Not taken seriously, anyone have advice?

heyya all :)

yo Scrap@lot
i feel a bit concerned that you might have been listening too much to 'creed-like' born-again christians!
the theory of arhmagedon is not what most percieve it to be.
but you suggest that bad must exist as a counter point to create wholeness, WHICH IS THE CHRISTIAN "FAULT"!!!
this concept alone is the reason that the world is not all christian!
because people in different religions pagans wickins included
believe that good is an escence of wholeness!
funny how the christians even touch on this by the verse
"idle hands do the devils work" or something to that effect.
and yet the underlying doctrine of allot of the percieved christian text interpretation is along the lines of everything is gods will!
silly people!
just look at the rate of pedophillia in the churches!
(i believe pedophillia is not evil but is a symtomatic form of sexual disfunction mixed with pathological pre-cursers)
{dont freak people! i also believe these types of crimes along with other violent crime should be first dealt with by detaining the person for an unspecified period from which work can commence to try to cure the illness, which might not be possible and so will NEVER be let out}
[i hope the check is in the mail]
and yet these people are soo obviousely ill, yet the question of influence in interpretation of text has yet to be considered in the public arena!

@@@i am of the beliefe that most things can be cured!@@@

and those who can not should be held inside institutions where they can be controlled with no possibilty of escape or influence on the world.
err by those to not see
we teach our children by our actions!
i would suggest as an initial concept of consideration that evil is a manifestation of ignorant or mentallyill acts that have not been reconciled by way of offender or most importantly @ the moment
the victim.
a person buys a car and insures it in alignment with social responsibility!
then they have an accident in thier car.
even though the person is insured it is most often that the person whos car is now off the road is unable to gain replacement transport @ cost to the insurance company.
hence the insurance company is PROFITTING by the MISsERY and extra cost incured, BY THE VICTIM!!!

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
listening to "creed"? whos armageddon... my armageddon isnt the same armageddon most think about :p
"bad" ... sigh.. .to create wholeness... LOL did I say that? Like I said bad and good , to me are lessons and guides. I'm not saying doing bad makes wholeness.. LOL! Why would bad make someone whole. Until someone realizes bad how will someone know if its truly bad or not? In his sense, not the scopes. Thats why I left out the scope for a reason. Cuz basically only the person can make a choice. People may make him see what he might not want to, but ultimately he'll find out for himself. Like that civilized culture you posted down there. Yes I consider that very sad making profit off misery..... to the profiter he probably knows its wrong doing whats hes doing but money talks and bullcrap walks... sigh. So again what makes him do what he does even tho he might know its wrong? if so why so? if why so for what so? and for what so, thru so? Knowing "bad" may-may- be a way to create wholeness cuz then you learn to avoid it. I'm not saying do bad either. Like I said bad and good are two sides of the same coin.
How can you know whats good without knowing whats bad at the same time? Lessons and guides. "wholeness" heh...
my momma told me some of the meanest people in the world are little kids... lol... you can ask them about yourself and they'll tell you the truth if it hurts or not. You get them mad they'll express it full force without a thought. They get into trouble not even knowing if its bad or not. Do they see bad and good? are they whole? You think them pure? But they know killing and robbing , stealing and hurting are all naturally bad. But peer pressure's a mutha-beeeeep. Innocence.... a lot of people think kids are innocent and why? Cuz they follow their heart and think little with their heads, they do what they do not thinking about good or bad theyre in the middle until people make them see what they might not want to. Theyre not thinking in the same way as grown men, think a lot with their heads and follow last and little with their hearts. Power, greed money, reputation all most selfish thoughts. Kids just want to play, and be with friends.
Why is it in spirituality they talk about bringing out your inner child?
I remember when I was a kid I use to get into trouble aaaaaallllll the damn time. But I was just having fun and playing I wasnt getting into trouble just to cause misery unpurpose. LOL I remember when I got older in junior high... man I was damn theif... LOL! always stealing from stores and I was damn good at it. But I never stole from friends... LOL whys that? I remember I use to steal candy as a contest with someone I first met , seeing who can get the most things... LOL... all for fun. Then when I got a year older. Somehow people knew about my "skill" and asked me to get them cd's and they'll buy them. this was all before cd burners... sigh LOL. But I did take cd's and I did make money.... this wasnt about fun no more but greed and reputation.. sigh. And oh man I never thought I'd get caught cuz I was real good at it and I never ever got caught until it then. Until it changed from fun to profit... lol is that a lesson in the spiritual sense? some kind of coincidence? I never thought about it till now. How come I was never caught till it was all about some kind of truly selfish thing. I was caught and after it all , I still stole stuff but just candy and black and milds, but i was never caught since then. Now I dont even do that anymore. LOL i'm still tempted at times for little things ... i truly do have a skill at such things even though I'd hate to admit it. Is it some kind of family trait? My daddy was the same way and he got taken to a field and is in a shallow grave for it for robbing a bank and he got away many times. Laws in that country was different from here, unless it was just those people.
Lessons and guides... sigh :(
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heyya all :)

