"nothing" "something" and religion


Registered Senior Member
"nothing", "somthing" and religion
Written By Preacher X​

can you see atoms or DNA? but you still believe it because a limited amount of people (scientists) tell you and they provide proof (pics, text etc.) well to religious people the scientists are the Prophets, the evidence is the miracles/prophecies etc. in the books and the signs of creation.

the answer is simple. There is either a God or not. The beleif in the answer depends on the individual. Science has proven that 15 Billion years ago the universe was created at a certain point and it will come to an end at a certain point from now, once tghe universe stops expanding. Before that nothing existed including time and space. It would be impossible to imagine what the universe was like before the Big Bang because "nothing" (and this really is "nothing") is unimaginable. when someone asks you to imagine nothing, in your head, you'll probably be thinking something like a blank white space with "nothing" there. Well even this is wrong. First off, white is something and the actual "space" that "nothing" covers is something! And before the big bang according to science and religion these things didn't exists (it is impossible for these to exists). Not even the space that nothing covers existed or the time that "nothing" existed for. if it is scientifically proven that something as bizarre as this is possible then why is the idea of God ridiculous to some people. Also it is proven that the universe will inevitably come to an end, which is according to (some) religions going to be the doomsday.


the common argument for atheism is that if God made the universe, then what made God, well if humans can't even imagine "nothing" then how on earth can we imagine what God can do. Also the same argument can be used for the Big Bang. "what created God?" athesists often say, well "what created the Big Bang?". Before the Big Bang, when nothing exsisted including time and space, something created thwe Big Bang - an that something God.
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There is either a God or not. The answer depends on the individual.

No, the individual has nothing to do with the existence of gods aside from their imaginations.
Preacher_X said:
what are u on about. talk about the exsitence of God not that mumbo jumbo

Your ignorance is laughable.


Preacher_X said:
Science has proven that 15 Billion years ago the universe was created at a certain point and it will come to an end at a certain point from now. Before that nothing existed including time and space. It would be impossible to imagine what the universe was like before the Big Bang because "nothing" (and this really is "nothing") is unimaginable.

You want to give a source or two, preferably irreligious?

You know, I can imagine nothing.
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I can imagine nothing, I've done it a few times. And yes I know what you mean by nothing, you mean nothing. I have imagined it. It is difficult but I have gotten there before. So don't say what humans aren't capable of. You aren't capable of it, not 'human beings'.

the common argument for atheism is that if God made the universe, then what made God
That argument isn't even a common argument from athiests, its a common refutation of the theist argument 'what was there before the big bang?' we don't commonly use that silly argument because we have SO many other arguments that are oh so much better.
Its great being on the powerful team.
Rappaccini said:
Your ignorance is laughable.


You want to give a source or two, preferably irreligious?

You know, I can imagine nothing.

are you stupid or something. look it up in a space book, or go on a website. its common scientific knowledge that the big bang was approximately 15 billioln years ago. before the big bang nothing exsisted. its pretty obvious aswell, that nothing exsisted becasue the big bang created everything. im only 14, and im doing it in school now. what a retard. :eek:
Preacher_X said:
"nothing", "somthing" and religion
Written By Preacher X​

can you see atoms or DNA? but you still believe it because a limited amount of people (scientists) tell you and they provide proof (pics, text etc.) well to religious people the scientists are the Prophets, the evidence is the miracles/prophecies etc. in the books and the signs of creation.

the answer is simple. There is either a God or not. The beleif in the answer depends on the individual. Science has proven that 15 Billion years ago the universe was created at a certain point and it will come to an end at a certain point from now, once tghe universe stops expanding. Before that nothing existed including time and space. It would be impossible to imagine what the universe was like before the Big Bang because "nothing" (and this really is "nothing") is unimaginable. when someone asks you to imagine nothing, in your head, you'll probably be thinking something like a blank white space with "nothing" there. Well even this is wrong. First off, white is something and the actual "space" that "nothing" covers is something! And before the big bang according to science and religion these things didn't exists (it is impossible for these to exists). Not even the space that nothing covers existed or the time that "nothing" existed for. if it is scientifically proven that something as bizarre as this is possible then why is the idea of God ridiculous to some people. Also it is proven that the universe will inevitably come to an end, which is according to (some) religions going to be the doomsday.


the common argument for atheism is that if God made the universe, then what made God, well if humans can't even imagine "nothing" then how on earth can we imagine what God can do. Also the same argument can be used for the Big Bang. "what created God?" athesists often say, well "what created the Big Bang?". Before the Big Bang, when nothing exsisted including time and space, something created thwe Big Bang - an that something God.

