Not hiring someone on grounds of Religious belief

Many, probably most, religions hold reason in high esteem
Except when it comes to questioning the bible/ church/ foundation of that religion, unless the question is stated as being "hypothetical". In a large number of cases (ie nearly every one of those that I have read about) when the "higly esteemed rationality" contradicted holy writ, however defined, the least punishment inflicted was to be told that the error was in the reasoning, not the writ. Worse punishments were handed out for persistence in following truly rational thought.
So, yes, religions hold reason in high esteem, provided they can define the limits of that reason.
i think this is a trick question
the obvious answer is no, that is horrible, hwo could you do such a thing
but, what about a religion which commands you to obey the sabath? and you only need to hire them on that particular day
You mean make a false offer to hire a devout religionist, but only to be employed on his/ her sabbath? They wouldn't apply for the job :p
preacher i wouldnt employ YOU, because you have a closed mind so what good would you be in my line of work (cheffing) where questioning rather than following instructions are important, also why would i want you as a doc or scientist? you would dismiss evidence if it contridicts yours.

Basically i HATE fundimentilists ANYTHING athiasts, christans, muslims, anything. I hate people who dont admit that others could be right
Asguard said:
preacher i wouldnt employ YOU,
fair enough, thats your perogative
Asguard said:
because you have a closed mind so what good would you be in my line of work (cheffing)
I would'nt say closed minded, just sensible.
Asguard said:
where questioning rather than following instructions are important,
thats the whole point, you need critical thinkers, not sheep.
if you had an assistant, who stood around with his finger up his arse, in a day dream, not knowing what to do next, would you trust him to handle knifes and hot utencils, without you having to keep your eyes, on him all the time, he's a danger to himself and others
Asguard said:
also why would i want you as a doc or scientist? you would dismiss evidence if it contridicts yours.
if I was religious (luckily, I'm not.) then if a scientistic theory went against my believes, yes I would dismiss it, but as you know sciences questions.
Asguard said:
Basically i HATE fundimentilists ANYTHING atheists, christans, muslims, anything.
me too.
Asguard said:
I hate people who dont admit that others could be right
I have not said the religious are not right, but until they can produce evidence of the existent of a god, I have to go on the facts, as they exist today, so I cant employ someone who has his head in the clouds, it would be dangerous to my work force.
The religious are at least 99.99% wrong. If there are 10000 religions and accompanying sects, then only one could have it right. that leaves 9999 out of 10000 wrong. And it's a very good bet that all 10000 are wrong.
if I was religious (luckily, I'm not.) then if a scientistic theory went against my believes, yes I would dismiss it, but as you know sciences questions
That's the convincer. The fact that science questions is not an excuse for dismissing a scientific theory because of your own beliefs.
That, and that alone, is THE reason to refuse employment to people with a religion.
Thankyou :D
Well if someone started quoting the bible at their job interview I wouldn't fancy their chances :D
There's always the option of battering the interviewer with it until he gives you the job :eek:
Or frightening the interviewer with the prospect of eternal slavery in the pits of hell for not carrying out Gods will by giving thee faithful the job.
How about religious doctors? Would you try them?

Not all religions are against logic and reason. But they allow you leave things really beyond your comprehension and progress yet...
How about religious doctors? Would you try them?

Doctors are evil anyway, wether they be religious or not. How dare they meddle with Gods will.

God made us intelligent creatures so we could pray, not to become doctors.
Oli said:
Agreed again. Since I've assumed this is a philosophical discussion as opposed to real life as it is lived I've taken a stance somewhat harder than I ever actually would :D But the points raised remain valid.
But I did find the question, and subsequent answers, interesting hence the participation.

Very good, Oli, and yes it is an interesting discussion. :p
One thing brings up to mind is this – what if the religious job applicant is right and the unbelieving employer is wrong? According to their thinking it would be irrational not to believe there is a God.
So the question is - Who determines what is rational or not? Wouldn’t it be necessary to prove if there is a God or not? And what proof would both sides accept? Wouldn’t you agree there are two sides to this discussion? Being rational and logical would require someone to look objectively at both sides. Wouldn’t you agree?
(Q) said:
Not all religions are against logic and reason.

Such as... ?
Hinduism for example, is open to logic and doesn't see religion different from reason. It assimilates continuously.
Hmmm, I assume I'm being rational and objective :D
If there IS a god then I can explain no better than this:
We are not to suppose that any truth concerning the Natural World can be an Enemy to Religion; for Truth cannot be an Enemy to Truth, God is not divided against himself; and therefore we ought not upon that account to condemn or censure what we have not examin’d or cannot disprove; as those that are of this narrow Spirit we are speaking of, are very apt to do. Let every thing be tri’d and examin’d in the first place, whether it be True or False; and if it be found false, ’tis then to be consider’d, whether it be such a falsity as is prejudicial to Religion or no.
Which I've posted once elsewhere, this is from The Sacred Theory of the Earth by Thomas Burnet which "proved" using the Bible that Atlantis existed IIRC.
If there is a god then by definition god gave us the free will and thirst for knowledge that we have, plus the senses and thought processes we use to evaluate that information, therefore if there is a god and science is wrong it's because we've been misled or incorrectly equipped BY HIM to think about the world.
The religious applicant may be right, but as per the post above, if the applicant finds himself in a situation where his beliefs conflict with science he'll choose his belief. It's a question of "would you hire someone who operates in the real world using the observed laws of that world, or do you want someone who hypocritically uses them until he decides they no longer applyand then goes against them?"
I'm not sure about
According to their thinking it would be irrational not to believe there is a God
admitted according to their belief that's true, but other than pointing at the bible and saying "it says it's true here" there's no substantiating evidence, as opposed to science which is nothing but susbstantiating evidence (well, not 100%, but you know what I mean :) )
What proof would both sides accept? Well the scientist/ sceptic will accept that god exists if there solid evidence. As far as I can see the believer will not accept non-existence on any proof, it's a matter of faith.
It comes down to if there is no evidence of god then there is no need for belief, on one side, and the other side says, effectively, regardless of lack of evidence I WILL believe. In fact I vaguley remember reading somewhere that one prominent believer said "if the church itself should prove there is no god, it would still not alter my faith". That is a good defintion of irrational.
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Hinduism for example, is open to logic and doesn't see religion different from reason.

It is a religion that believes in gods, how is that reasonable?
UltiTruth said:
Hinduism for example, is open to logic and doesn't see religion different from reason. It assimilates continuously.
does it believe in a god /gods, short answer yes, then it 's not rational.
thats where all religion's lose it, that one bit of irrationality, makes the religious person useless.
(Q) said:
It is a religion that believes in gods, how is that reasonable?

You have to understand what those gods (pictures) represent.

geeser said:
does it believe in a god /gods, short answer yes, then it 's not rational.

Hm. Is that so...