yo Scrap@lot
sorry to hear about your farther!
had he shot people while robbing the banks?
i hope not.
your skill is what you knew to be fun by way of non direction,
in a world that is set up to double standards and no ethics or morals for those who have allot of money.
people who have lots of moeny can buy there way out of most things!
but soo many ADULTS are telling them its NORMAL!
what do you know call normal?
stealing from shops as a child?
is that now normal behaviour and to be expected by your own children?
and what would you do if you caught children stealing from your shop?

try not to limit your learning by the concept of victimisation by way of childhood practices!
you are bigger than that!
you just need to convice yourself of it!
as far as your theory of socioligy seems so far its almost like saying that its ok for children to do drive by shootings as long as they stop at some stage.

###or are you suggesting that we can not teach a child until they are an adult?

groove on all :)
peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
LOL.. normal behavior... heh. Cmon now, I'd think you know the answer to that. Victimization... heh by childhood practices... LOL whos victimized, whered did victimization fit into all this? drive by shootings for children dont you think thats extreme? ... LOL you have a way of twisting things. Think about it if you were a kid doing a drive by shooting, would YOU yourself think it is right? LOL! Stealing petty things and shooting someone are way away from each other it shouldnt of even been compared. Heh victimization.. LOL! hahahahah. I'm sorry but you got all twisted. Not teach a child... LOL all twisted, we can learn much about heart from children. Sigh... my bad if you I didnt get my thoughts out right, a bit maybe to subtle message.
heyya Scrap@lot :)

if you view life as a journey....?
then i would ask you, where did you learn to stear?

LOL.. normal behavior... heh. Cmon now, I'd think you know the answer to that
i was asking your opinion!
in regard to extreem,
most people seek extreem "something" in thier lives and
continue to push the boundery of that extreemity.
genraly speaking.

and most often when a person is pushed/forced through judicial recording to illistrate a point of orrigin then they quite often
try to excuse the action held as an extreem to be out of character,
yet it most often fits into a path of ever increasing extreems!
make sence?

Stealing petty things and shooting someone are way away from each other it shouldnt of even been compared.
the intent is the comparrison!
someone who intends to do harm to another through stealing is most likely to do harm through other means!
pathological reinforcement is BIG-BUSINESS'S biggest tool for making people steal things to be trendy!
the adiction is in the mind just as much as in the body.

if i was to find a loophole in the law and then use it to con your grandmothers life savings off her,
would i be considered a good businessman?
how many people would think it was her fault for "being decieved"
she then dies from a curable illness that she could not afford to pay for because i had all her money
(and most want user pays health)!

it is actualy a very common practice!
but most people steal
and most people lie
so most people lie about how stealing can cause death and then the thief having responsibility for the murder through stealing.

but dont let it get you depressed!
that just makes money for the rich drug companys!
and then Phamacists employe physicaly atractive ignorant shalow thinking women to be thier drug pushers!
who fool themselfs to think they are intellectual because they know every shade of eye shadow and what curtains it should go with.
(yawn) :rolleyes:

works on men very well
and women are most often sucked in by the life style of such people!

the word victim is very widely applied!
and now used to make money by way of suing others for thier own lack of responsibility.
i.e women who spilled Mc Donalds coffee
Parents who were not supervising thier kids in play ground.
i dont support Mc Donnalds!
i just pitty their children that they are being taught to be morons and helpless victims!

and soo many rich lawers and judges are making millions from teaching children to be helpless moronic victims who have no personal responsibility for thier own actions!

^ not a personal attack!

enough of my free advice
ive got bills to pay and people wont give money to me to help them help thier own kids untill the ransom note comes in or the child runs away!
and even then its a reward offered for a conviction of someone raping or murdering thier child and nothing else is worth thier money or time
(ooohhhh time? sure! but money never happens!)

im off to get my hammer and dismantle my soap box before
someone trys to steal it and sell it!

Scrap@lot groove on dude! step up not down!
groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.