You see Preacher you are defeating your own argument. We can SEE DNA for example that is SOMETHING no need to imagine it. It is real. You cannot SEE god that is NOTHING, you can only IMAGINE that he must be responsible for the things you cannot comprehend. One is tangible measurable the other is basically "trust me". There is no science to religious faith it simply trusts what it cannot see because of what it has been told.
path said:
You see Preacher you are defeating your own argument. We can SEE DNA for example that is SOMETHING no need to imagine it. It is real. You cannot SEE god that is NOTHING, you can only IMAGINE that he must be responsible for the things you cannot comprehend. One is tangible measurable the other is basically "trust me". There is no science to religious faith it simply trusts what it cannot see because of what it has been told.

no "you" cant see DNA. scientists have seen DNA and you take their word for it. Prophets have seen God or had revelations and we take their word for it.

anyway, DNA wasn't a good example. the majority of things that science says is completly unseebale to us.

another example is not science but events that happened. do you believe that the USA landed on the moon in 1969. but how do you know? you saw a poor qulaity video (which is filled with myseterious errors*?) of the landing and you take their word for it. you agree that America landed on the moon just becasue AMerica provided a video which can easily be immiated by a film studio and rock sample. the rocket that landed on the moon could of easily just orbited the earth 8 times and came back claiming to of landed on the moon, while America made a false video of the landing. and only a very SMALL amount of people have ever studied the lunar rocks and they can easily be bribed (mysteriously some of these scintists even died later). and who knows if it was from the moon since they never been to the moon

okay this is highly unlikely that the landing was fake but it could be easy to fake. you 100% take the word of these scientists who said they have laneded on the moon by providing a very poor quaity video and a few rock samples. you take their world for it even though YOU never saw, touched, tasted, smelt anythin related with moment that the astrounauts actually landed on the moon.

i take the word of the Prophets who have revealed evidence of God's exsistence.

*if you want me to make a thread i will.
Preacher X,

can you see atoms or DNA? but you still believe it because a limited amount of people (scientists) tell you and they provide proof (pics, text etc.)
Not quite. We can detect and measure these entities through extensions of our sight via scientific instruments. Scientists do not just tell us what they have found but more imortantly they show us how to find them through careful experiments, which are available for anyone to construct. Such information does not become widespread and accepted until many independent researchers can produce the same results. Even then the results are usually considered tentative for a very long time.

well to religious people the scientists are the Prophets, the evidence is the miracels/prophicies etc. in the books and the signs of creation.
Unfortunately your analogy doesn’t work since the prophets do not reveal how they know what they claim and hence their claims cannot be independently verified by anyone else. All we are left with are unsupported and unverifiable baseless claims. But you are correct that religion is indeed based on unsupported and unverifiable baseless claims. Now if you can re-produce a miracle under careful scientific conditions which can be reproduced by anyone else with the appropriate equipment then you might have a case.

the answer is simple. there is either a God or not.
Well not quite. This depends on how you define God. The Christian and Islamic type gods are quite absurd as Einstein indicated and certainly do not exist, but could there be some other form of super intelligence that plays some part in the universe? That is simply unknown.

the answer depends on the individual.
So something exists depending on whether I believe it or not? You must be joking right?

science has proven that 15 Billion years ago the universe was created at a certain point
No it hasn’t. Science has presented a theory that an explosive event appears to have occurred at around 15 Billion years ago resulting in most of the matter and energy that we can currently observe given the current limitations of our instruments. It is unknown what caused the apparent explosion or what came before this event. It is also unknown if this is a cyclic event or just one of a concurrent infinite number of similar events.

and it will come to an end at a certain point from now.
That is unknown and current theories (2003) suggest that the currently observable part of our universe will collapse into a big crunch, and probably begin the cycle again.

before that nothing exsisted including time and space.
A baseless assertion.

it would be immpossible to imagine what the universe was like before the Big Bang becasue "nothing" (and this really is "nothing") is unimaginable.
Nonsense – go and read some popular science fiction, those books abound with imaginative concepts of multiple and parallel universes and even more bizarre ideas. And imagining nothing is not so difficult – try studying some astrophysics where these concepts are regularly discussed.

when someone asks you to imagine nothing, in your head, you'll probably be thinking something like a blank white space with "nothing" there. well even this is wrong. first off white is something and the actual "space" that "nothing" covers is something!
I think you are describing the limitations of your own limited imagination. It is not a problem for many others.

and before the big bang according to science and religion these things didn't exsist (it is immpossible for these to exsist). not even the space that nothing covers exsisted or the time that "nothing" exsisted for.
You are just laboring the point now and not adding anything useful.

if it is scientifically proven that something as bizaree as this is possible then why is the idea of God ridiculous to some people.
Firstly no such things have been scientifically proven – at best all you have is speculation. But the idea of God existing is quite a different matter since it relies on the concept of supernaturalism and for that there is absolutely zero evidence.

also it is proven that the universe will enevitably come to an end,
No it hasn’t. Show the proof if you believe there is one.

which is according to (some) religions going to be the doomsday.
But then religions love catastrophes and have been predicting them for many millennia, this is how they gain many new recruits. Around 2000 years ago the Jewish date was the year 3760, this had been triggering beliefs that the world was going to end in the year 4000 and that had further triggered the rise of the many pretenders to the title of messiah and savior. The Jesus myths were generated out of that quagmire.

the common arguement for atheism is that if God made the universe, then what made God, well if humans can't even imagine "nothing" then how on eartgh can we imagine what God can do.
It would seem only you are unable to imagine “nothing”.

