Not taken seriously, anyone have advice?


Registered Member
My whole family on my moms side is somewhat psychic, although I have noticed that the females have more talent than the males do. We can all "Sense" things. For instance, I sensed the day before my computer would crash. I can sense when bad things are going to happen, such as car wrecks, wars, murders. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I just know. And sometimes I get strange feelings as if someone is watching me. This happens a lot in the shower, and it's really creepy. Sometimes I even feel like someone is stroking my hair (I kind of believe its my gaurdian angel). I'm not sure if I'm just overly paranoid, because I do have an active imagination. I've never seen a ghost, but I think I might feel them...not in a bad way.

Does anyone else ever get those feelings? Does it make sense?
two possibilities
it could be that you are very good at computing probabilties or that you are actually psychic. either way, lucky you!
I think you've just got an overactive imagination.

However, assuming that you do, in fact, have the ability to fortell the future, I would suggest you put it to use in the commodities market, a horse track, or a lottery.
Doubting ghosts, not psychic ability.

I was doubting the things that I feel "watch" me. I kind of get a feeling that somtimes someone or something is watching me and it scares me...especially when I'm in the shower.
I do not doubt my psychic abilities, I was just doubting weather or not I'm being overly sensitive because of all the books I've read.
What is the problem? So, something happens that you can't prove. That's the way it works. Just go with the flow of things. It gets better and easier as you learn to control these abilities. It's no big deal. Think of it as a gift.
I hate to say it but you're probably just being over sensitive. having feelings of being watched, or sudden bouts of paranoya when in the shower aren't uncommon at all, I mean just think of it this way, if you're ever going to feel vulnerable then it's going to be when you are alone, naked, wet, standing on a slippery surface, and have an extreemly narow feild of view. This is nothing unnatural, and it's why shower scenes in classic horror movies work so well, it's a fairly universal fear. Everyone feels a little creeped out in the shower now and again.

As for psychic powers, I'd hold of on making any desisions about them if I were you, and if you want to be taken seriously about them, then predict some sort of spacific event, and make it known to others, before the fact, and then point out when it happens. . . and then keep doing this until it's pretty much impossable that it's a coincidence.
LOL your guardian angel is a pervert! LOL!!!! watching and touching you in the shower.... hehehehe
Sorry I'm just messin around.
Sigh ghosts and spirits... heh I got banned from a forum arguing with someone about bad spirits. To me my idea sounded good. And it has worked for me.
Anyway. You sense things :D What do you sense when you think of mother earth? Do you feel her?
A change is coming :( :D
LOL your guardian angel is a pervert! LOL!!!! watching and touching you in the shower.... hehehehe
Sorry I'm just messin around.
i wonder what pickup line an angel would, use? :D
sorry i have to ask its my curiouse nature.
a change is coming.... ? huh ?
any links?

groove on

hehe what pick up line an angel would use... hmmm he/she probably wouldnt need one. Angels are beautiful ;)
A change is coming... any links lol
Sorry I dont have a link to that. It came from me:p
A change is coming. I hear its music on the two winds.

Thats cool :)
I dont really go searching for prophecies and such, they just seem to fall into my lap when Im searching around. But I dont need to look up prophecies to know a change truly is coming.... its going to be sad:( ... well maybe at first. Cant really say what tho.
I'll try to find out what I think about it, next time I hear the music. And see what I come up with and I'll let you know ;)

Do you believe in bad and good spirits? I'm curious.
What makes a bad spirit bad and a good spirit good? Why is there a bad spirit and a good spirit? I thought all "spirits" are suppose to be good....

I had was banned for making up some ideas about bad spirits from and ezboard forum. sigh.. LOL

