

We can learn a lot from PM as he seems to represent a real part of Islamic culture. He paints for us the dangers of believing what he is told rather then being able to think for oneself. His arguments present for us the epitome of religious indoctrination and that makes it much easier for us to more easily understand the mind of the Islamic suicide bombers and the Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists.