But the argument you quote is out of context. The argument is based on the Christian claim that everything must have been created, and then they proceed to make an exception for God. The atheist counters with if everything must be created then who created God, and the creator of God and the creator of the creator, etc. etc, ad infinitum.

What we observe in reality is that nothing is ever created but everything evolves. Even in physics we have learnt that matter and energy can be exchanged but neither is ever destroyed or created. We have no reason to believe that these basic rules are not universal.

Proud Muslim and SouthStar,

Only RETARDS deny the existence of God.
It is a true sign of the weak minded and intellectually challenged when someone resorts to mindless abuse rather than reasoned argument.

Preacher X,

Some science updates for you –

The cyclic universe (2002) http://www.actionbioscience.org/newfrontiers/steinhardt.html

An Update (2004) http://feynman.princeton.edu/~steinh/dm2004.pdf

Some articles on multiverses, bubble and parallel universes –




And there are many more articles on the web by scientists showing that we really don’t know what came before the big bang, whether it is just one among an infinite number of them or whether it is cyclic, or even something else entirely.

Claims that it is proven that the big bang is the creation event because it supports religious ideology is reminiscent of all the past religious assertions that have always been overturned when science revealed the truth, e.g. from Ptolomy, to Copernicus and Galileo.

Dream on kiddo – but you certainly don’t have the support of science for your religious fantasies.

Preacher_X said:
look it up in a space book, or go on a website. its common scientific knowledge that the big bang was approximately 15 billioln years ago. before the big bang nothing exsisted. its pretty obvious aswell, that nothing exsisted becasue the big bang created everything.

It's your responsibility to provide a source.

As far as I'm concerned, the conservation of matter and energy cannot be violated. There are ideas that contradict it, expecially in quantum probability, but, so far, it has proven true.

If you want to show me observations that indicate otherwise, I suggest you do, but name calling, boasting, and finger pointing aren't going to get you anywhere here other than banned.

Now will you give a source, preferably irreligious?
okay this is highly unlikely that the landing was fake but it could be easy to fake.

No, it would have been incredibly difficult to fake. I'd say it would have cost more to fake it than to actually do it. And it would have been impossible to keep such a massive fraud secret.
Katazia said:
Proud Muslim and SouthStar,

It is a true sign of the weak minded and intellectually challenged when someone resorts to mindless abuse rather than reasoned argument.


How ironic! In saying so, you in turn call "us" (I don't even know how I got into this) "weak minded and intellectually challenged".

Hypocrite! Your own words have consumed you.

P.S. Science DEPENDS on God for validity.

When you use the word "religion" you make an ignorant assertion and a baseless generalization so at least be a little more specific.
Actually, his statement does not qualify as "mindless abuse," whereas ProudMohammedan's did/does.

He's not a hyprocrite at all.

§outh§tar said:
Science DEPENDS on God for validity.

How so?
OK. What does it "qualify" as.. :rolleyes:

The Bible gives some accounts where God has witheld (spelling?) knowledge from man.

Genesis 2:16-17
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil yo ushall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

Isaiah 6:10
"Harden the hearts of these people. Close their ears, and shut their eyes. That way, they will not see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn to me for healing."

This second verse is especially interesting because if you look at Matthew 13, you will see exactly why I say this.

How ironic! In saying so, you in turn call "us" (I don't even know how I got into this) "weak minded and intellectually challenged".

Hypocrite! Your own words have consumed you.
The difference is that my comments were based on factual observation while yours were intended as mindless abuse. Unless of course you have some factual evidence that I am mentally retarded, if true of course then I would hardly be debating here. Hence your claim is obviously false and entirely intended as a mindless insult.

Having proved you feel that throwing mindless insults is appropriate we can now surmise that such people who practice such gutter talk are too weak of mind to raise themselves to the point where they can be civil and respond in a more intellectual and intelligently informed manner. Hence the accurate observations concerning weak minded and being intellectually challenged.

Just accept that you made a mistake when you agreed with PM, since I know I must infuriate you and you found that an easy, although thoughtless response, and then politely apologize to me, and then we can forget the whole matter.

P.S. Science DEPENDS on God for validity.
LOL – dream on kiddo.

When you use the word "religion" you make an ignorant assertion and a baseless generalization so at least be a little more specific.
In what context do I use ‘religion’ in that manner – I think here you need to be a little more specific and perhaps give an example.

But religion is any set of ideas that are based on supernatural concepts of some type that cannot be substantiated and where the adherents believe these claims with conviction and without any factual support and hence act in an illogical and irrational manner. Does that help you understand what I mean when I say ‘religion’?

Additionally God HIMSELF poses this question to Job in 38:36

Who has put wisdom in the mind? Or who has given understanding to the heart?


Recall Solomon, who received wisdom from the Lord of hosts.