They said I might of had a bad spirit "haunting" me when I told them I get bad and nasty visions and see scary people... LOL
You dont have to believe but, I confronted this so called "bad" spirit and showed him love... LOL and erm he helped me ... his image even changed. He first looked like a burnt up scary lookin guy that use to chase me around in my dreams... that dream is how I got lead into all this spirituality stuff, trying to find out what the dream met cuz it was seeminly too real. I still remember it clearly. I was in alleyway with some friends and I saw a scrabble word game on the ground. And the word Stigmatic was the word the letters spelt.... I know what stigmatic means in the dictionary but I dont know what it has to do with me. But the board game caught on fire and the burnt man came out. Killed everyone trying to chase me and never caught me, very long dream of being scared shitless! LOL but anyway I confronted him in a vision with love and he changed to a guy in blue robes with a sword... after a long talk with him he helped me and before that I was talking , praying asking for help about how to handle this "bad" spirit and got many suggestions 5 matter a fact and one Im just beginning to realize, something about raising myself... he was chopping up all these bad images in my head .. LOL! yes I'm wierd. I see and hear people and voices... ooooooOOooOOoooo chiichiiichiichii-khikhikhikhi.
oOOOoOOooOO I hear music in my head OooOooOoOOOo mostly flutes and drums in a fast beat OOoOOooooOOoO thing is I dont realize I'm hearing music till I realize it and then it goes away OooooOOOoOOOo... Listening without hearing ...
I see colors many many colors before my eyes and in my mind... colors that arent even in this reality OOOOOooooOOoooO I never thought there can be so many different types of dark colors and yet still seem bright... OOooOOOOOoo Or bright colorful colors that arent even bright.. like seeing bright lights underwater.. OOooOoOOoo or when I read books and or look at light things I see moving space and ur probably wondering how can you see blank space moving? OOoOoooOOo LOL! And squirrels follow me around ... OOoOooOooO LOL everyday theres a squirrel at my window when I wake up and comes and goes during the day waving his hand OOooOOooOo ....
LOL! and thats only part of it... I ask trees and plants certain questions and get answers in a "feeling" type of way... LOL!!!! OoooOooOoooo Like where do I "search" or "see" from the inside out or outside in? Got my answer... trees have much wisdom, mostly about finding peace and surrender and acceptance.. LOL oooOoOOoOoo
But I"m still myself in the "normal" self... OoOoooOOo thats even crazyier...
Once a shadow had sex with me OOoOooOOoO but we had no bodies OooOooOOoooOO different energies or maybe the same becoming more and it brought ecstacy... aaaaaahhhhhOOoOOOoo.
I had a conversation with a "goddess" over 3700, years Old named Inanna/Ishtar and I didnt even know who or what she was until I did some research and how I met her , compared to the stories and titles about her matched my vision of what I went thru before I saw her... I was surprised that on what I found. never even heard of an Ishtar till then.. OOoOOoOOoo....
she gave me a message in another language ...OOoOoO... a language never heard of in this time... sounded like chanting, but my mind was interpretting it .. OOoOoooOOoOo only to be forgotten when I snapped out of the whole thing. eeeeeerrrrrrr doh..... something about destruction..:( sigh.. and I been talking about I sense a change coming.. which makes me even more sadder cuz its a sad feeling whenever sensed :(
..... I held unshed tears couple nights ago from not sure what... felt INTENSE very intense Joy and Sadness at the same time... I see my path ahead of me splitting in 2 directions OoooOOoOOOo I cherish each step I took. Learned from each step. Appreciate each step as a gift... and pretty soon I'll be able to fly with no more steps !!! LOL!

Oh yea whats an "Archetypal Transition?" I spoke on a different forum about a dream I had.... and this one spiritual lady gave me private message telling me she has a spirit guide name Corwin that said he recognizes my archetypal transition I'm going thru.... and offered to chat with me and channel her spirit guide to talk to me.... it must be important, cuz her guide doesnt usually offer to chat... but I havent talked to her yet. Oh yea plus she likes me .... OOooOoooOOo LOL! Even tho I barely spoke to her... I think her guide is spying on me ... er LOL!
I agree w/ everything that was said above.

I'll add one bit: I sort of can connect with a perceptive ability beyond the five senses, I have scientifically tested it out, and have proved to myself that there is something else going on.

I did the following:
took a deck of cards (people had been playing a drinking game called high-low, like the old game show. you show a card off the top of the deck, then guess if the next card will be lower or higher. Jack=11, Q=12, K=13, A=1)
I visualised a black void, and the drew two card outline, one above the other. I then waited until one of them became more prominant- which ever one glowed or grabbed my focus more quickly. the upper card represented "higher" and the lower card represented "lower" I then went through the entire deck, and got all but two correct. People were watching, so I had verification. I even got a queen, everyone shouted "lower", I saw higher, said so, and the next card was a king.
I'm a bio geek, so I mapped out the whole thing on a probability log scale chart, and showed that the occurance was beyond the chance that it was just luck.

I have also been able to use the same basic idea to pin point groups of deer crossing the road on the far side of a hill, and find congested traffic areas. I draw the thing I'm thinking about (both of these cases, an outline map of the area, and see which one I seem to automatically focus in on. it doesn't always work, but it's about 65-70% effective, so I've learned to trust it. kept me from hitting deer in Valley Forge National Park at least four times in the past two years.

SO I'd say it's possible that you are feeling other beings. However, It'd say it's just as likely you are imagining it. I bet it's somewhere in the middle- you feel the presence of actual beings, and sometimes, your imagination runs away with that concept, and scares the crap out of, even if there isn't anything watching.
Nice build of intuition you got there :D
Usually when I'm playing some sort of guessing type of game I try to trust what first comes to my mind.

About feeling beings and other things... I keep telling myself its my imagination. But I cant help also to think it might be real also. I should probably learn to trust it more openly see where it leads to.
hmmm maybe thats why the feelings seem to get stronger gradually. I try not to believe it but yet I try hard to trust it at the same time whenever these things happen. I don't think of all this if it does become something more I can truly count on as something selfish or unselfish... it just is. I might get a premonition about someone and I might help or might not depending on how serious it is, and even then I still might not, probably cuz I keep thinking it my imagination, and the reaction of the person. I believe it is something inbetween .... at the moment.
I don't have the same kind of skill you do that you can be tested so easily, to make sure something truly is going on :(
But I've learned only real person you can trust about all this is yourself. Even if you might not think it real.
heyya all :)
so whats an Archetypal Transition in the spiritual sense?
the choice of good or evil!
to choose one from a point of complicity of the other

the human race is advancing into the final test.

the only minor problem with this is that falure will result in
the majority of the worlds population being wiped out!

this is nessesary to protect the planet and the rest of the knowen universe!

most humans who weild power do not use it to help the needy or weak!
so they are by virtue evil.

those people will not be allowed to continue to gain knolledge
while using the power for greed and self glory.

there are certain other civilisations that will make sure that humans will not pose too greater threat.

the sword is being sharpened with every soul collected by willfull
murder through deed or complacentcey.
all religouse creeds are pushing disfunction
christianity through failure to excise the complicit nature of percieved reality through co-existance of evil by gods will(interpretation which is seriousely wrong)
jedaism through genocide
muslim through child sacrafice


and most of the others by preaching complacent inaction at a point where we need to constructively manage the earth and
repair the inballances we have made in nature.

but what the ? would i know.

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
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hmmmm thats very.. i dont know. I dont know what that lady meant by my archetypal transition but what you said is...
the choice of good or evil .. lol I've been having many dreams and thoughts that fall in that line... like I said I see my path splitting. And right now I'm at the intersection. What makes a man evil or good? How he acts? ANd if so why so? if if why so? for what so? and for what so? thru so? LOL! good and bad are two sides of the same coin. So if someone can be "evil" they can also be "good". I had an argument about "bad" spirits and "good" spirits. I called them lessons and guides... LOL!
The final test... LOL .. the change.... can fall into that also...hmmm
Failure or passing will result in the same thing....sigh... and it didnt have to be like that either but its to late. Only thing that changes is how people will see the outcome, some might be ready, most not, before the catalyst. Both ways are going to be sad :( but that will help us, believe it or not :D
Originally posted by Scrap@lot
hmmmm thats very.. i dont know. I dont know what that lady meant by my archetypal transition but what you said is...
the choice of good or evil .. lol I've been having many dreams and thoughts that fall in that line... like I said I see my path splitting. And right now I'm at the intersection. What makes a man evil or good? How he acts? ANd if so why so? if if why so? for what so? and for what so? thru so? LOL! good and bad are two sides of the same coin. So if someone can be "evil" they can also be "good". I had an argument about "bad" spirits and "good" spirits. I called them lessons and guides... LOL!
The final test... LOL .. the change.... can fall into that also...hmmm
Failure or passing will result in the same thing....sigh... and it didnt have to be like that either but its to late. Only thing that changes is how people will see the outcome, some might be ready, most not, before the catalyst. Both ways are going to be sad :( but that will help us, believe it or not :D

I think the bit you are missing here is scope (missing as in "don't have", not as in "YOUR DUM, LOL"). How much information will you use to define 'good' or 'bad', and what range will that information fall into?
From Hitlers POV, what he was doing was saving the human race. If that is all you a look at, it sounds good enough. But if you then add the POV of one of the people held in the camps, it is not nessesarily a good thing. add the suffering and all the joys of all those effected by the actions of Adolf Hitler, and also add all the benifts and guilt seen by those under him (politicians as well as army personell), I think you will find that his actions were a bad thing.
But that's from the standpoint of all that I know today.
If tomorrow, Jesus arrives, and says "All non-christains go to hell, except for the Jewish people who suffered through WWII. That really sucked, sorry about that, you get into heaven, too." Suddenly, with this new information added to the scope of the question, what Hitler did just saved the souls of millions of non-christians.
but then add another factor to the question: is the heaven of a God who would exclude good, but non-christian people, worth exsisting in? If not, then we're back to Hitler being bad for those people he effected.

going back to a clean slate, if you only take the POV of evolutionary science, Hitler's theories were solid, though the details of the follow through were questionable. Human physical evolution certainly has been slowed by the fact that people with genetic malformations are allowed to procreate in our culture. However, why were Jewish people 'inferior'? Is there a genetic fault in the Jewish heritage? I think no, and I think the question is fairly stupid.
And what about the possiblity that cultural evolution is being more quikly driven by our ability to allow empathy to rule our actions?

There is no single answer to a question: there is only an answer to a question within a given scope. A context.